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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŽππ„ 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐃 π…πˆπ…π“π˜-π’πˆπ—:

Violla recalled her first encounter with D'barl. She was full of confidence and arrogance, absolutely sure of her resolve to not have anything to do with Davon.

But the tables had turned and she wanted to marry Davon. Her love for Davon had turned out to be her soft spot and D'barl's approval of her became a priority.

"Let's get some rest." Davon was about to head upstairs with Violla when they heard a car pulling up outside.

One of the bodyguards dashed to Davon and reported, "Mr. Young Roman, Mr. Old Roman is here."

Instead of his own residence, D'barl made his way there straight from the hospital. The fact that he had chosen a time before the children came home from kindergarten was a clear indication that he wanted to have a private conversation with both Davon and Violla.

Violla instantly grew nervous and at a loss of what to do next.

"Don't worry. I'll be by your side," Davon said while holding her hand and started walking toward the door.

As though it was well-rehearsed many times before, all the bodyguards and maids swiftly formed two straight lines in front of the car. Mrs. Blake, who was unpacking in the room, also rushed out with the rest of them. Her expression grew grim the moment she was informed that the patriarch of the family had just arrived.

' This is the person whose blessing Miss will need to get for her to marry into the Roman family.'

Davon opened the passenger door and helped his grandfather step off the car while the bodyguards pushed a wheelchair over.

Whilst helping D'barl get into his wheelchair, Davon noticed the elder man's stiff legs and frowned. "Your legs are still not fully recovered. They'll need more time to heal properly."

"I'll heal better if you stop acting like a spoiled rascal!" D'barl snapped.

Davon shrugged and started pushing D'barl forward in silence.

The patriarch lifted his piercing cold gaze at Violla who stood waiting at the door.

"Hi, grandpa," she greeted softly.

"It's Mr. Roman!" D'barl corrected Violla sternly while turning his face away. "I have not accepted you into my family."

Violla lowered her head, saying no more.

Mrs. Blake, on the other hand, was about to reason with the elder man but was stopped by Violla.

Davon took one look at Violla and continued pushing D'barl inside the house.

"When are the kids coming home?" D'barl asked while checking his watch.

"Five o'clock." Davon understood his grandfather's cue. "Shall we proceed to the study room?"

"Hmm," D'barl replied in a dominant voice. "Get her to come long."

"Alright," D'barl said while shooting Violla a quick glance.

'Oh dear, here it comes.' As Violla marched behind Davon, a protective Mrs. Blake wanted to follow suit but was once again stopped by Violla. "Mrs. Blake, you must be tuckered out. Why don't you go get some rest?"

"But Miss, the old man looks like he's about to eat you up! I can't let him do that to you." The loyal housekeeper was concerned.

"Don't you worry. Davon has my back on this." Violla let out a chuckle. "Besides, Mr. Old Roman loves the kids. I'm sure he won't mistreat their mother."

"That's true." Mrs. Blake nodded.

"Also, you haven't seen the kids in a long while. When they're back later, they'll surely be roughhousing around. You'll need to have enough energy to handle them," Violla continued to persuade her.

Mrs. Blake finally conceded. "Okay then. I'll go unpack now and take a nap. But you have to have some confidence in yourself. After all, you did give them three wonderful grandkids."

"I will." After seeing Mrs. Blake to her room, Violla arrived in the study room on the second floor.

Davon helped D'barl get comfortable on the sofa while the head maid set some tea and desserts on the coffee table before retreating from the room.

Cruze and Clyde guarded dutifully outside the room.

Douglas stood quietly behind D'barl, ready to cater to his boss' commands.

Davon had his hand wrapped around Violla's shoulder while they were seated across from D'barl.

While Davon sat casually with his legs crossed, Violla sat up straight, akin to a student sitting in the principal office.

D'barl took a few sips of the tea before he finally spoke, "Am I dead to you now? Some nerves you have for sending out all the wedding invitations without first going through me!"

"I'm the one getting married, not you," blurted Davon.

He noticed D'barl's gloomy expression and immediately switched over to a wry grin instead. "That being said, we already have children. What else is there for you to disagree with?"

Davon knew that D'barl's weakness was the children.

"Don't you dare use the children as a shield! I'm not buying into that argument!" shouted D'barl in anger.

Davon curled his lip, unmoved. He busied himself with the freshly brewed tea and poured Violla a cup too.

Violla took it but did not dare drink it. She only used the teacup to warm her clammy hands.

"If I don't consent to this union, you can forget about getting married," said D'barl in a warning tone. "Don't think you can go around spreading your wings and behaving as if you can do as you please."

"I still hold a majority of the Roman Groups' equity. If you disobey me, I'll pull out of the groupβ€”unless you're fine with doing things alone."

"You did build the Roman Corporation in this nation but it comprises only a small part of the Roman Group's assets."

"Based on the assets of that company, the best you can do is to compete on equal standing with the Tariques. You're nothing compared to your aunt, and the Landianas will be able to wipe you out in minutes." Those remarks that seemed to be directed at Davon were actually meant for Violla.

How could Davon not realize something so obvious? He was fearless,confident in his own capabilities. He refused to believe that his grandfather would just cut off ties with him over something like that.

Violla, on the other hand, did not want to risk it. Davon was not the type to share his burdens with her, but she was not completely unaware of his struggles.

He was orphaned at an early age and was thrust into a devilish training regime at a young age. Davon was denied a childhood and grew up devoid of any entertainment or happiness.He was a genius, and a fountain of knowledge.

The only thing that he knew was the pursuit of knowledge. Even when he grew into his teens and a man, D'barl had tight control over his friendships or pursuits of romance. He only lived for one thingβ€”success.

Twenty-eight years of hard work had brought him to where he was. It should not be put on the line for Violla's sake.

"Grandpa, don't be angry…" came Violla's hurried interjection. "If you don't agree, we'll just drop it.

"Quiet." Davon glared at her accusingly.

'How could she so willingly discard everything he was going to put on the line for her?'

"A wise man submits to circumstances," said D'barl coldly. "You're only interested in Davon because he is the worldly, well-off man that he is today." "However, if he disobeys my will, he will lose everything. You will be left with nothing after that. If you leave quietly, I'll pay you handsomely for it. You'll never need to worry about finances for the rest of your life. I think you know what's best for you."

"I think you've misunderstood, grandpa." Violla smiled bitterly at him. "When I was with Davon four years ago, I had no idea who he was. Call it dumb luck or serendipity, if you will."

"Ah, you mean to say that you're not with him for his wealth?" sneered D'barl mockingly. "Even if it was sheer dumb luck, it's been four years since you've met again. You're still insisting that you have no ulterior motives?"

"No," said Violla matter-of-factly. "We met under a different identity, four years later. I didn't know the man from four years back was Davon as well. It might sound absurd, but it was not planned."

"Isn't that adorable." D'barl looked at her with scorn and disdain. "Anyway, I refuse to agree to this marriage. Even if you've sent out invitations, it'll be pointless. I only need to make one phone call, and your wedding will be called off."

"Grandpa, I..." Davon started.

"If you still acknowledge me as your grandpa then do as I say." The old man did not give Davon a chance to refute. "I've said it once, and I'll say it again. I refuse to accept this woman into our family!"

"And what about the children?" asked Davon pointedly. "Don't you think they should be recognized as members of the family? Shouldn't they carry the Roman surname?"

"Of course, that's a given." D'barl then turned to look at Violla. "Name your price. In return for you letting the children be recognized by the Romans, I will pay you any amount."

"Grandpa, why do you have to insult me with your wealth?" Violla frowned and rubbed her sore temples. "Davon is their father anyway. I have no objection to them bearing his surname!"

"Good to know!" D'barl smirked and looked at Davon smugly. "Did you hear that?"

Davon was speechless. 'This stupid woman is making things difficult. Is she only capable of sidelining me? It's obvious that she sucks at negotiating.'

"Well, stop harassing her just because she is agreeable!" Davon sighed inwardly. He had no choice. That negotiation was between him and D'barl since Violla was of no help at all. "The census registration cannot be without Violla! The children need a mother!"

"The name of the mother matters very little. The father's name is what bears the most weight." D'barl looked at Violla coldly. "It would be beneficial to have the children raised among the Roman family. Think about their future! If they stay with you, there is no guarantee that they will have food on the table. They will be scorned for being raised by a single mother. If you really love them, you should consider this."

"What is the meaning of this?" Violla was already being pushed to the brink. "You want my children, but you don't want their mother. Are you expecting me to just sign them away to you?"

"Exactly." D'barl nodded sagely at Violla. "Leave, and the children will stay. That's precisely what I meant. You've given us three heirs, so the Romans will not ill-treat you. I will fulfill any conditions you have."

"You're going too far!" roared Davon, clearly enraged.

"Be quiet." D'barl glared at him and addressed Violla again. "Even if I were to ignore your background, do you think you're a woman worthy of Davon?"

"Davon was a genius in STEM fields during his teens. By then, he'd already created his own tech group, built Roman Corporation's commercial branding from the ground up in this nation and already managed more than thirty companies under the Roman Group."

"On top of that, he's fluent in eight languages, has technical knowledge in various fields, and has doctorate degrees in three different subjects. In the future, he will inherit a fortune worth trillions."

"Now, let's talk about you.You barely managed in a regular university. You don't have outstanding talent, work capacity, nor are you good at entrepreneurship."

"How are you going to marry into the family when you're barely even touching mediocrity?"

"Davon's mother Crystal was a high-achiever with a doctorate from a prominent College. She had a great mind. Can you even begin to compare yourself to her?"

"Let's go back even further. Davon's grandmother Amelia was a tech genius too and a skilled entrepreneur herself. She helped me manage the businesses after we got married, and we owe our successes to her efforts.And you, what are you capable of?"

"You can tickle a few keys on the piano, raise the kids… All of which are things that can be done by hiring a nanny. Why do we need you in the family at all?"

Violla was rendered speechless by the man's tirade. She was nurtured by her father's loving care as a child and had learned quite a bit. While it was definitely not bad by ordinary standards, it was a far cry from the upbringing of the women who married into the Roman family.

All in all, she had never considered what it would take for her to marry into a prestigious family, but she finally understood.Given her current state, she was only fit enough to be one of the staff.

"That's enough!" said Davon seething.

"Let me finish." Again, Davon was interrupted by D'barl. He was not about to let him intervene.

"You are the mother of my great-grandchildren. Although I can't let you marry into the family, I have no desire to hurt you. In fact, I am grateful that you have raised the children so well."

"However, I think that it's not unreasonable to think that marrying into considerable wealth and power is no easy feat. Large and wealthy families tend to be complicated."

"As the heir to the Roman family empire, Davon will be the head of the family. This places heavy burdens on his shoulders. If he has nobody capable to share those burdens with, it will not be an easy path to take in the future."

"I won't live for much longer. I can't be watching over him all the time. I need to find someone who can do what needs to be done and help him, instead of hiding behind him all the time." His words were domineering and aggressive in the beginning, but D'barl finally let out the truth. It was emotional and within reason.

Violla sat there in silence and began to reflect.

'Yes, this marriage would not be easy. Not only would I need to help Davon, but I also need to consider whether or not I can adapt to such a large family and their ways. I think I can't exactly offer him the assistance he needs. On the contrary, I'll be both a hindrance and a burden.'

"Think about it. Aren't you only a stumbling block?" asked D'barl again.

Having noticed that Violla seemed to be weighing in on his words, he decided to continue.

"Because of you, Davon has fallen out with the Stanleys, the Blacks, as well as the Tariques. He's even at loggerheads with his aunt. You're not even his spouse, and you've already caused so much trouble. What is going to happen in the future?"

Violla could only lower her head in shame. She had caused a lot of trouble, and there was no denying that.

"I'm still alive. I can hold things back for the time being by using my influence to keep things calm. But who is going to help him after I'm gone? And what if the same thing happens again?"

"Alright, I've had enough!" Seeing Violla reduced to that, Davon hurriedly stepped in to defend her. "You're one of the best psychological warfare experts the world has seen. If you're going to be using such tactics, how is anyone even going to defend themselves?"

"Am I wrong though?" D'barl shot back and looked at Davon. "Did I fabricate anything? Or did I exaggerate things?"

"That's irrelevant. I'm going to marry her anyway." Davon knew the old man too well. When he was younger, he was an expert negotiator who persuaded prisoners of war to surrender. He could even use psychological tactics to edge criminals to suicide. He was a master mind both the syndicate and the government sought. To D'barl, Violla was scum. She had no room to fight back.

"Well, aren't you just easy to deal with today!" D'barl was already very annoyed. "Do you think you're still a child? You're already a father! You have responsibilities! Why are you being so difficult?"

"You want to talk about reasoning with me?" retorted Davon. "Well, let me ask you then. If grandma was so good and so perfect, why did you end up sending her to a syndicate war unprotected that ended her life?"

The old man was stunned, and the expression on his face was a mixture of indignance and rage. "You little sh*t! What bullsh*t are you on about now?"

"Am I wrong?" asked Davon. "Based on what you just said, we need to have our qualifications sky high to be worthy of the Roman family. So what was it about grandma that you didn't like? That you ended up putting her on the front line to finish her?"

"I told you to shut it!" At his eighties, all of his dirty laundries were being exposed by his grandson and to outsiders at that.

D'barl's face turned purple with rage. If not for his bad feet, he would have already lunged at Davon ages ago.

"So that proves that you need to marry a woman who you can compliment each other!" retorted Davon again. "A powerful woman, would always seek to compete with you. You were threatened that grandma in her golden years was rising so high and she was almost taking over the syndicate. You couldn't stand that.''

"The alpha males couldn't take it ,seeing grandma call the shots. The syndicate was slowly being taken over by women. Your businesses, the women became the backbone. Y'all couldn't take it. You couldn't stand to take women's orders. While other syndicates were led by men , yours was being taken over by women. Soon you became a laughing stock."

"Y-You brat." The old man was so angry that he hit Davon on the shin with his crutches.

Davon didn't bother dodging the blow. "After that, you and the rest of alpha males. Schemed to eliminate them by sending them to a place that two syndicate groups were fighting. Telling them it was a peace keeping mission. You knew they wouldn't survive it a perfect cover up."

"The bomb that was planted was from great-grandpa's armoury. I noticed one missing and took the scrapes from the blast for my own investigation. The bomb was indeed our own. You men eliminated your wives and your opponents at the same time."

" Talk of killing two birds with one stone. Restoring things back to how they were.Getting you back on top as the syndicate king. So powerful even till tomorrow. No one can dare challenge you.Have you forgetten how the whole incident made global headlines?"

"I told you to shut up!" D'barl was near-delirious with anger. Shakily, he got up and rushed towards Davon.

" You can kill me if you want grandpa. But I want to marry a woman compliments me. And that is Violla ,I am in love with her. Even in death . I will still choose her"

Violla immediately snapped out of her daze. She had been stunned into silence by D'barl, but Davon had stepped in to defend her.However, both men made salient points.