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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŽππ„ 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐃 π’π„π•π„ππ“π˜:

Lucky started taking things seriously. She had the dart in her hand and examined it carefully before she tossed it.

The dart brushed past the petals and cut a small section out of it.She needed to avoid the branches and the leaves, so it was extremely difficult to achieve any of that.

"Is that it?" Cruze scoffed and picked up a dart before adjusting it in his hand. He aimed and let the dart loose.

The dart zipped over and knocked a huge portion of the petal down. The cheers on-site became louder, and everyone was chanting Cruze's name.

Davon's lips curved into a small grin before he continued sipping his drink.

"Not bad," complimented Violla nonchalantly. She suddenly recalled something and said simply, "Mr. Roman, we haven't discussed the terms of our bet."

"Oh?" blurted Davon. He stared at her in amusement before asking, "What would you like to bet then, Miss Landiana?"

"If I win the bet, you will have to do me a favor," replied Violla as she narrowed her eyes at him with a sly grin on her face.

"Sure," answered Davon without a second thought.

"Aren't you going to ask what that favor is?" asked Violla with a raised brow.

"I can do anything as long as it is not illegal or immoral," replied Davon confidently. "Besides, I won't lose!"

"Is that so?" scoffed Violla. "Well, I'll look forward to our bet then."

"What do I get out of the bet if you lose?" asked Davon as he inched closer to her while swirling his drink.

"Name whatever it is you desire," answered Violla boldly.

"I want you…" murmured Davon as he slightly tilted his body to her. His gaze burned with the hunger of a beast when he continued, "To spend the night with me."

No one spoke. The crowd gasped hearing those words.

Everyone knew that Davon was wild and arrogant, but they didn't realize the extent of his arrogance. He actually made such an unreasonable request to the second-biggest shareholder of Landiana Corporation who was equally powerful and on par with him!

Such arrogance!

The bodyguards of the Landiana family were so angry that their faces were distorted as they glared at Davon. If looks could kill, Davon would be pushing the daisies by then.

Cruze, Marco, and the other bodyguards of the Roman family were all grinning happily to see their master in the lead.

'These ladies have been pushing our buttons time and again. It's about time we give them a taste of their own medicine. Good job, Mr. Roman!' Cruze thought.

"Mr. Roman truly is my idol," said a businessman sincerely. "I am impressed once again."

"You're right. He really is bold. I won't even dare."

The other businessman replied in a soft voice, but he quickly clamped his mouth shut. He realized that his words were extremely offensive toward the Landiana Corporation.

"Mr. Roman truly is something else." Everyone was excited, and they gathered to watch the show.

"Hah," sneered Violla. "Your reputation is just, Davon Roman."

"Why? Are you too chicken to gamble? Or do you think you'd lose?" taunted Davon arrogantly as he leaned back on the black leather chair he was sitting on.

"Of course I won't lose," replied Violla, who refused to admit defeat. She then added, "Fine, I accept the terms. I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget once you lose."

"I look forward to it!" said Davon with a gleeful grin.

Violla's face was red with fury. She was glaring at Davon when she instructed Lucky, "You must win this competition!"

"Understood, Miss Landiana," said Lucky. She grabbed a dart and knocked Cruze away. "Get out of my way!"

"Hey, you…" growled Cruze. His knuckles were cracking, and if it wasn't for the bet holding him down, he would've gotten into a fight against her.

Lucky grabbed a dart and narrowed her eyes to adjust her vision before she threw it.

At that crucial moment, Belly suddenly moved, and the dart landed directly at the center, causing petals to fly everywhere. They landed on Belly's face and clothes.

Belly blinked. Seeing those petals got her to grin happily.

"Hey! How is that okay?" blurted Cruze as his eyes bulged. He complained, "That's obviously cheating!"

"He's right. This is too much," said Marco angrily.

"We never said that the target can't move," refuted Lucky with her head held high. She continued, "If you're not happy with the result, you can send someone to hold the target and work together as well. Anything goes as long as the objective is achieved."

"You…" growled Cruze, his face scrunching up in anger. He turned to Davon.

Davon, on the other hand, simply looked at Violla with a calm look.

"She's right," said Violla nonchalantly while shrugging.

"How unreasonable can you get?" complained Cruze as he cracked his knuckles.

The business tycoons were touching their noses and clearing their throats endlessly at the side. No one dared to speak up.

Landiana Corporation was indeed being unreasonable, but that was just a game. It was not an official tournament, so there were never any actual rules set in place.

Whether or not it was fair would depend on Davon's take on the matter.That was why everyone had their eyes on him and was waiting for his response.

"Hmm… If Miss Landiana thinks it's fine, then I'm okay with it as well," replied Davon. He nodded before turning to Cruze and ordering, "Go on."

"But Mr. Roman." Cruze was stunned in place. He never expected that the renowned Mr. Roman, who he and his friends respected and cared about, would actually stoop that low and abandon his values for a woman.

'He wants me to continue even after we're being pushed to this extent? Has her beauty chased his brain out of his head?'

"Go on," demanded Davon.

Cruze felt horrible, but he had no choice but to swallow all his fury and push forward.

Only half a petal was left on the rose. Cruze had to hit it or the Landiana family would definitely win the game.

Even though it wasn't a hard task for Cruze to strike those petals, the fact that the other party had broken the rules made him wary. 'There is no saying if that b*tch will move the target at the last second.If she moves even a little, I will miss the target.' Cruze thought.

'That woman already has her brows raised like that and doesn't even bother standing upright now.' Fury burned within Cruze but he picked up the dart and adjusted his position.

"Careful now, this is your last chance," reminded Lucky arrogantly from the side. "I will break your hand if you hurt my people."

"Don't you think you're crossing a line here?" growled Marco. He was so agitated that he stepped forward to demand justice.

Davon cleared his throat as a sign of warning.

Marco had no choice but to back away while glaring at those vile women.

"Mr. Roman, I just had an epiphany," said Violla as she rested her forehead on her hand, looking as though she had just thought of something. She continued, "If I win, I want you…"

Violla inched closer to him. Her lips curved into a sultry and mischievous grin as she emphasized her next words. "To strip naked and dance in the banquet hall!"

The person in charge was sipping red wine when he heard those words. That prompted him to spit everything out and cough nonstop.The business tycoons widened their eyes in disbelief as they gawped at Violla.

Just moments ago, they thought that Davon was being too arrogant, but it turned out that the Landiana family was even worse.

'Did she actually demand Davon do a striptease in the banquet hall? I can't believe she uttered those words. I won't have the guts to do that, not even in my dreams.'

On the bright side, those words got everyone excited. They rubbed their hands together in anticipation.

It didn't matter whether Violla would end up spending the night with Davon or if Davon would end up dancing naked in the banquet hall. Either result would be a historic event that would be something they had never seen before and would likely never see again.

'Tonight is the night we witness a miracle!'

"Mr. Roman, this is getting way out of line," reminded Cruze nervously with a soft voice. "Remember the old saying. A warrior's honor is more important than his life."

"Mr. Roman, these women are playing dirty, so let's not play this game with them," said Marco, who was anxious as well.

If their boss was forced to dance naked in the banquet hall, they would be so ashamed that they would never be able to look another person in their eyes again.

'No. We can't let this happen!'

"Shut up!" reprimanded Davon coolly. "I am a man. How can I go back on my words?"

He then turned to Violla. His gaze was gentle, and his lips carried a hint of glee when he said, "A striptease, huh? Not a problem!"

"Huh?" Everyone gasped once more. Their minds practically short-circuited.

'W-wow. Mr. Roman is really going all out to court her. Guess the old wives' tale was right. Even heroes can't defeat a beautiful lady.'

'Looks like it doesn't matter how devoted he is to his company and career. He loves this woman more.'

'He's actually willing to perform a striptease just to make her smile?'

Every thought passing through the spectators' minds highlighted their admiration for Davon's dedication.

They were astonished. 'Looks like even the mightiest of men would fall prey to a vixen.'

'This is both sad and admirable.'

Violla laughed aloud. She seemed pleased when she said, "Your reputation is just, Mr. Roman. You're actually keeping your word, and I am truly impressed."

Lucky, Belly, and the others giggled happily.

It seemed that everyone was certain of Landiana Corporation's victory.

After all, they were the ones who made the rules. It was impossible for them not to win.

"Well then, let's continue," said Violla eagerly. She couldn't wait to see the end result, so she waved at Cruze and reminded him, "Don't worry. You're not the one who has to dance naked, anyway."

Cruze stared at the face that was once familiar and friendly. That same beautiful face was shining with arrogance and cruelty at that moment. Cruze swore to himself, 'I will never be with a woman in this lifetime! Women are the root of all evil.'

"What are you still standing there for?" urged Davon. "Go on!"

Cruze felt his heart oozing with disappointment, for the Mr. Roman that they looked up to had lost all his dignity for a woman.

He sighed inwardly. "Whatever… Here goes nothing.'

Cruze took a deep breath and picked up the last dart before walking into the right position.

"Hurry up already!" urged Lucky from the side. She was already holding her dart and was ready. She was certain that Cruze wouldn't hit his target, so she was waiting for him to fail.

The Landiana family's bodyguards were all exuding confidence and were urging Cruze to hurry with their gazes.

Every bodyguard employed by the Roman family looked troubled. They felt hopeless because even their boss had sided with the enemy.They sighed to themselves.

Cruze narrowed his eyes and tossed the dart.

Belly saw that the dart was about to hit the petal, so she moved away immediately. Just then, an ice cube flew over and hit her in the right cheek. That stopped her from moving away and got her to crouch down a little.

The dart flew past the rose petal and landed on the board behind it, quivering a little as it found its target.

The crimson red petal fell slowly, gliding down Belly's black skirt, and landed in the wine glass.It felt as if time had stopped, and the air seemed frozen.

It took some time before someone came around and shouted, "We won!"

"The Roman family won!" The business tycoons followed suit and cheered excitedly.

"We won!" Even the Roman family's bodyguards, who had been quiet, became excited.

Marco walked over and snatched the flower stalk from Belly. He showed it to everyone and exclaimed, "Look! There are no petals left on it. We won. We won!"

It was only then that Cruze snapped back to his senses. He seemed pleased as he grinned. A moment later, realization dawned upon him and he turned to look at Davon.

The former's eyes shone with respect and admiration. 'Turns out, Mr. Roman has never changed.'

"Good game," commented Davon as he wiped the water off of his hand gracefully.

"D-did you do something just now?" Violla was frowning deeply as she stared at Davon's hand.

He moved too quickly earlier, so she never registered what she saw. 'There's no doubt about it. He must've done something. He picked up a piece of ice and threw it over at that crucial moment to hit Belly's right cheek. Belly instinctively moved away, causing the dart to land perfectly.'

"I did," admitted Davon. He even grinned with his brows raised when he asked, "Like you girls, we worked together pretty well too, right?"

"You…" Violla growled.

"This doesn't count. You're obviously cheating!" growled Lucky angrily.

Davon tilted his head and turned to her. His gaze was soft with a hint of hostility.

That frightened Lucky so much that she took a step back and didn't dare to say another word.

"Aren't you the one who said that anything goes as long as the objective is achieved?" taunted Marco, "If you girls are allowed to move at will, then why can't we?"

"You…" Lucky had more to say, but Violla cut her off.

"Shut up! I will honor my word," said Violla before she picked up the wineglass and downed her drink.

"You truly are an incredible leader, Miss Landiana," said Davon. His lips curved into a satisfied grin before he stalked toward her and reminded her, "Since you've lost, you are mine tonight."

"Oh my!" Everyone started murmuring amongst themselves.

They were all excited and happy for Davon because Landiana Corporation was the one who kicked up the dust in the first place, then had the audacity to cheat.

Davon, on the other hand, acted like a gentleman and kept backing away despite their constant unreasonable requests. In the end, he still won under those unfavorable circumstances.Everyone was delighted to see an ending like that.

"Miss Landiana…" said Belly. She had her hand on her swollen cheek and had stepped up to receive her punishment. "I did not do my job well. Please punish me."

"Leave!" instructed Violla grimly with a frown. She turned around and scoffed at Davon before asking, "You'd better think this through, Mr. Roman, so you won't regret it in the future."

"I've never regretted any decision I made," replied Davon before he pulled Violla into his arms. He stroked her hair and said, "I'll give you a striptease once we're alone in the room."

His last sentence was extremely flirty and left many with room for imagination.

The business tycoons were all excited. They were cheering silently for Davon, but they never said a word.

"Sure," replied Violla. She showed no signs of being a shy and awkward lady. Instead, she hooked her arm around his neck and leaned into him before she said, "I am curious to see how you look like doing a striptease performance."

"Wow!" Everyone was howling and whistling excitedly.

That was especially true for the men. They were applauding Davon so much that it was as if he had just fought and won a battle for the male species.

"What are we waiting for, then? Every second counts!" Davon held Violla's hand and rushed out of there, while their bodyguards hurried to keep up with them.

The business tycoons who had been watching the show were all staring enviously at Davon.

Cruze and Marco were also happy for Davon.

The driver had already pulled the car up when Violla and Davon left the banquet hall.

Just when Davon was leading Violla into his car, she grinned seductively and suggested, "It's a beautiful night. Why don't we go for a walk?"

"You're wearing high heels. Will you be alright?" asked Davon as he stared at her eight-centimeter heels.

"It'll be fine as long as I do this." Violla took off her shoes and held them in her hand. After that, she hiked her gown up and led the way walking down the road.

Mixed emotions rose within Davon as he watched her back. It felt as if he had suddenly returned to two years ago.Back then, Violla was carefree and wild. She had since assumed another identity and became stronger, but she would still subconsciously show her cute and naughty nature.

'This is who she is. It will never change, regardless of how much she pretends to be otherwise.' Davon took off his coat and draped it over Violla's shoulder before he took a step back gracefully. He didn't try to take advantage of her or anything.

"I didn't think you were such a gentleman," commented Violla with a smile.

"Are you trying to say that you see me as a crude man?" asked Davon with his brows raised.

"The kind of person you are is not important," replied Violla as she stared ahead at the beautiful street. She then narrowed her eyes and added, "The important thing is that the Landiana family and the Roman family are mortal enemies!"

Her words got Davon's heart to sank. 'She's right. The Landianas and the Romans have always been enemies. She has been provoking the Romans ever since she showed up here. That could only mean that the Landiana family is declaring war on us.'

There was a time when they were worried that the Landiana family would discover Violla's real identity and deliberately use her to get to the Romans. That was the whole reason D'barl sent her away.

'Who would've thought that after all the twists and turns he took, we'd still end up here? None of that matters, though. I don't care how tough the road ahead is. I will get her back.' Davon declared to himself.