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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŽππ„ 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐃 π’πˆπ—π“π˜-π…πŽπ”π‘:

"Hey!" Davon exclaimed in a serious voice.

"The Landiana Corporation has upped their bid to thirty billion. What should we do now?" Molly asked.

"The Landiana?" Davon raised his brows. "Leon Landiana?"

"No, it's…"

"Time's up!" The girl interrupted all of a sudden. She looked up at them with a scowl. "Are you all trying to buy time for the Roman Group?"

"Oh, no, no, no…" The person in charge immediately explained, "I noticed Miss Molly has made a call."

"So what?" The girl bellowed. "Start your chant right now!"

"Yes, Miss." The person in charge instantly gave the host a hand signal to proceed.

"All right. Thirty billion going once!"

"Thirty billion going…"

"What do we do? Should we?" Molly panicked, "Mr. Roman…"

Davon froze for a bit and finally asked, "Who's that person?"

"Miss Milan."

"Going thrice!"

"Mr. Roman, we're running out of time! Should we…"

"Sold!" Before Molly could complete her sentence, the deal was sealed.

Everyone there was stupefied. The Roman Group had lost in a bid for the very first time.

It was also Landiana Corporation's very first auction in the nation, and it was a successful one.

That also meant that the Landiana Corporation had checkmated the Roman Group for the very first time!

"Congratulations to the Landiana Corporation for securing the South Sea territorial waters," the host announced, "We'll be contacting your company to make the necessary arrangements."

"Thank you." The girl curled into a smile and walked out of the building, looking awfully smug.Everyone in the hall started giving her a big round of applause.

They were all dumbstruck upon witnessing how the Roman Group lost a bid to a young girl.

They were also impressed by her steadiness during the bid. It was as if the Roman did not intimidate her at all.

"Miss!" Johnson ran up to her.

"Yes, Mr. Johnson?" The girl turned around and asked respectfully but with an aloof expression.

"If I may ask, are you Violla Milan?" Johnson whispered in her ear.

"I'm a Landiana." The girl smirked. " Violla Landiana!" The girl then strode across the hall and left.

Johnson looked at her back and was stunned.

"Mr. Johnson!" Molly ran up to him. "Mr. Roman is coming over right now, and he wants me to stop the girl from leaving. What did she say?"

"I asked if she's Violla Milan, but she said her name is Violla Landiana." Johnson shook his head in disbelief. "Not only do they look alike, but they even share the same first name."

"That must be her." Molly immediately ran after the girl.

Violla looked extremely charming when she walked out of the hall with eight female bodyguards behind her.

Before they got into the car, Molly shouted from a stone's throw away. "Miss Violla!"

Violla stopped walking. She turned around and looked at Molly indifferently.

"Miss Violla! I'm Molly, the vice president of the Roman Corporation. Do you remember me?" Molly panted after a slow jog.

"Why should I remember you?" Violla said in a cold voice.

"I…" Molly froze for a bit and immediately apologized, "I'm sorry. What I'm trying to say is, Mr. Roman wishes to get to know you better. Is it possible for you to wait a while? He's on his way here now."

" Davon Roman?" Violla raised her brows.

"Yes, that's right." Molly nodded repeatedly.

"Ask him to make an appointment with my secretary then." Without hesitation, Violla turned around and got into her car.

"Miss Violla." Just when Molly wanted to take a step closer, one of Violla's grim-faced female bodyguards walked up and stopped her.

Molly had no choice but to take a step back and watch Violla leave in her Rolls-Royce Phantom.

She let out a sigh. All of a sudden, she found herself surrounded by businessmen. They were all talking behind her back.

"Wow, Roman Group tries to get into someone's good books? What a surprise!"

"I must say Miss Landiana is really one of a kind!"

"It looks like the Landiana Corporation is ready to make a comeback after staying low for two years. Roman Group has finally found themselves a worthy rival now!"

"She left?" Johnson came over and asked when he saw how awkward Molly was. He could not help but give her a wry smile. "She must have given you a hard time, huh?"

Molly nodded in embarrassment. "I told her Mr. Roman is on his way here and hope she could wait for him. Guess what she said?"

"What did she say?" he asked.

"She asked him to make an appointment with her secretary." Molly was bemused.

Johnson instantly burst out laughing. "That girl is quite something, I could tell."

"Indeed." Molly nodded while letting out another sigh.

"She's so different from the always clueless Violla Milan." Johnson suddenly put on a serious face and said, "But how is it possible that they look so alike, yet their personalities are so different?"

Molly could not help but sigh upon recalling the way she talked and moved.

"Violla Milan and I spent almost every day together when she was working with me, and I remember how adorable she was," she said.

"Yet, Miss Landiana is not only domineering but also arrogant," she added, "I didn't even dare to look into her eyes."

Johnson nodded. "That incident that had happened a few years ago was definitely a huge blow to Mr. Roman. He may have eventually overcome his grief, but he has also become more reticent now."

"No one else knew about that incident except Cruze, you, and I. Though there's someone new in Mr. Roman's life, the love of his life will forever the triplets mother."

"Oh, well." Molly sighed. "I was so stunned when I first saw Miss Landiana."

All of a sudden, a speeding Maybach arrived and parked right beside them. Davon came down from the car and asked, "Where's she?"

"She has left." Molly said in a weak voice, "I've tried my best to stop her from leaving, but she didn't even want to talk to me."

"Any contact details?" Davon asked .

"Nope," Molly shook her head and said sheepishly, "She asked you to make an appointment with her secretary if you wish to see her."

Davon was at a loss for words.Violla wouldn't say something like that.

"Mr. Roman, though she looked like Miss Milan, her personality is totally the opposite." Johnson said.

"Let's get into the car." Davon interrupted and ordered Cruze, "Look for the person in charge of the auction. Get the footage of the surveillance cameras from them."

"All right, Sir." Once they got into the car, Molly and Johnson told Davon everything that had happened during the auction.

Davon instantly knitted his brows.Based on their descriptions, the girl was unlikely to be Violla Milan. 'The Violla I knew was a scaredy-cat. She would always hide behind me and nudge me when she was curious about the things she saw. Does that mean she's not my Violla?

"Mr. Roman, we've gotten the footage." Cruze took out an ipad and played a clip.

Davon was thunderstruck the moment he saw the girl. "It's her. It's definitely her!"

Davon took one look at the girl and immediately recognized her.

Though she had been missing for two years, the image of her face was clearly etched on his memory. He knew, for sure, she was Violla Milan!

"But she said her family name is Landiana," Molly said cautiously, "And she said her name is Violla Landiana."

"She didn't seem to know Molly and me, and I don't think she was acting." Johnson added, "We have to be careful, Mr. Roman, since she's one of the Landianas."

"I know." Davon waved his hand in the air to dismiss his concern. "I know my limits."

The bodyguard then opened the door for Molly and Johnson to get down from his car.

"Find out who Violla Landiana is," Davon ordered while trying to suppress his emotions.

"Yes, Sir," Cruze answered.

Davon who kept looking at the clip on the ipad was overwhelmed by mixed emotions.

'Is that her? Has she returned? Did she decide to come back after adopting a new identity?'

It was as if she intentionally outbid him merely to challenge his authority.

"We have updates," Cruze immediately reported after ending a call, "Violla Landiana is Leon Landiana younger sister. Tamara Usher, their mother . She has just returned to the nation to help run the Landiana Corporation after completing her studies in England."

"She holds twenty percent of Landiana Corporation's shares and is the second major shareholder of the company," Cruze continued, "She is yet to make a mark in the business world, and she has made her first public appearance in today's auction!"

"Twenty percent." A sudden frown warped Davon's face. "Diana holds ten percent of the shares, and whereas Drew owns five percent. This means the girl named Violla has more shares than the two combined!"

"That's right." Cruze nodded. "She's definitely not a small fry! Come to think of it, if Leon was the one who rescued Miss Milan a few years ago…"

Davon's eyes instantly darkened. "We didn't know much about what happened in Gotham city as a lot of records had been erased. We've been looking high and low for Violla but to no avail. The Landianas must be the mastermind behind her disappearance."

"That's right. I can't believe we actually overlooked it." Cruze nodded. "We've spent the last two years tracking Miss Milan down, but we never suspected the Landianas, who clearly have all the power and resources to keep her away from us!"

Cruze then paused for a moment before making a disclaimer. "But that's merely our speculation. This Miss Landiana might not be Miss Milan. Or she could be someone Leon hired to play mind games with you."

Hearing that remark, Davon kept quiet and went deep in thought. 'If this mysterious Miss Landiana really is Violla, then it's clear that Leon was aware of Violla's identity. This is why he intentionally hid her away for a few years before bringing her back to take me down.'

'But even if that girl is not Violla, I still believe Leon had already found out who Violla was. Otherwise, he wouldn't have taken the trouble to find Violla's look-alike to mess with my head. But what are the odds?

I have a hunch that Violla Landiana is Violla Milan.

Nothing else bothered Davon anymore. At that point, he just wanted to find out if Violla Landiana was Violla Milan. "Get someone to investigate Miss Landiana. And I want to meet her."

"Yes, Sir!" Cruze replied.

Suddenly, Davon's phone rang. Seeing the number on the screen, he answered immediately, "Yes, Ryan?"

"Daddy, the school's orientation day is going to start soon. Where are you?" Ryan, who was now six years old, seemed more mature than his peers.

Davon took a look at his watch. "I'll be on my way!"

"Hurry up, daddy. Jason and Eliana are waiting for you too."

"All right," Davon gave Cruze a hand signal.

Cruze then instructed the driver, to speed up by patting him on the shoulder.

After ending the call, Davon ordered, "The gifts for the kids are at home. Get someone to bring them as soon as possible."

"Yes, Sir." Cruze made another call.

Davon took another glance at his watch and told Marco the driver to drive even faster.

Marco accelerated and sped to the Bronze elementary school.

All of a sudden, they rammed into a Rolls-Royce Phantom. Both cars crashed into each other and stopped at the same time. The collision was so strong that it caused a dent in the hoods of both cars.

Bodyguards from both cars got down and walked toward each other steadily.

"We're in a hurry, so we'll not pursue this matter any further. Move," the female bodyguard said before Cruze could say anything.

"Excuse me?" Cruze instantly expressed dismay. "We're driving on the straight road, and you're the one who made an illegal turn. You should move instead!"

Cruze had never met someone as arrogant as that woman in his life.

"Are you done talking?" the female bodyguard sneered while clenching her fists, "You're not going to move, are you?"

"You want to fight, huh?" Cruze straightened his back and approached her.

'How dare this woman challenge me? Does she know I'm the top bodyguard of the Romans?

" Cruze!" Davon called. "Stop it. Let's go."

"All right." Cruze gave the female bodyguard a sullen glare. "Count yourself lucky!"

"Get out of my face," she sneered.

The color drained out of Cruze's face. Just when he was about to explode, the female bodyguard turned around and returned to her car.

Her outrageous behavior caused a vortex of anger to swirl inside Cruze. "I would have taught her a lesson if I was not in a hurry..."

Before he could complete his sentence, the person at the passenger seat behind wound down the window.

Cruze gasped upon seeing that familiar face.

Violla took a sidelong glance at the cars. Upon realizing they were at fault, she frowned and instructed her bodyguard to reverse.

The bodyguard immediately reversed and made way for Cruze.

"Miss Milan!" Cruze exclaimed.

Davon was dumbstruck. He instantly wound down his window and looked at the person in the car. Indeed, it was the woman he missed the most – Violla Milan

'Her face, her eyes, and her dark silky hair. I can even smell her scent from afar.'

Though her dressing style and the way she carried herself were different, Davon knew for sure she was Violla Milan!

Davon could hardly breathe anymore. He immediately opened the car door and mumbled, "Violla."

Yet, the Rolls-Royce Phantom made a quick turn into a minor road and was nowhere to be found anymore.

"Violla…" A few cars almost knocked Davon down when he started running after them.

All the cars on the busy road started honking Davon. He had no choice but to take a few steps back.

"Mr. Roman…" Cruze got down and pulled him aside, "Come on, let's go to the school first."

Davon was very agitated. He knew that was Violla. The love of his life had finally returned.

Meanwhile, one of the female bodyguards who sat beside the driver suddenly made a remark, "That person looks like Davon from the Roman Group!"

Violla looked up and stared at the man from the rear mirror.

She could not see his face clearly, but when she looked at his body from a distance, she thought he had lost some incredible weight.

An indescribable feeling surged through her all of a sudden.She clenched her upper chest and knitted her brows. "We're Roman's enemy. I don't want anything to do with him"

"I should have rammed into his car harder had I known it was him," the driver said in frustration.

"Don't worry." Violla squinted while looking at the man. "We can take them down slowly in the future."