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"Here," offered Davon, who turned on an app on his tablet and handed it to Ryan, "See if you can understand anything here."

"Okay," replied Ryan. The second he saw the content, his eyes glowed, and he informed, "This is a VR proposal and design for an electronic gadget! Where did you get it?"

"You actually understand it?" blurted Davon in amazement, "This is my company's design for our new product. It is meant to be an educational device for kids, but we have encountered a few problems that we still can't solve."

"What are the issues you faced?" asked Ryan as he played on the tablet.

"The R&D department hit a blind spot," lied Davon to lead the boy to think, "I haven't pinpointed the exact issue. Try identifying it. If you can pinpoint the issue, I will grant you one wish."

"Really?" asked Ryan. He had always kept his cool, but at that moment, his little face lit up with a level of excitement that no one had ever seen before. His eyes glowed with a bizarre light when he asked, "Can I ask for anything?"

"Yes," answered Davon while nodding.

"Okay, I'll try," said Ryan. He had lost all interest in his breakfast and focused on the tablet immediately.

"Ryan, finish your breakfast first," reminded Violla sweetly, "You can play with it after you've eaten."

"Mommy, I'm full," replied Ryan.

He never looked up, and his tiny finger kept swiping on the tablet as he examined the blueprint of the new product.

"You had one hot cross bunny and didn't even drink a drop of milk. You haven't eaten your oatmeal either. How can you be full?" said Violla in an annoyed tone, "Finish your breakfast now, or I'll confiscate the tablet."

After that, she scolded Davon, "Look at what you did. Getting the kid all excited during breakfast. You made it so that he won't even eat properly."

"Uhmโ€ฆ" That was the first time Davon got scolded in front of everyone else, but he didn't dare to object to anything. He could only remind Ryan sternly, "Come now. You can play with it later. Finish your breakfast first, or your mommy will lose her cool."

"Okay," murmured Ryan. He had no choice but to put the tablet aside and focused on his breakfast.

"Uncle Davon, I want a wish too," requested Jason. He was jealous of Ryan, but he didn't sound too confident when he admitted, "I am not as smart as Ryan, and I cannot understand complicated electronic components, but I am a good fighter. I can do martial arts!"

"Really?" asked Davon with his brows raised, "You know martial arts despite being so young?"

Kids at the time would, at most, go for a few low-level taekwondo lessons. Martial arts was not popular, and it was rare for anyone to practice it.

"It's true! I can do it. I'll prove it to you." Jason got a little agitated. He swung his tiny fist to prove his words, but his legs hadn't recovered yet, and he was on a high chair, so his moves were restricted.

''Now, now, you still haven't finished your breakfast," reminded Violla as she got some more food for Jason. She later smiled at Davon and informed him, "He actually knows martial arts. An elderly martial arts master lives in Mrs. Blake's village, and he taught the boy martial arts."

"Ah, no wonder," said Davon with a grin, "Then you gotta heal up soon. We'll compete with one another after you've recovered."

"You know it too?" asked Jason excitedly.

"My training was specialized, and I've never learned martial arts before," replied Davon. He sipped some coffee before adding, "Still, every fighting technique in the world is founded on the same basis. There is plenty I can teach you."

"Really? That'd be amazing," cheered Jason, but he soon said in a worried tone, "But I am not as smart as Ryan. Will you be frustrated with how stupid I am?"

"Every genius has his journey. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, so there is no need to compare yourself against others. Ryan has his strengths, but so do you. All everyone has to do is to work on their own strengths," advised Davon.

He handed some fruit to Jason.

"Thank you, Uncle Davon!" Jason was so touched that tears welled in his eyes. He looked exactly like Ryan, but Ryan was much smarter, so he never really got compliments from others.

As time passed by, Jason's confidence took a hit.

It was a sudden revelation, but he finally realized that he had qualities that others admired as well.

"What about me?" Eliana had been eating her breakfast the entire time, so her lips were all dirty. Seeing Ryan and Jason receiving compliments from Davon inspired her to voice up, too. She raised her tiny, plump hand and was eager to brag.

"I-I can dance, sing, and paintโ€ฆ"

"Thatโ€ฆ" said Davon in a troubled tone, "I honestly can't help with."

He could teach the boys some technical knowledge and combat skills, but he knew nothing about Eliana's hobbies.

Eliana pouted her tiny lips. Her cute, round face crumpled together as her eyes shone with sorrow while staring at Davon.

"I-I can play the piano. I'll teach you that," coaxed Davon immediately.

"Mommy can teach me how to play the piano," said Eliana in a disappointed tone. Her tiny hand held the hot cross bunny but she had lost her appetite. "Uncle Davon only likes Ryan and Jason . You don't like me," murmured Eliana.

"That is not true," insisted Davon. He didn't know how to comfort the kid, so he nervously nudged Violla to ask for help.

Violla suppressed her laughter and explained sweetly, "Uncle Davon is a boy, Eliana, so naturally, he can only teach the boys their hobbies. Mommy is a girl, and I can teach you whatever you like."

"But there are boys in our class who can dance, sing, and paint," refuted Eliana, whose logic was flawless. She pouted her tiny lips and stared unhappily at Davon , "Is Uncle Davon a lesser man than the boys in our class?"

"Uhโ€ฆ" blurted Davon. He couldn't actually refute any of that.

"Lesser! Lesser!" Finny flapped its wings and danced. It even raised its voice and acted like it'd enjoy the show even more if things escalated.

"Finny! " growled Ryan while deliberately putting a stern face on before criticizing strictly, "Don't add fuel to the fire."

Finny made a face at Ryan for that.

"Hmph," pouted Eliana. She put her cutlery down and harrumphed angrily, "Uncle Davon is playing favorites, and you only like boys."

"N-no, that is not true. I honestly don't know how to do any of that," denied Davon nervously.

"You can learn," insisted Eliana with her head tilted up, "Mommy said that everything is possible if we put our minds to it. You can master it if you are willing to learn, and you are too smart to not master it in time!"

Davon was utterly speechless.He had been put on a pedestal and felt like it was virtually impossible to get off of it.

He was troubled, but he had no choice, so he steeled himself up and agreed, "Okay, I'll learn!"

"Hooray!" cheered Eliana happily, with her tiny, plump arms in the air. She then added, "Starting today, I will be your teacher. I will give you singing, dancing, and painting lessons every day. You don't need to pay for those classes, but you must work hard and learn well, okay? If you don't, I will hit you."

"Uhmโ€ฆ" Davon was stunned. 'Did that tiny little thing just trick me? And have me cornered?'

He quickly covered his face and turned to Violla. "Help!" mouthed Davon.

Violla shrugged with a grin on. She looked like she couldn't help him, even if she wanted to.

"Mommy, please buy me some colored pencils, some paper, a piano music note today. Oh, and please get me a teacher's pointer as well. I will be giving Uncle Davon lessons today," requested Eliana with a smile. Her big, round eyes shone with glee and anticipation.

"Okay," replied Violla with a smile and a nod.

"It's fine for you to give lessons, Eliana, but you're not allowed to get in the way of Uncle Davon giving me fighting pointers," said Jason quickly. He was worried about Eliana monopolizing Davon's time, so he reminded, "Uncle Davon doesn't just belong to you. He's mine and Ryan's too!"

"Okay," agreed Eliana with a straight face on while nodding, "Good things are meant to be shared, anyway. How should we divide his time?"

Davon couldn't speak.

'Good things are meant to be shared! Seriously?'

Davon raised his brows in exasperation. 'When did I become an object that was supposed to be shared among the three siblings?'

"We'll let Ryan decide," suggested Jason, who was smart to hand the task to Ryan.

"How about this? From now on, we will each get one hour of his time at night. Is that okay, Uncle Davon?" asked Ryan, after considering the matter. He was being serious when he divided the time equally among them.

Davon could feel cold sweat running down his back. He felt like his entire life had just been taken over.

He thought about how he had to work with the nerds at the office during the day and now he had to rush home after that to accompany his wife and kids.

'Is this how my life is going to be from now on?'

"No, that won't do," interrupted Violla immediately to help Davon out, "Uncle Davon is busy with work, and he doesn't have that much time to spend with you guys."

"Then, can we have half an hour each?" asked Ryan while staring eagerly at Davon, "Can we, Uncle Davon?"


"Yeah, that's fine," said Davon suddenly while nodding, "We'll set it for every night from eight to nine-thirty. Everyone gets half an hour."

"Yay!" The three kids cheered together and high-fived each other. It was as if they had just gotten an especially precious item and could share it among themselves.

After that, they talked about who would get the first shift, the second shift, and the third shift.

In the end, they decided to go in accordance with their age. Ryan would go first, then Jason, then Eliana.

The three of them were talking away when Finny suddenly flew over and flapped its wings. It called out excitedly, "Finny goes fourth. Finny goes fourth."

'Yep, even the bird wanted to share Davon.' Violla had been watching from the side, and she couldn't help laughing aloud. Her crisp laughter filled the entire living room.

"You're so mean for laughing. You actually left me for dead," complained Davon before reaching out to pinch her cheek. He was tempted to bite her for that.

"This is just the beginning," warned Violla while smiling, "It's not easy taking care of kids, and you really should prepare yourself."

"Don't worry. I can topple an army, so dealing with three kids is nothing," bragged Davon, "I will definitely do a great job taking care of the kids. Just you watch."

"Okay, then. Thank you," replied Violla before inching forward and kissing his forehead.She was thanking him from the bottom of her heart.

She never realized that Davon could be that patient with the kids and that considerate toward them.

He took their pride into consideration and protected their desire for learning. First, he pretended to be testing Ryan when he was actually training the boy's mind.

When Jason eagerly shared that he was a good fighter, Davon immediately recognized that talent. The latter was observant and saw the lack of confidence in Jason, so he encouraged the kid in the most delicate manner.

Lastly, he set his pride aside and agreed to learn singing, dancing, and painting from Eliana just to gain the tiny thing's approval.

Any one of the three activities could drive the man nuts, and the fact that he would have to get lessons from Eliana only made things worse.

Perhaps many would think that the independent and cruel Mr. Roman would never lower himself and do something like that. However, he proved them all wrong.

That was not just a show of his fatherly love. It also proved that he was a responsible man who could shoulder all sorts of burdens.

Violla was genuinely appreciative of Davon. She was even ashamed of her previous concerns. She used to think that Davon was too violent and wild to be a father.

'Now I see that he is a better father than most.'

He didn't drive the kids away just because he didn't have a father growing up. Instead, he took the initiative to get closer to them.

Moreover, he didn't disregard his duties, just because he was inexperienced. He went out of his way to learn how to communicate with the kids.

To top it all off, he didn't back away in the face of hardship. He faced it head-on and was willing to set his pride aside just to make the kids happy. 'He is willing to try assuming a new role for that.This is the man I love and the father of my children.'

Violla was proud of him and was truly happy for the kids. After having breakfast, Davon led the kids to the car Cruze had prepared. An especially extended Rolls-Royce and a fleet of cars following behind.

Seeing all that got Violla to tug at Davon's shirt nervously and ask, "You're just taking the kids to school. Is there really a need for all that?"

"Of course," insisted Davon, "I heard about how the other kids had harassed them at school. Some even questioned whether they have a father or not. Today, I want everyone in the kindergarten to know exactly who their father is."


Davon helped the kids into the car before Violla could finish her sentence.

Cruze was directing the others from the side and said, "Get all the presents into the car. Oh, and remember to separate the teachers' gifts from the students'."

Violla massaged her head and was left speechless.

'I should've known. This is how Davon has always done things. He would go overboard once so that he won't need to deal with the matter the second time.'

Unfortunately, Violla had no choice but to let him be.

'Never mind. At least he and the kids are happy.'

That particular Rolls-Royce's interior design was similar to that of a private room, and the kids were surprised. Their eyes shone with curiosity as they looked around.

"Has grandpa never driven you around in this car before?" asked Davon, while sitting in the car. He accepted the iced drink from Cruze.

"He took us for a drive in a huge and beautiful car before, but this is not the one. This car is too amazing," exclaimed Jason. His eyes bulged and went starry as he looked around.

"You're right. It's so beautiful," said Eliana She was looking around as well. She later kicked her tiny legs to crawl onto the seat and jumped on it to test it before claiming, "It's so comfy. I can even sleep in here."

"You actually can take a nap," informed Davon after checking his watch, "It's a forty-minute drive to the kindergarten."

"Uncle Davon, the tablet is locked," said Ryan before handing the tablet over for Davon to unlock.

"Aren't you going to rest a little?" asked Davon after inputting the password and handing the tablet back to Ryan.

"Nah, I want to check it out some more," replied Ryan. He sat obediently on the cushy seat and started examining the blueprint carefully.

"Finny, don't act up!" Jason was playing with Finny earlier, but it suddenly flapped its wings and flew around the car. It seemed excited.

Jason couldn't even catch the bird.

"Finny, come here!" ordered Eliana. She extended her tiny, plump arm and scolded in her baby voice, "If you don't, I won't take you to kindergarten anymore."

Finny flew over immediately and rested on her arm.

Eliana stroked its fur with her plump hand and cooed sweetly, "That's a good bird. Be good, okay?"

"Be good. Be good." Finny mimicked Eliana and called out, but its eyes were stuck on Davon's alcohol.

"Uncle Davon, what are you drinking? Can I try?" Jason was staring curiously at Davon's drink. He had seen Davon sipping that every day, so he assumed that it was tasty. I wanna try.

"You can have one sip. Don't drink too much," instructed Davon before handing the drink over.

Jason was surprised and ecstatic. He ran to Davon on his stubby legs and accepted the drink with his tiny arms. After that, Jason sipped cautiously.

"It tastes so horrible!" Jason frowned and closed his eyes in distaste. His plump face had crumpled up by then.

"Hahaha," laughed Davon. 'Kids really are curious and want to try everything.'

"Try it. Try it.." Finny flew over at that moment and dunked its beak into the glass before chugging the drink.

"Ah, Finny, no!" Jason was furious and tried to chase the bird away, but Finny refused to leave. Its small figure stuck to the glass, and it drank greedily.

"I'm so sorry, Uncle Davon," apologized Jason immediately, "I got your drink all dirty."

"It's fine. I can just get another one," said Davon. He didn't think that it was a big deal and had Cruze pour another drink. Davon even remarked, "Let it drink if it likes alcohol that much."