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"Violla ," Smith said, feeling rather embarrassed. "Your father built this villa for you originally. We've been living here for four years and now it's finally returned to its original owner."

"The reason I saved you was all because of the kid," Violla whispered. "I didn't do it to get anything."

"I know." Amira gave her a bitter smile and continued, "We're feeling even more guilty because you saved us without holding any grudges. Let us use this chance to make up for our mistakes."

After pausing for a moment, she took out a bill and handed it Violla.

"These are the fortunes your father left when he got into the incident . I'm really ashamed to say this but we took advantage of you for being young and naive. We took this villa for ourselves and even got ourselves three factories for a very low price. However, we've already used up all of the money when buying off headlines and searches . We even sold the factories and used the money. We don't have much money to our names now. So we can only give you this villa and this."

Amira opened up a jewelry box.

Violla looked up and instantly saw the ruby necklace Davon gifted her.

"I've hidden this necklace so that I could sell it off if I was ever in desperate need of money. Not even my husband or Leila knew about this."

She smiled bitterly and added, "I'm such a shameless person. I don't have money that I can compensate you for and can only give you the villa and the necklace just to give myself peace of mind."

"Thisโ€ฆ" Violla started.

"Just take it." Amira shoved the documents and jewelry box into Violla's arms and said, "These are all yours to begin with!"

"But what's going to happen to you now that you've given me these? Won't you be broke now?" Violla knew that they didn't really have much savings as Amira wasn't wearing any jewelry . It was obvious that they had already run out of fortune.

"It looks like you don't know." Amira shuddered as she spoke, "Barbra said that for the sake of Mr. Roman, she'll give us seven million as compensation."

Tears fell from her face at that. Even though she was trying her best to hold them back, she couldn't stop her body from shaking.

"My poor Leilaโ€ฆ She's been in such a mess all because of those animals. Her life's ruined yet the evil woman dared to use the money to humiliate us. That b***h can go to hell!" Smith's body was also shaking by then and tears fell from his face.

Violla was truly upset hearing that. She had never truly experienced the evil of human nature. She once thought that Amira and Leila were evil enough but she finally understood what the meaning was of ruthless after hearing what Barbra did.

The seven million she gave was obviously to compensate Leila for being assaulted.It was just like sending daggers to the family's hearts.

"Thank you." Violla took the stuff and asked, "What are your plans for the future?"

"What other plans could we have?" Amira wiped away the tears from her eyes. "We aren't able to fight against the Blacks and the Stanleys so we can only take Leila away from the City for now. But I believe in karma. They're definitely going to be punished for what they did one day."

With that said, Smith burst into tears. "Aren't we getting punished for our sins now? We treated you like rubbish in the past and now we're being punished twice as much."

His wife lowered her head and she continuously wiped the tears from her eyes.

Violla sympathized with them but she didn't know how she should console them.

After a long time, Amira finally recollected herself. She took a deep breath and said, "We'll be leaving tonight, Violla. I don't know if we'll have the chance to see each other again in the future. And I'm afraid there might not be another chance to say this if I don't tell you now."

"What is it?" Violla asked in confusion.

"It's about your father's...." Amira met eyes with the Roman family's bodyguard standing by the door and immediately stopped talking.

"Leave us," ordered Violla.

Her bodyguards collectively mumbled a

"Yes ma'am" and retreated from the room.

Violla looked at Amira. "Can you tell me now?"

Amira sighed, her voice solemn. "Back when I really put you through hell and concealed everything about your father's affairs, I'm assuming you think that Uncle Smith and I caused your father's demise."

"There's no doubt that we were after your father's money, but we did not harm a single hair on his head. To put it bluntly, our family depended on your father to survive. It would not benefit us if any harm came to him. "

"However, there was something that we did hide from you." Amira paused briefly as she plucked up the courage to make the admission. "Your father was murdered. I mean someone forced him into suicide."

"By who?" asked Violla anxiously.

"Wellโ€ฆ" Amira trailed off and frowned. She felt conflicted by thay.

Smith then had to shake her a little to make her continue. "Tell her."

"I don't know who it is exactly," said Amira in a low voice. "But I do know that it is someone from the Roman family."

Violla was astonished and her eyes widened in shock. 'The Romans had a hand in this?'

"Don't get me wrong, but I'm not talking about your Mr. Roman. I really doubt it's him." Amira hurriedly continued. "At first, I only knew that it was someone who used the Roman Group to put pressure on the Milan Corporation. It was a hostile takeover, so your father had no choice but to yield."

"Just then, Mr. Roman and the Roman Corporation had yet to enter the domestic market, so that is why I don't think it's him. It has to be someone else from the family, but I'm just not sure who it is exactly."

Violla's emotions were a mess after she heard that . 'I don't think it's Davon either, but who could it be?

"I was there on the day of your father's incident and remembered him telling me something strange," whispered Smith. "He mentioned that the Roman family couldn't find out about you, or there would be trouble."

"What do you mean?" asked Violla with suspicion in her tone.

"I don't know either." Smith looked thoughtfully at her. "I think it might have something to do with your mother."

"My mother?" Violla was even more confused by that. Her mother had disappeared shortly after she was born. What did the troubles with her father's company have to do with her mother?

"Maybe your mother had a spat with the Roman family. This is purely speculation, of course. But I had met her before when I was young. At that time, your father was still poor, and your mother seemed to be the child of a prestigious family."

"Although I cannot determine what her background is, there's no mistaking the fact that she's lived a life of luxury. She was always followed around by a large number of bodyguards, and her trappings seemed to be no less than what our current Mr. Roman would enjoy.You also look exactly like her. The resemblance is remarkable."

Violla didn't say a word because her mind was still a jumble from trying to process what he told her.

'What exactly is going on?'

What she possessed now was vital information indeed. But instead of clarity, she ended up having more questions than answers.

"Try not to dwell on it." Amira, having read Violla's emotions, interjected almost immediately. "I think Mr. Roman is being sincere. He isn't like Franklin at all! That beast of a man is ignorant and ruthless. He knows that Barbra is going to be the death of Leila, but he's not lifting a finger to help."

"We were truly blinded by the situation. We even intentionally approved of Leila's marriage to him. Come to think of itโ€ฆ This is probably retribution." Amira paused and sighed deeply before continuing.

"Violla , the reason why I'm telling you this is to warn you. Marrying into a rich family is complicated. Even if Mr. Roman is there to protect you, his family is anything but simple. There will be times where his protection will fail. You must be careful and ensure that you keep yourself and the kids safe."

"You're right. I appreciate the warning."

Violla was still reeling from the emotions she felt. But she knew that Amira was right. Davon might be a good man, but if his family truly had such terrible people, she would not be able to escape their clutches if anything happened.

Before Violla left the Smith residence, Amira had some parting advice for her.

"I've completed the procedures necessary for the transfer of the house and have sorted things out with the lawyer. When you have some time to spare, go and see the lawyer and sign the deed. After that, you are to visit the Housing Bureau to complete the transfer. With that, the house will be the property of its rightful owner."

"Even if you don't occupy it, you can still consider putting it up on the market. Assets are assets, and it's always good for a woman to have her own funds. After we leave, we'll also change our contact information. I fear it'll be difficult to remain in contact. You must take care."

"Thank you. You should take care too."

Violla gave them a wave and carried her things into the car.

She then started the car and slowly drove out of the manor. As she looked at the manor gradually vanishing from sight, she reflected on everything that had happened over the years. She felt exhausted.

'The average human lifespan is only a few decades. How many ups and downs will we all face?'

'An ordinary person would have a more carefree existence for sure. But I just had to be born into a wealthy family.'

'My father worked his a** off for so long for me to have a good life. But someone killed him.'

'Not to mention my mother. I barely know anything about her, and her influences on my future are still unclear.'

Violla groaned out loud as she thought of that .She glanced at the deed in the hand and noticed that the property value had increased to a few hundred million . Amira and Smith were forced to sell it at a low price because they were strapped for cash.

Now that so many things had happened, they seemed to really regret what they did to her. Otherwise, they had no reason to return both the house and necklace to her.

She bore them no malice and hoped that their family would live their lives in peace and free from harm.

She also took the time to reflect on her own circumstances. She was happy, but how long would that last? She sensed that this was the calm before the storm, and there was no telling what difficulties she would face in the future.

Violla realized that the fear and unease she felt was not for herself but for her children.

She swore that she would not let anything happen to them, no matter what.

Suddenly, Violla's phone rang and shook her from her thoughts. Steeling herself, she then answered the phone.

"Mummy, where have you been? When will you be back?" The sound of Eliana's cute voice melted Violla's heart.

"Mommy was out running errands and will be home soon," said Violla gently. "Have you finished your classes with daddy?"

'Yes!" Eliana was happy when she said that and covered her mouth as she giggled. "Daddy tried to learn how to sing with me today, and it was bad!"

Eliana spoke in hushed tones but could not hide her mirth as she soon dissolved into peals of laughter.

"Eliana Milan! That's not very nice!" Davon's displeased voice came from the other end of the line. Eliana however, could not stop her infectious laughter.

Violla couldn't help but smile. The sadness still lingered in her heart, but she felt more at ease knowing that the children were getting along well with Davon.

In any case, the children would be safe as long as Davon was there.

"Alright, alright, time's up. Off to bed with you, I need to talk to mommy." Davon then gestured at the medical staff to whisk away the three children to bed. "Are you already back?"

"On my way." The sound of his baritone voice made her smile. "What did they make you sing?"

"Ugh, drop it," said Davon nervously. "I think that will be the death of me."

"Well, you must be quite the maestro! Sing it for me later!" Violla laughed out loud and did not hold back from teasing him.

"Oh, we'll see who ends up singing later!" Davon's voice suddenly dropped an octave. "Hurry home."

"Alright." Violla responded shyly.

After she hung up, Violla looked out of the car window. A bright moon illuminated the pitch-black sky like a beacon of hope.

Suddenly, she felt her heart surge with assurance. 'Whatever the future holds, I'll be brave and face it.'

It was late when she finally reached home.

Mrs. Blake had been up waiting for Violla in the living room. As she heard the sound of the car, she hurriedly walked out and greeted Violla at the door. "You're back, Miss. I've made some stew!"

"Mrs. Blake, why are you still up?" Violla greeted her in return as she unloaded the things from the car.

Mrs. Blake quickly put on her coat and walked out to help her. "I was worried! You took a while, and I thought something happened."

"Silly Mrs. Blake, what's there to worry about?" Violla smiled and fussed over her collar.

"You went to see the Smiths, of all people. How would I not be worried?" Mrs. Blake frowned, her expression solemn. "Amira is a vicious person, so I was afraid that she was going to hurt you."

"I had bodyguards with me." Violla then sighed and looked Mrs. Blake in the eye. "A lot of things have happened."

"Ah, like what?"

"Let's go to your room. I'll explain everything." Violla braced herself for another tiring conversation.

"Here, have some stew and some snacks." Mrs. Blake then took Violla to her room, food and all. "Please eat something. I'll listen to you when you're done."

"I don't really have the appetite." Violla reached over to her side and gave Mrs. Blake the deed to the property. "In the meantime, will you hold onto this for me? For safekeeping, that is."

"This isโ€ฆ" Mrs. Blake trailed off, and her eyes widened in shock. "The deed to the old house? Who gave it to you?"

"Amira and Smith." Violla told Mrs. Blake all that happened.

Mrs. Blake gave Violla her full attention and only interjected out of shock and concern from time to time.

"Gosh, that's terrible!"

"Lord, have mercy."

"That poor child!"

After Violla finished, Mrs. Blake let out a deep sigh. "I suppose this is a form of retribution, but it's still a real shame that the family ended up this way. It's too cruel."

"Yes," said Violla as she echoed Mrs. Blake's sighs. "I don't exactly feel good about this either.

"It goes without saying. People should refrain from evil deeds." Mrs. Blake paused and shook her head. "But then again, how on earth does someone as kind as Mr. Black have a cousin as terrible as her? This is unfair, isn't it?"

"Martin and Barbra are individuals, so I think comparing them is unfair in the first place. Mrs. Blake, the deed should stay with you for now, in case anything happens."

"Understood." Mrs. Blake carefully took the deed from Violla. "Well, finish the stew at least, Miss. Mr. Roman is waiting for you."

"I still have something to ask you." Violla took Mrs. Blake's hand and looked at her solemnly. "What do you know about my mother?"

"Why are you bringing this up all of a sudden?" Mrs. Blake suddenly looked disturbed at the question.

Violla frowned. "I received word that my father's murderer and my mother's enemy are the same person, so I want to know more about her."

"It's all in the past, why bring it up now?" asked Mrs. Blake earnestly. "Mr. Roman is there for you! He's good to you and your children. With your marriage, everything will be alright. You should live your life and stop struggling with the past. Look forward to the future."

"Alright." Violla noticed that Mrs. Blake was reluctant to speak and chose to not question her any further. "I'll retire for the evening. You should have the stew instead, Mrs. Blake. I fear my appetite is still non-existent."

"Sleep well, Miss."

Violla went upstairs and entered her room. She barely managed one step inside when she was swept into a powerful embrace. Violla smirked. "My, my. I think you've spent so much time with the kids you're now a kid yourself."