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"That's right! You'll look great holding a bouquet because you're a girl. Just like an angel," Jason chimed in.

"Alright, then I'll hold the bouquet." Persuaded by her brothers, Eliana eventually caved in. "Then who's going to carry the ring?"

"Of course it'll be me!" Jason raised his hand.

"There will be two ring boxes. We can carry one each. I'll carry mommy's while you hold daddy's." Ryan split the tasks up evenly.

"Alright! We'll go with that!"

Davon found his children's discussion endearing, and his lips curved upwards involuntarily. "Look at you, all worried about the wedding. Alright now, go back to your rooms to change. We'll be heading out soon."

"Heading out? Daddy, where are we going?" The children piped up instantaneously.

"I'm taking you all out for dinner." Davon pinched their faces adoringly. "Mommy is already getting ready. You should go do the same."

"Yay! Awesome!" The children exclaimed in delight.

Davon beckoned the medical staff to take the triplets back to their rooms.

Violla was joyfully selecting her outfit when her head started throbbing in pain. Worrying that someone might find out about her condition, she held her forehead and rushed to the bathroom.

This time, the pain was accompanied by a nosebleed. Violla was thrown into a frenzy.

She quickly locked the bathroom door and hovered over the sink, spots of red speckling the white porcelain. She patted some cool water on the back of her neck, hoping that it would stop the nosebleed.

Blood dripped from her nose ceaselessly. A wave of agony washed over her, and she collapsed to the floor as she succumbed to the pain.

When Davon went back to their room to change, Violla was nowhere to be seen.

The sound of running water penetrated the closed bathroom door. Davon paid it no heed at first and busied himself with changing his clothes. However, he realized after a while that there was no movement behind the door.

Finding the situation peculiar, Davon rapped the door with his knuckles. "Violla, are you ready?"

There was no response.

Davon twisted the doorknob but realized with dismay that it had been locked. A sense of foreboding came over him. He was ready to kick the door down when he heard a voice coming from the bathroom. "My stomach hurts. I need some time."

"Why did you lock the door?" Displeasure seeped through his voice.

"I'm using the toilet. You can use the other bathroom." Violla sounded completely normal.

"Take your time; there's no rush." With that, Davon turned to leave. He had a niggling suspicion that something was wrong with Violla, but he could not put a finger to it.

Unease settled in his stomach, but he did not want his cynicism to come between their relationship.

Violla slowly got up from the floor, groping the wall to support her weight. She made sure that she appeared presentable before leaving the bathroom.

Davon was sifting through some documents on the sofa when he heard a rustle behind him. He turned to look at Violla and blurted, "Why do you look so worn out?"

"Probably because I didn't sleep well last night." Violla self-consciously touched her face and headed to the wardrobe to change her clothes.

"What's wrong with you lately? Are you feeling unwell?" Davon spoke to her back, his eyebrows furrowed with worry.

"The injury hasn't healed completely, so the wound still hurts from time to time," Violla bluffed. "Besides, you haven't gone easy on me. I barely get any rest at night, which would explain why my body has been acting up lately."

"I see." Davon reflected on his actions. 'Maybe I've gone overboard. We do the deed practically every night. Sometimes I even wake her up after she has fallen asleep. She always cries that it's too much to bear, but I ignored her pleas. It seems like I have to control myself in the future.'

"I'm ready. Let's go." Violla had put on a comfortable periwinkle dress and let her long hair tumble down her back in effortless waves. She wore no makeup but was stunning nonetheless.

"You're absolutely gorgeous." Davon wrapped his arms around her and kissed her long hair. "I'll treat you with more care in the future, and as a soon-to-be bride, you should pay more attention to your health, alright?"

"Mmmh." Violla mumbled her assent and buried herself in his embrace. Touched by his thoughtful gesture, warmth spread through her heart.

In the evening, the entire family went out merrily. Finny spent the journey flaunting her singing abilities in the car.

Eliana had been conducting music lessons for Davon in the evening while Finny listened in nearby. Ironically, Finny ended up learning every single song while Davon didn't even learn one.

Eliana was listening to Finny sing. She turned to Davon and said, "Daddy, listen. Finny's already learned the song I taught you last night."

"Mm." Davon nodded. "Since Finny enjoys your lessons so much, why don't you teach her then?" he suggested.

"No. Finny can only listen in. Daddy's the official student." Eliana wasn't so easily fooled. She pouted, sternly saying, "Daddy, don't you think about skipping lessons!"

Davon looked at Violla for help.

Violla let out a chuckle. Not only did she not come to his aid, but she also turned to Eliana and said, "Eliana's such a good teacher!"

"Ingrate!" Davon pinched Violla's cheek and said.

"Thank you, Mommy!" Eliana smiled brilliantly, pouting her lips to kiss Violla.

"Mommy, I studied hard with daddy too! My legs are healing as well," Jason chimed in, lifting his legs to show Violla, "I no longer need anyone's help. I can climb the stairs on my own now!"

"Awesome, Jason!" Seeing as Jason's legs were recovering, Violla felt that she no longer had to worry about the children even if she had to leave.

"Mommy, are you feeling better?" Ryan was always especially sensible. Instead of wanting credit, he showed concern for his mother's condition instead.

"I'm much better," Violla answered, caressing his little cheeks. "What about you? How are your lessons with daddy?"

"I've gained a lot of knowledge. Daddy said he'll let me attend elementary school next semester," Ryan said proudly. "I've already surpassed the kindergarten's curriculum."

"Elementary school? You will be only four years old next semester." Violla was astonished. She turned to look at Davon and asked, "Is that really all right?"

"Let me handle the children's education," Davon answered in confidence. "I've already made preparations for all three of them."

"Please don't set too high expectations for them. They deserve to enjoy their childhood too!" Violla said worriedly.

"Education varies from person to person. I'm well aware of what's suitable for each of them. Don't worry." Davon glanced at his wristwatch. "We're reaching soon. What are we supposed to do?"

"Put on shoes and a jacket!" The children immediately put on their shoes orderly, having practiced it plenty of times before.

Violla was taken aback, watching with amazement. When she took the kids out with Mrs. Blake, it was always a chaotic scene. However, they had learned to put on their shoes in such a well-behaved manner with one single reminder from Davon.

She would expect that of Ryan, for he had always been an independent and sensible child. But Jason and Eliana had been spoiled since birth. The fact that they'd learned to be independent in such a short amount of time was mind-blowing to her.

"Put on your jacket properly. It's cold outside." Davon draped a jacket over Violla's shoulders and carried her off the car.

The children had put on their own shoes and exited the car themselves while the bodyguards and medical staff watched on the outside, fearing they'd miss a step and fall.

Jason raised his brows and sighed. "Daddy only cares about mommy. He doesn't care about us."

Imitating the lines on TV, Eliana pouted and said, "Daddy and mommy are lovey-dovey. We're merely accidents."

"I wish they would be this lovey-dovey forever." Ryan watched their back views with a small smile.

Due to the blowing sea breeze, the restaurant manager who had been waiting in the cold at the entrance for some time was shivering but immediately stood composed seeing them.

Davon carried Violla and entered the seaside restaurant. The atmosphere was warm and romantic as the mellifluous melody of the piano accompanied the sound of waves.

However, a particular yacht parked near the shore caught Davon's attention. He made a hand gesture. With no words exchanged, a bodyguard immediately went to investigate it.

"What is it? Did you see someone you know?" Having been with Davon for a while, Violla understood him down to the T. She knew every meaning behind each of his glances or hand gestures.

"I guess." He carried her all the way to her seat.

The medical staff helped the children to their seats. Even Finny had her own dedicated spot.

The restaurant manager brought a waiter along with deference and great enthusiasm.

Davon was in the midst of placing his order when Cruze hurried over and whispered in his ear. He frowned, merely responding with another hand gesture.

Without further ado, Cruze arranged for a dozen elite bodyguards to guard the surroundings with heightened vigilance. The other six remained in the restaurant with them. Violla felt utterly uneasy at the situation.

Although Davon was a big shot in his company, he would keep a low profile when spending time with family. But the arrangement then was evidently over-the-top.

"Daddy, what happened?" Even Ryan had noticed.

"It's nothing," Davon said softly, patting Ryan's head. "There's a children's play area in that corner. Take your brother and sister there to play. We'll call you when the appetizer's here."

"All right." Ryan nodded. He turned to his siblings and said, "Jason, Eliana, let's go play over there."

"Okay!" The children slid down from their chairs and ran to the play area with their stubby legs.Three medical staff and four bodyguards automatically followed after them in caution.

"What's going on?" Violla questioned uneasily.

"It's my aunt's yacht." Davon furrowed his brows.

"Huh?" Violla blanched in an instant. Those three days spent in captivity were the most terrifying experience she'd ever gone through. Just a brief recollection would make her hair stand.

Moreover, that woman had given her an injection. The poison remained in her body like a ticking time bomb, ready to be activated at any moment. As if that wasn't enough, that woman still had to linger around her like a ghost.

"Don't be afraid. I'm here." Davon held Violla's hand in his tightly.

"Let's go back home." Violla had lost her appetite. "I don't feel like eating anymore."

"Don't be nervous. I'm here. What are you afraid of?" he consoled, holding onto her shoulders. "The kids have yet to have their meal. They'll be disappointed if we were to return so abruptly."

Hearing that, she finally agreed. She whirled her head around and looked out the clear window, catching sight of the yacht parking near the shore. A bright red D.R was carved on it, which was Diana's emblem.

The Roman family had their own unique symbol. Davon used a golden D.R, while Diana's D.R was in a shade of red that resembled blood.

At the thought of the poison in her body, Violla hated the woman to the bones.

"Don't think too much." Davon stroked her cheek. "Nobody can harm you or the kids with me around."

"Mmmh," Violla hummed in response, nodding distractedly.

It was then that the waiter arrived with their food. The children immediately returned to the table after washing their hands, but Davon stopped them before they could dig in.

Cruze tested each dish with a piece of professional equipment he brought. The children were only allowed to eat after he made sure everything was fine.

They had been in high spirits. But after witnessing that, they naturally got a little fearful.

Jason surveyed his surroundings and asked cautiously, "What's wrong, daddy? Is someone trying to poison us?"

"We were just checking for worms." He caressed Jason's head. "Come now. Let's dig in!"

Despite that, the children were still afraid to move. They waited for Davon to take the first bite before they reached for the cutleries.

As the children were young, they hardly dwelled on it and began to devour the scrumptious food.

But Violla still had no appetite. 'If the matter with that woman remained unresolved, I would never be able to live in peace with Davon.

After dinner, the children expressed their wish to take a stroll on the beach.

Davon had initially planned for it in their itinerary, but as Diana's yacht was parked by the sea, he was concerned that the insane woman might scare Violla and the children. Hence, he decided to call it a day and took them home.

The children were slightly disappointed at first. However, they swiftly cheered up when Davon offered to play a game with them in the car.

It was already nine o'clock at night when they arrived home. Davon went to help settle down the children while Violla returned to the bedroom and sat on the sofa in a daze.

A while later, Davon returned to grab a change of clothes. "I'm going out for a while," he informed her.

"It's so late. Where are you going?" She was rather surprised. Ever since he'd reunited with the children, he hardly ever went out on his own in the night.

"I'm going to see grandpa." He walked toward her and pressed a kiss on her forehead. "Rest well and stop worrying so much."

He left in a hurry thereafter.

Violla got up listlessly and headed to the bathroom, only to realize he had forgotten his jacket. She hurriedly took it out, intending to hand it to him, when she accidentally overheard his phone call at the door.

"I don't care whether it's intentional or not. Don't ever appear within my sight and scare my woman and kids."

"No matter what tricks you pull, the Romans' inheritance would never land in your hands."

"That's right. Grandpa has woken up. Whether he sees you or not is his decision."

As soon as he hung up, he hurried down the stairs while instructing Cruze and Clyde, "Clyde will come with me. Cruze, stay home to guard Madam and the kids."

"Yes sir! " Witnessing that, Violla had an inexplicable feeling. 'Davon wanted to protect the children and I wholeheartedly, while all I think about is leaving.'

She knew she shouldn't let him down. Instead, she needed to gear herself up, look for Dr. Felix to remove the poison in her body, and return to marry him. All she wanted was to raise their children together and live happily ever after.

While she was lost in her thoughts, Jude called. "Miss, we've found Dr. Felix."

"Really? That's great!" Violla was overjoyed. "Where is he?"

"In Phantom City, about 800km away from this City. I've informed him about Mrs. Blake. He said that he was indebted to the chairman. Mrs. Blake was the Milan's old butler and has taken good care of you. Hence, he'll do his best to treat her."

"Okay. Send me his address and contact details. I'll look for him in two days," Violla said, feeling slightly emotional.

"Sure." Jude sent the information immediately. "What will happen to the kids while you and Mrs. Blake are being treated? Why don't I accompany Mrs. Blake instead?"

"No need. Don't worry. I'll arrange everything. Let me go inform Mrs. Blake of the good news."

"All right. Call me if there's anything."

"Mm, thank you." Hanging up the call, Violla hurried downstairs to look for Mrs. Blake to tell her the good news.

Mrs. Blake was ecstatic and said anxiously, "Then let's go tomorrow morning."

"I have to accompany Davon to a wedding at noon. We'll go in the evening." Violla could hardly wait either. "I'll let him know later. Prepare your luggage tomorrow morning. We'll depart as soon as I'm home."

"All right." Mrs. Blake nodded. "Do we have to take a plane to Phantom City? Have you seen the address?"

"I have. The place is rather remote and is a good distance away from the airport. It's much more convenient to take the train. Pass me your identity card. I'll book the tickets right away."

"Mm." They quickly planned their itinerary and booked the train tickets. All that was left to do was to wait for the next day.

At the thought of seeing Dr. Felix and receiving treatment, Violla's heart was full of hope. She couldn't wait to be relieved of the poison and go back to marry Davon.