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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŽππ„ 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐃 π’π„π•π„ππ“π˜- 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄:

"Why don't I do this? I'll ask Clyde to talk to them and make sure they keep an eye on the eagle. I'll settle the rest of the matters when I'm back. Please stop my grandpa from going over there to teach them a lesson." Davon did not want D'barl to meet Violla, or else things would take a turn for the worse.

"Understood." Right as Douglas ended the call, D'barl urged, "How is it? Is he there yet?"

"Mr. Young Roman has sent someone there, but he'll need some time. Let's not rush him." Douglas was afraid that things would turn into a huge mess. Whenever the elder man's grandchildren were involved, D'barl would start acting like a child. If he could walk, Douglas was sure that D'barl would have gone there to beat them up.

"Okay." D'barl nodded. He then consoled Ryan, "Don't worry. I'll definitely stand up for you."

Seeing that, Douglas could not help but sigh inwardly.

D'barl had always been an arrogant man; he never needed to try his best to appease someone in that way in the past.

Now that he was old, he had spent a lot of effort on those three children. Not to mention he still had to find ways to improve his relationship with Ryan.

"Mr. Roman, you're really giving your all to this!" Meanwhile, Cruze was also thinking similar thoughts. "You're trying to get Miss Milan back while hiding it from Mr. Old Roman at the same time. Most importantly, they actually moved to North Villa and turned into our neighbors. Now that we're all using the same road, we'll bump into her eventually."

"That's why I have to get grandpa back to North Nation." Davon could even sense an oncoming headache.

"Mr. Roman has returned on the pretext that the children are enrolling into school, but what he wants to do is to improve his relationship with them. Moreover, he's also trying to supervise your relationship with Miss Carol," Cruze mumbled. "I don't think he'll leave that easily."

"You reminded me something," Davon blurted out. "Make some time. We'll be going to Amelia's Hospital tonight."

"Understood." Cruze nodded.

Right then, Davon's phone rang. He picked it up and greeted, "Hello?"

"Mr. Roman, Sir Lewis has arrived at the airport. Mr. Stone and I are waiting for him here. However…" Molly trailed off before she covered her mouth to whisper. "I saw someone from Landiana Corporation."

"My my, they're everywhere, aren't they?" The corner of Davon's lips lifted. "Is Violla Landiana there?"

"I don't think I saw her." Molly suddenly stopped. "Wait, I see her now! She just arrived."

Immediately, Davon furrowed his brows. "I'll be right there."

"Okay." After ending the call, Davon gestured to Cruze and ordered, "To the airport."

Cruze nodded. "Understood."

Lewis from West Nation was an old client of Roman Corporation, and he was also an old friend of Davon.

Their many years of business cooperation had been pleasant.

This time, Lewis was there in the City to discuss a project with Davon, and Davon saw their meeting as something immensely important. Yet, to his surprise, the men from Landiana Corporation had arrived at the airport before he did.

Landiana Corporation had already snatched away several projects from Roman Corporation. This time, there was no way Davon was going to let Landiana Corporation have their way again.

That was not only for the company but it was also for his pride. He wanted to stop Violla.

Marco easily swerved the car around the traffic like a fish in water, and before long, they arrived at the airport.

With a group of men behind him, Davon rushed toward the doorway to see Lewis walking out of the private walkway.

Lewis was a man with a perfect face and blue eyes, looking like a prince who walked out of a mythology book. He was also a lover of music, and he was a renowned pianist.

"Mr. Roman, over here!" Molly rushed over. "The moment Mr. Stone found out you were coming, he left. The men from Landiana Corporation are waiting at the exit."

"Got it." Right as Davon was about to walk over to Lewis, a melodious voice traveled into his ears.


"Violla!" Lewis' gaze swept past Davon and landed on Violla. He was pleasantly surprised.

Then, he strode over and hugged her.

Violla did not reject him. Instead, she was being so intimate with Lewis to the point they seemed like a couple madly in love.

Watching them, Davon frowned.Without him realizing it, he was clenching his hands into fists.

"What's going on?" Cruze widened his eyes in shock. "Sir Lewis knows Miss Landiana?"

"I'm afraid it's not as simple as that," Marco pointed out.

Soon, Davon recollected himself and strode toward them. "Lewis!"

It was only then that Lewis let go of Violla, but one of his arms remained draped over her shoulders. Turning around, he flashed a bright smile at Davon before speaking in Arabic. "Davon, let me introduce you to a good friend of mine, Violla Landiana."

"When did the two of you become friends?" Davon was speaking to Lewis, but his eyes were staring at Violla.

"We've known each other for two years now," Lewis said with a smile. "Violla , this is the good friend I mentioned, Davon!"

"We've known each other for a long time," Violla replied as she leaned into Lewis' arms, making her look even more petite. "We even met yesterday."

"Oh? Is that so?" Lewis was surprised. "How did you know each other?"

"We met at work." Violla's Arabic was fluent, and it was a stark contrast with the Violla Milan from two years ago, who could barely speak Spanish.

"Lewis, it seems like you don't know her that well," Davon started as he stared at her. "She's the daughter of the Landiana family and the younger sister of Leon."

"What?" Lewis paled as he abruptly retracted his arm away from Violla's shoulders. "You're Leon's sister?"

"That's right." A sweet smile grew on Violla's lips. "Didn't I say that I have a secret to tell you the next time we meet?"

"But…" Lewis gazed at her as he frowned, not knowing what to say. He had suffered from Leon's plans in the past, and from then on, he had been keeping his distance from that man. Never had he imagined that Violla would be Leon's sister.

"What's wrong? Do you not want to be friends now that you've found out I'm Leon's sister?" Violla chuckled

"No." Lewis quickly shook his head. "I told you we'll be friends forever, but…"

"All right. I'll stop interfering in your business conversation," Violla interrupted.

After giving Davon a glance, she turned to leave.

"Violla," Lewis called out reluctantly.

In response, Violla turned and gave him a bewitching smile.

"That's enough. She's gone," Davon scoffed, his tone terrible from feeling irritated.

"I never thought she'd be Leon's sister." Lewis was still stunned and trying to compose himself from the realization.

"You know her, but you don't know her identity?" Davon asked as he towed Lewis along. "How did you come to know her?"

"I met her two years ago at a banquet. Her piano performance was excellent, and I fell in love with it immediately. When she was playing on stage, her music sheet was missing half a page. I even went on stage to help her out with her awkward situation. Oh, yes! I think you were there too. In fact, I think you were the one who hosted it. It was at Garden golf hotel."

As Lewis recalled the past, he let out a long, quiet sigh.

"Two years ago…" Davon immediately recalled the said banquet. He had a project cooperation with Laura, and he had hosted a banquet at Garden Golf. Back then, Violla had performed on stage as Olympia's substitute, and Lewis did go on stage to help her out.

'I should've stopped him from bearing further thoughts of her then and there..I can't believe he's trying to steal my woman from me now!'

"She was wearing a mask back then. How did you recognize her?" Davon wondered.

"Her eyes were one of a kind." Lewis mumbled as he lost himself deep in his thoughts again.

"To be honest, before she performed the piece, I had already seen her. She was exceptionally eye-catching when she came down from the car. I even took a photo of her." At that, Lewis took out the photo in his wallet to show Davon. Indeed, it was Violla from two years ago.

Back then, Violla was forced by Laura to wear a sexy evening dress. When the night breeze blew, the edge of her skirt flapped, and she was trying to keep it back down. It was a seductive yet pure pose she had at that time.

Right at that moment, Lewis had sneaked a shot of her. Staring at the photo, Davon's forehead creased. He never thought the banquet from two years ago would have helped Lewis and Violla get together.

"She later wore a mask when she performed on stage, but when I saw her eyes, I guessed that it was her," Lewis crowed. "However, to make sure I was right, I followed her backstage after her performance and saw her take off her mask."

"What great eyesight you've got." Davon cut him off, not wanting to hear more.

"The funny thing is that when I met her at Royal Theater, she doesn't remember anything about it," Lewis continued, disregarding Davon's interruption. "I took out the photo and showed it to her, but she told me that wasn't her."

"Maybe she doesn't want to admit whatever she's done back then," came Davon's half-hearted reply.

"That's not it." Lewis shook his head. "She was sick, and she has selective amnesia . You understand what selective amnesia is right?"

"What?" Davon halted in his tracks. "Really?"

"Yes." Lewis was certain. "Even until now, she has yet to completely recover. She has to take her meds every day. Sometimes she gets the mirage of few things but not the whole concept. Not completely everything."

Hearing his words, a solemn look crawled onto Davon's face as thousands of thoughts raced in his mind.

'If what Lewis says is true, then Violla really doesn't remember me anymore. That means she doesn't remember her family and friends too.'

'Does she not remember the triplets too?'

Right then, Davon realized something major. Violla loved her children dearly, but since her return, she never talked about her children, much less looked for them. That was indeed strange behavior of her.

Moreover, she was close to Mrs. Blake. Yet, she never mentioned Mrs. Blake's horrible death that happened a while back.

There was no plausible reason to explain her odd behaviors other than her selective amnesia.

'So she might know that she has children or me. But not how it all came to be. Is it the reason why she is taking her time to claim us back? Can she recognize the kids when she meets them? This is messed up.' Davon thought.

'Did she really lose her memory? Is that why Leon is using her against me? Or it's all a facade?' Davon's thoughts were all over.

"Davon… Davon!" Lewis' voice pulled Davon's mind back to reality. Davon then said, "Let me take you to rest at the hotel first."

"What's the matter with you? You seem distracted," Lewis queried.

"I didn't sleep well last night," Davon replied. Then, he added, "That woman's a complicated character. You should stay away from her."

"I don't think she's complicated; I think she's mysterious," crooned Lewis, who did not agree with Davon's words.

"I encountered her again at East Nation's Royal Concert last year before I confessed my love to her and began courting her there. However, she told me that we could only be friends. I thought I didn't have any opportunities anymore, but look at how passionate she was toward me earlier! I'm feeling my flame of hope burning anew!"

"That is how women seduce men," Davon coldly stated. "In other words, she's a scheming b*tch."

"What beach?" Lewis did not understand what he meant.

"Anyway, she's nothing but poison, so don't get close to her," Davon uttered, planning to mislead him. "There are plenty of pretty, sweet girls in this City. I'll introduce them to you tonight."

"No way! I'm not that kind of person," Lewis rejected promptly. "We from the West Nation are loyal people who stick only to one."

At ten o 'clock in the evening, Lewis followed Davon to Empire Night. Staring at the fluorescent lights and crowd of beautiful women, his eyes lit up in excitement. "I can't believe there are places as thrilling as this!"

"There are more to come," Davon tempted with a grin. "After you leave this place today, you won't think that woman's any good anymore."

"You mean Violla?" When Violla's face appeared in Lewis' mind, he suddenly felt as if he was making a mistake by being there. "I still think she's great. If she finds out I've been here, I'm sure she'll be upset. Forget it. I'm going back."

With that, Lewis spun around and was about to leave when a pretty woman in a sexy cat-themed attire crashed into his arms. She whispered, "Hey there, handsome. Where are you going?"

Lewis' eyes widened instantly as his gaze trailed from her collarbone and downward. When he saw her bosoms, his eyes widened further, and blood began streaming down his nose.

"Pft!" The young woman giggled as she covered her mouth. "Oh my, maybe some wine will freeze that nosebleed of yours."

With that said, the young woman then motioned for the other women to lead Lewis into Davon's private room.

"Sir Lewis reminds me of the first time I was here at Empire Night," Cruze sighed. "Like him, I was so shy and uncomfortable. But later on, you doomed me. You are such a bad influence boss."

Glaring at Davon gloomily, he complained, "Now I'm completely unfazed by everything."

"Isn't that good? You've developed an immunity to it." Davon grinned. "Although you frequent this place, you're still a virgin. That must be tough."

"Mr. Roman, h-how can you...." Cruze blushed.

Davon's grin widened before he walked into the room.

Marco, who was beside Cruze, inquired, "Cruze, are you really a virgin?"

"Shut it!" Cruze glared daggers at him. "Out of everything you learn, why are you learning how to gossip?"

Marco stood transfixed as he watched Cruze as he entered the room. When two girls dressed in bunny outfits came close to the latter, he skillfully maneuvered his way around them, completely unperturbed by their advances.

At the sight of that, Marco found his respect for the other man growing. Then, Cruze was his role model. 'I have to be principled and incorruptible like him!'

In the VVIP room was a sight of an indulgent lifestyle.

There were all kinds of hostesses,from bunny girls to mature, sexy women.

By then, Lewis had already lost himself to this paradise. As a group of gorgeous women surrounded him on the couch and fed him wine and gapes, Cruze averted his eyes away from him.

Lewis was like a prisoner caught in between his desires and morals. His fingers sunk into the leather couch as he struggled with all his might in his heart.

"Don't… pin me down. Get down from me.Hey, don't unbuckle my belt! Stop touching my thigh! Ah! Don't sit on me! Davon, save me!"

It was difficult for Lewis to speak the local language, and he was struggling both mentally and physically.

As Davon gazed at the pleading Lewis, he realized the latter had teary eyes and a miserable look.

Restraining himself from laughing, Davon then made a gesture.

Instantly, Cruze and Marco got rid of the young women, who were swift to make themselves scarce. Within seconds, the room was quiet again.

Lewis lay slumped on the couch as he wiped the sweat beading on his forehead. Even after minutes of taking deep breaths, he still could not recollect himself.

"Are you okay?" Davon glanced at the other man's reaction before glancing at the bulge between his thighs.

"I-I'm fine." Lewis hurriedly grabbed a pillow to cover his front. "Those girls are ferocious."

"You don't like it?" Davon intentionally asked. "Then I won't ask them to come anymore. Let's drink instead."

"No, no. That's not it," Lewis hastily explained. "It's tough for them to work this job. We should support them as much as we can."