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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŽππ„ 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐃 π’πˆπ—π“π˜-𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍:

Davon finished his morning meetings and decided to pay a visit to one of his project sites.

Molly hurried forward to report, "Mr. Roman, there will be a conference held by the Gregorian Chamber of Commerce this afternoon. Will you be attending it?"

"Haven't I already assigned Mr. Johnson and you to go on my behalf?" Davon snapped, sounding rather impatient.

"I just received information that a certain Miss Landiana will be attending the conference this afternoon," Molly replied breathlessly.

Up till then, Davon had been signing a few documents and only paying minimal attention to Molly. However, his hand jerked to a stop on the paper. "Pass me the details of the conference."

"Yes, Mr. Roman." Molly handed him a stack of documents.

Davon flipped through the documents. Exactly 100 of the most powerful businessmen in the Gregorian Chamber of Commerce would be gathered at Garden golf that day to discuss expansion opportunities in the region. To top it off, there would be a banquet that night.

That conference was held once a year in different cities, and it routinely became the spotlight of the business world.

Lots of businessmen were desperate to be included in the 100. As the leading businessman with ventures in the region, Davon used to attend the conferences. In the past two years, however, he had become more reluctant to show his face at public events instead, he sent Johnson to attend the event on his behalf.

Hearing that Violla was going to attend the event as well, Davon changed his mind immediately.

"Alright, I'll go." At the thought of meeting Violla soon, Davon's heart started racing a little faster.

"The conference will be held over the span of two days. According to the rules and regulations, you'll have to stay overnight at Garden golf hotel," Molly reminded. "Do you want me to go and prepare your luggage?"

"I'll get Cruze to assist me." Davon glanced at his watch. "Bring the necessary documents and come along with me."

"Yes, Mr. Roman." Molly took out the schedule and handed it over to him. "You have a few more meetings before that, so we'll leave at around four in the afternoon. You should be able to attend the banquet this evening, at least. The actual conference is tomorrow."

"Alright," Davon said, nodding. "Cruze is out for an errand now. When he returns, tell him to get my things ready."

"Yes, Mr. Roman."

Because of the change in plans, Davon had to complete his remaining tasks as quickly as he could. He had practically no time to think about other matters.

At four in the afternoon, Cruze finished packing Davon's luggage. With a sleuth of bodyguards in tow, he left for Garden golf with Davon.

Molly and a few secretaries followed in another car behind them, preparing the information Davon would need for the conference.

Davon leaned back into his seat, gazing critically at the documents. Recently, Landiana Corporation had established a monopoly in the South Sea territorial waters and even poached clients from his own company. The board of directors was extremely concerned about that .

Davon was now comparing the personal details of those clients. He couldn't help but wonder what sort of underhanded methods the Landiana Corporation had used to poach so many of their clients away in such a short amount of time.

"The Landiana Corporation has been very efficient in their work," Cruze said, sighing. "I heard Miss Landiana paid a visit to those three clients personally. After that, all three clients expressed that they no longer wished to continue their partnership with us."

"Is she that good?" Try as he might, Davon was unable to make any connection between that sharp, talented businesswoman and the bumbling, clumsy girl he had known in the past.

"I suppose we'll find out for ourselves tomorrow," Cruze said glumly.

"Mr. Roman, look at that!" The driver Marco, suddenly exclaimed.

Davon turned and looked in the direction he was pointing at. A silver-colored Rolls-Royce was gliding down the road ahead of them. It had a huge 'L' attached to its license plate, the car belonged to the Landiana family.

"Catch up with them!" Davon ordered.

"Yes, Mr. Roman." The driver stepped down on the accelerator and sped ahead towards the Rolls-Royce.

The driver was the best at driving out of all the bodyguards Davon had. Hence, he had been put in charge of driving Davon around.

The driver had yet to meet anyone who could out-drive him. However, he had finally met his match that day.

The silver-colored Rolls-Royce zipped lithely around the other cars like a slippery eel. Threading through the crowd confidently, it managed to keep ahead of Davon's car despite the driver's best efforts at catching up.

Soon enough, the silver-colored Rolls-Royce was more than ten meters ahead of them.

"What's wrong with you? Catch up with them immediately!" Cruze ordered, sounding rather stricken.

Sweat was beading on the Marco's brows. He stepped down on the accelerator and sped forward, but the Rolls-Royce put even more distance between them. He couldn't catch up with it at all.

Feeling rather humiliated, he gritted his teeth and stepped down on the accelerator fully, causing the car to lunge forward.

"Come on, you can't lose to a woman!"

Recalling how he had suffered at the hands of that female bodyguard the previous day, Cruze felt a wave of anger wash over him. He had to win that competition that day, no matter how petty it sounded.

Inside the silver-colored Rolls-Royce, a female bodyguard adjusted her sunglasses and stepped down hard on the accelerator, causing the car to speed along the road so quickly that it nearly flew into the air.

Lucky, who was riding shotgun, looked in the rearview mirror and laughed with satisfaction. "How could they even think of catching up to us?"

In the backseat, Violla shut her eyes to rest. Calmly, she said, "Take note of your own safety."

"Yes, Miss Landiana!" Lucky responded instantly.

Belly, who was driving, shot a look at the rearview mirror. When she spotted the black-colored Rolls-Royce catching up to them, she started frowning in annoyance.

"Belly, what's up with you? Step on it!" Lucky practically screeched.

"I'm trying!" Belly replied crossly. "I didn't think that rascal would have some tricks up his sleeve."

"Well, hurry up! Don't let them catch up to us," Lucky grumbled.

Belly sped up, but the black-colored Rolls-Royce caught up to them eventually.

The two cars cruised along the road alongside each other, making for a very strange sight indeed.

"Try and maintain this speed!" Cruze yelped at their driver.

"Got it!" The driver replied. He could neither speed up nor slow down instead, he continued driving at the same speed to match that of the silver-colored Rolls-Royce.

The two cars were only one meter apart now. The distance was getting a little dangerous. Davon jerked his head around to stare at the car next to him, wondering who was inside. However, all he could make out was a blurry figure.

He could tell that the person was staring at him, too.

"That's Davon Roman!" Violla's eyes narrowed as she appraised the man in the car next to her. Although she could only see the outline of his face, she curved her lips into a smile.

"Yes, that's probably him," Lucky replied, pressing her nose against the glass. "You can't really see anything through those tinted windows, though."

"Slow down a little," Violla ordered.

"Yes, Miss Landiana." Belly reduced the speed of the car immediately.

Next to them, the car slowed down as well. No matter how Belly controlled the speed of the car, they always managed to match her speed.

"Oh, how annoying!" Belly snapped, gnashing her teeth.

As the car slowed down, Violla rolled down the windows a little to reveal her pair of bright, dancing eyes.The man in the other car rolled down his window too, revealing the top half of his face.The two of them looked at each other, but the expressions in their eyes were completely different.

Violla's eyes were cold, arrogant and mocking.

On the other hand, Davon's eyes were flickering with a complicated mix of emotions. As memories of past events flooded his mind, his heart started churning with excitement.His eyes flashed with yearning, guilt, and deep, passionate love.However, he tried to keep his face blank.He had to calm his beating heart and keep his composure!

Those eyes in front of him were so familiar to him that his heart ached a little. They belonged to Violla herself!

However, Violla never used to look at him with such a cold, aloof expression. Although he had seen her haughty side before, this was different and it scared him a little.

For some reason, however, Davon knew he was right,that person in the other car was Violla!

As Violla gazed into those eyes, she felt a shiver run down her spine for what seemed like no reason at all. Her heart felt as though it was being pricked by a needle that got lodged just a little deeper.

She removed her gaze from him coldly and rolled up the windows. "Step on it again!"

"Yes, Miss Landiana." Belly sped up the car.

As expected, the car next to them sped up as well, as though they were extending a challenge to them.

"Throw them off!" Violla ordered.

"Yes, Miss Landiana!"

On the road, two Rolls-Royces sped along the road, one black and one silver in color. They resembled two storm clouds that were racing each other down.

In fact, that seemed to have turned into some sort of competition. Both cars seemed to be competing to see who could reach the destination first.

"How fascinating!" Inside the car, Davon gave a small chuckle, his eyes filled with anticipation.

That woman had a habit of showing up in front of him in the most curious of ways. Every time she appeared, she managed to turn his entire life upside down.

The last time at Empire Night, she had mistaken him for an escort and demanded that he compensated her.

This time, she had appeared as his business rival who was attempting to one-up him in everything.Davon wanted to know what sort of tricks she had up her sleeve this time.

He mused that the games between them were becoming more and more intriguing.

Violla could toy with him as much as she pleased. However, she would never be able to escape from his grasp.

Both cars arrived at Garden golf at the exact same time, kicking up a huge cloud of dust.

The parking lot was full of luxury cars. All the businessmen had already arrived with their bodyguards and were canvassing the field for other people to network with. It was very busy indeed.

However, when the two Rolls-Royce screeched to a deafening halt at the entrance, sending a strong gust of wind blowing into the parking lot they attracted everyone's attention immediately.

Everyone stopped talking and turned to look at the Rolls-Royce, aghast.

One of the cars had a license plate that was embossed with a golden 'D R', while the other one had a golden 'L' on it. Everyone knew who had arrived immediately.

The people from the powerful Roman Group and Landiana Corporation had arrived.

An excited murmur ran through the crowd. Everyone was full of anticipation. The arrival of the Roman Group and Landiana Corporation representatives had taken the conference up a notch.

The doors of the two cars swung open at the same time. The bodyguards in the passenger's seat got out immediately and opened the door for the people in the backseat.

Davon stepped out from the car, his jet-black suit shining like a diamond under the sun. He carried himself with the inherent aloofness of an important man, which drew everyone's eyes towards him at once. His eyes were deep-set and narrowed, which gave him a rather severe look.

Meanwhile, a long pair of legs stepped out of the other car. A beautiful woman appeared, attired in a pair of black pants and a simple white blouse. However, because of the chic style of her clothes, she looked more stylish than businesslike.

Her face had a light dab of powder, and she wore a pair of pearl earrings on her ears. She had put her hair up in a knot, which accentuated the sharp look on her face. With her beautiful face that looked as though it had been crafted by the gods themselves, she became the belle of the ball immediately. Everyone turned to gaze at her.

They looked rather shocked. Who was this beautiful, smart-looking girl that had appeared out of nowhere at all?

Meanwhile, Davon was still reveling in the fact that he could finally see her up-close.

His heart was beating faster than ever as he tried to swallow the taste of bitterness in his mouth.

His suspicions were confirmed at last. That woman was Violla, and there was no doubt about it.

The person in charge of the conference, came hurrying up to them with his bodyguards in tow. "Welcome, Mr. Roman and Miss Landiana!"

He shook hands with Davon enthusiastically, before turning to Violla and saying, "Miss Landiana, your reputation precedes you. You've just entered the business world, but you have already had so many accomplishments under your belt. What a young talent!"

"You mustn't say that!" Violla said, laughing mockingly. "What if Mr. Roman gets angry? After all, all my achievements were built on the failures of the Roman Group!"

Hearing that, the crowd fell silent immediately.

Color drained from the businessmen's faces. They shot hasty looks at Davon, silently castigating Violla for being so arrogant. How could she dare to challenge him like that in public?

Another murmur ran through the chagrined crowd.

The person in charge had achieved his position due to his great ability to converse with all sorts of people and make them feel at home. He was well-known for being able to talk his way out of anything, but even Violla's words rendered him completely speechless.

Looking rather awkward, he forced a smile onto his face and wiped the sweat from his brows with a shaky hand.

"The floor might be beneath our feet, but it fears us not, because we rely on it to stand firm on our feet." Davon smiled as he gazed straight at Violla. "Miss Landiana, you are young, and still have much to learn."

That time, it was Violla who was left speechless. Evidently, Davon was no amateur when it came to dissing people himself.

His words had a deeper meaning to them. He wanted to let everyone know that the Landiana Corporation had beaten the Roman Group that time only because the Roman Group had let them. There was nothing jaw-dropping about Violla's achievements at all.

"You're right, Mr. Roman. I'll make sure to learn as much as I can from you." Violla didn't seem affected by his words at all. Smiling long and meaningfully, she turned and left with her bodyguards in tow.

"Oh, move out of the way!" Lucky made sure to give Cruze a hard shove as she pushed past him.

"You…" Cruze gnashed his teeth, furious.

Seeing that violla had left, everyone else dispersed quickly, knowing that the show had ended as quickly as it had begun.

However, it had been an exciting show-down while it lasted. As everyone walked away, they started discussing the matter amongst themselves.

"Gosh, did you see how haughty Miss Landiana was? She kept on mocking Mr. Roman, but he remained gentlemanly and refused to lose his temper. If it was somebody else, however, he would've exploded at them immediately."

"Doesn't he hate being mocked by people the most? What happened just now? Why did he let her off so easily?"

"In my opinion, Mr. Roman knew the value of retreating in order to advance."

"Yeah, right! I think he was just trying to get that beautiful girl out of her bind."


Hearing that, Cruze's face turned steely with rage. However, Davon seemed rather nonplussed. His eyes continued to follow Violla as she walked further and further away.

A few businessmen wanted to network with him, but their friends held them back. "Mr. Roman is probably stewing right now. If you go up to him now, nothing good will come of it!"

The businessmen felt that their friends were right. Timidly, they went up to Davon and said hello to him before darting away quickly again.

As he gazed at Violla, Davon's heart swelled with emotion. He tried to keep them under wraps.

He had thought of her day and night for two years, tormented by the guilt in his heart. He finally had a chance to set those feelings free.She had returned at last!

She had really appeared in front of him in flesh. This time, she wasn't a mirage or a dream he had conjured up in the middle of the night,she was actually there.

He had stood close by her just then. Their short conversation stirred up some of Davon's memories from the past.

Back then, she had enjoyed bickering with him thoroughly. Although she never managed to beat him in a battle of wits, she liked issuing a challenge to him anyway.

As he thought about that, his lips curved into a smile. The expression in his eyes became much gentler than before.

Had she pretended not to recognize him because she was still mad at him about what had happened all those years ago? Nevertheless he would take it one step at a time.

Slowly but surely, he would erase whatever negative feelings she had towards him, and make her return to his side.

"Mr. Roman, Miss Landiana is young and reckless. Please don't take her words to heart," the person in charge said, trying cautiously to calm Davon down. "When I find the chance, I'll make sure to give her a good talking-to."

If another person had mocked Davon like that, the fight would've ended horribly for them. Even the event organizers would've been implicated in the matter. Hence, he felt obliged to apologize for the earlier altercation.

"What a woman! She has some character." Davon smiled brightly and walked away.

Cruze and the bodyguards hurried after him.

"Um…" the person in charge stood rooted to his spot, feeling a little lost for words. "W-what just happened?"

"Couldn't you tell what happened?" his assistant asked with a smile. "Mr. Roman has developed feelings for Miss Landiana."

"That can't be true!" the person in charge exclaimed in horror. "The Romans and the Landianas are arch-enemies!"

"All's fair in love and war."

He was speechless.

He thought the entire situation was unlikely, but since Davon had decided to let the matter slide, he decided not to cause more trouble for himself.

Seeing that Davon was about to leave, he snapped out of his daze and chased after him. "Mr. Roman, wait for me! I'll lead the way for you."

Garden golf had very nice scenery. It was located on sprawling grounds and complete with a golf course, a hot spring resort, a racing ground, and a luxurious banquet hall.

It was already late in the evening. The businessmen had returned to their hotel rooms to get ready for the banquet that night.

The Gregorian Chamber of Commerce had reserved the entirety of Garden golf for that night. Because there were a limited number of rooms, each participant could only bring two of their aides with them. The others would have to stay in the hotel over at the golf course.

As two of the most prominent families, representatives of the Roman Group and Landiana Corporation found themselves staying at the best villas Garden golf had to offer.

However, the villas at Garden golf were all duplex houses. Since both families had similar statuses, members of the Roman family and the Landiana family had been assigned to adjoining houses.

Remembering the fiasco from before, the person in charge asked if Davon wanted to switch to a different house. However, Davon replied cheerfully, "No need to change! I like this place."