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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŽππ„ 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐃 π„πˆπ†π‡π“π˜:

"If Mommy ever comes back, will you love and protect her?" Ryan asked again.

"Of course I will," Davon replied without hesitation. Then he asked curiously, "Why do you suddenly ask?"

"It's nothing," Ryan said shortly. He didn't want to tell Davon anything without confirming it for himself first.

"All right. Wash your face and go down to see great-grandpa. We'll eat together," Davon concluded, patting Ryan's little head.

"OK," Ryan nodded obediently.

Davon returned to his own room and changed his clothes, preparing to join his family for dinner. Just then, Cruze appeared with the report: "Mr. Roman, the hospital just notified us that Miss Carol has woken up."

"OK," Davon acknowledged. "We'll visit her later tonight."

When Ryan went to D'barl's room, he found D'barl sitting in a wheelchair, staring blankly out at the storm. He looked utterly forlorn.

"Young Sir Ryan, be a good boy and take this cup of hot tea over to your great-grandpa," Douglas whispered placing a steaming cup in Ryan's hands.

"OK," Ryan said. He walked over to D'barl, calling softly, "Great-grandpa!"

The old man remained motionless.

Ryan crossed over to his front, then repeated in a louder voice, "Great-grandpa!"

D'barl finally came to his senses. His eyes fixed on Ryan, bewildered for a moment. Then D'barl cried elatedly, embracing Ryan , "Ryan, why are you here?"

"To visit you," Ryan replied, handing D'barl the cup of tea. "Drink this, great-grandpa."

"Sure, sure." D'barl was delighted. He took a big swig from the cup and exclaimed, "Wonderful, wonderful!"

"Great-grandpa, I was working on my mechanical dove today. It was rather urgent, so I may have been impolite to you. Don't be angry," Ryan apologized meekly.

"No…" D'barl patted Ryan's head, looking at him fondly. "Ryan, you can tell me anything. If you're unhappy, let it out. You can argue or debate with great-grandpa, no problem at all. Just don't keep it to yourself, OK?"

"Got it," Ryan replied gratefully.

'Great-grandpa's really so good to me. What more could I ask for?'

"Let's have dinner together. Daddy's back. We can all eat together as a family," Ryan declared, tugging at D'barl's frail hand.

"Sure, sure." D'barl nodded.

"Great-grandpa!" A shout suddenly came from outside the room. Jason and Eliana ran in right after.

The room suddenly grew vibrant from Jason and Eliana's excited squabbling over who would get to talk to great-grandpa first.

"It's time to eat! They have prepared lots of delicious things for us today."

"Daddy's even squeezed juice for us!"

"Ha, how hard is squeezing juice?" D'barl replied, chuckling.

"Great-grandpa, let me give you a hand," Ryan announced, taking over the handles of the wheelchair.

"And I'll hold the cup for you!" Jason added, grabbing the said item.

"I'll get your blanket!" Determined not to be outdone, Eliana took the blanket and covered D'barl's legs with it.

The three children surrounded D'barl, a perfect picture of a happy family. Time seemed to fall away, and the house reverberated with the warmth and good cheer of old.

"You're still so hungry for attention even at this age?" Davon demanded. Even as he spoke, however, Davon had already stepped forward and pulled out a chair. D'barl was smoothly wheeled into his place.

"What nonsense are you saying?" D'barl said reproachfully with a twinkle in his eye.

As Jason moved to take his seat, Davon instinctively lifted Jason up into his chair. Bemused, Jason remarked, "Daddy, I've grown up! I'm not a little boy anymore."

"You'll always be daddy's little boy," Davon said, patting the top of his little head. He moved on to Ryan's.

"No need, daddy! I can handle myself," Ryan said, hurriedly clambering onto his seat.

Davon froze. Eliana, however, shimmied over and cried, "Daddy, pick me up! No matter how old I am, I'll always be your baby!"

"What a good child you are, Eliana!" Davon turned to her, beaming.

It had been a long time since the house had heard such joyful laughter, much less the jovial chatter that presided over dinner that evening.

For the past two years, whenever D'barl came over, Davon would excuse himself with work and Ryan had likewise remained aloof and distant.

Jason and Eliana were the only ones who had consistently remained on good terms with D'barl.

Over time, D'barl had stopped visiting.D'barl had only flown all the way back from North Nation in order to celebrate Jason and Eliana starting elementary school.

He'd spent even more effort getting to know the children and hoping to resolve the tension between him and Ryan.

D'barl had all but given it up for lost. He definitely hadn't anticipated that that night would come to pass.

He was thus overjoyed. D'barl believed that his efforts had not been in vain. At the same time, he began to harbor hopes for the future.

It was D'barl's wish that Davon's marriage would stabilize while D'barl was still alive. The three children would acknowledge Carol, and they'd all embark on their new life.

After dinner, when the three children had gone out to the garden, D'barl turned to Davon, saying, "Carol's awake. Come with me to visit her at the hospital."

"I'll go. You've been up and about for the whole day. Rest at home," Davon replied.

Davon had no qualms about going but thought it rather awkward to be accompanied by D'barl.

"That's fine too," D'barl said, exhaling. He didn't want to seem overbearing to Davon so soon after the ice between them had thawed. "I'll keep the children company here. You go and visit Carol."

"OK." Davon waved to the children and set off.

Along the way, Davon received another call from Lewis. Davon grimaced when he saw the number flashing luminous across his phone but gritted his teeth and answered. "What is it now?"

"Davon, I'm just about to meet Violla. I'm so nervous! What should I say if she asks me about what happened last night?" Lewis' anxious voice came from the other end of the line.

Lewis was like a bashful schoolboy who had never been in love, always running to Davon for the slightest bit of advice.

"Do I have to teach you that as well?" Davon was speechless. "Why don't you just make up an excuse?"

"I've thought of one. I'm going to say my friends took me there and forced a woman onto me. I had no choice." Lewis rattled off his plan.

"Why are you still asking me then?" Davon said curtly.

"But she asked me yesterday who had taken me there. Should I tell her the truth?" Lewis asked cautiously.

"Up to you. You can tell her if you want," Davon said easily.

"I'll be honest with her then," Lewis decided. "When she was questioning me yesterday, I didn't think that it would be right to sell a brother out behind his back. I had to ask you first."

"So you're going sell me out in my face?" Davon retorted.

"Uh… well…" Lewis stammered.

"Fine, take care of it yourself," Davon replied.

He hung up the phone. There was no discernible expression on his face to indicate that anything was wrong.

"Mr. Roman, why didn't you ask Sir Lewis to keep it a secret? If Miss Landiana finds out that you were the one who took him there, won't she misunderstand you for a player?" Clyde broke in. His reservations were evident.

"She's already misunderstood me enough. Once more won't make a difference," Davon scoffed. "Besides, even if Lewis didn't tell her, don't you think Violla wouldn't have found out on her own?"

"She didn't get anything out of Empire Night," Clyde said, pondering.

"I'm the only one that Lewis knows in this City. Other than me, who would dare take him to a nightclub? Who else would be able to order Empire Night to cover up what happened in the private room?" Davon said evenly. "Violla's smart. She'd surely have thought of that."

"That's true," Clyde said, nodding. "But aren't you at all worried about Sir Lewis and Miss Landiana's date tonight?"

"What's there to be worried about?" Davon rejoined coolly, raising an eyebrow. "That woman's totally intolerant towards straying of any sort in her relationships. Even if I was the one who took Lewis there, Lewis wouldn't have touched another woman if he had indeed resolved to be loyal. He succumbed to temptation and was ultimately caught by her. That has nothing to do with me."

"I get it." Clyde nodded in realization.

"I'm pretty surprised, though, that Violla was willing to meet Lewis," Davon remarked.

Davon appeared nonchalant but was fretting inside. The Violla he knew two years ago had been an absolute fanatic about loyalty in a relationship, particularly that of the man's.

It was two years since, and Violla had evolved from an innocent, naive girl into a cold and haughty woman. Could that domineering woman still have the same outlook as the sweet girl of yesteryear? Davon didn't dare to say for sure.

"Actually, the fact that Miss Landiana even agreed to meet with Sir Lewis is proof enough that she doesn't love him," Clyde analyzed. "The more affection you feel for someone, the less accepting you'd be of such behavior. Do you think she really got over it within a day? She doesn't love him!"

"That makes sense," Davon said with a sigh..

"But that's not to say that she still won't get together with him," Clyde continued. "Sir Lewis is a member of West Nation's royalty. Landiana Corporation has been cultivating close ties with West Nation. A marriage alliance for business relations isn't unheard of."

Davon face instantly grew dark.

"The Miss Landiana we see now is no longer the Miss Milan we knew, but another person entirely," Clyde said, completely diffident to Davon's growing displeasure. "Perhaps over time, love has taken a backseat to politics for her. It's very possible…"

"Shut up!" Davon bellowed, cutting short Clyde's contemplations. He immediately picked up his phone and called Lewis

"Davon?" Lewis answered, puzzled.

"Where are you?" Davon demanded in return.

"I'm at a restaurant here at South Sea, what's it called… Sea-love or something like that."

Just as Lewis blurted out the name of the restaurant, Davon hung up. Turning to his chauffeur, he commanded, "To Sea-love Restaurant."

"Sure," the chauffeur replied, immediately turning the car around.

"Uh…" Clyde faltered. "Mr. Roman, are you…"

"You're right," Davon said, narrowing his eyes. "If she's really changed that drastically and is going to get together with Lewis for a marriage of convenience, then where am I going to find a mother for the children?"

Clyde could not muster any response. He cursed himself for having said anything at all.

They'd promised D'barl that they were going to the hospital and even confirmed it with the Tariques. However, they were now racing towards Sea-love restaurant.

'Mr old Roman is going to be pissed!' Clyde thought, wincing to himself.

Another thought followed quickly on the heels of that one.

Clyde suddenly remembered the warning that D'barl had issued only that morning. He'd threatened to boot the next person who kept any secrets from him out of the Roman family altogether.

Shuddering at the thought, Clyde quickly pointed out, "The Tariques are still waiting for us at the hospital. Besides, D'barl has already ordered us to visit Miss Carol at the hospital. If you suddenly change your mind, won't it…"

"We can go to the hospital later," Davon said dismissively, glancing at his watch. "Tell them that we'll head over later."

"This…" Clyde was about to speak, then caught himself when Davon turned an icy glare to him. Lowering his head in acquiescence, Clyde replied meekly, "All right, got it."

Clyde thus gave Tarique Junior a call, citing urgent matters that were currently delaying them. Clyde reassured him that they would definitely be there later on.

Over the phone, Taylor concernedly told them not to worry. Davon was to focus on his own matters first.

Davon, meanwhile, was fixed on urging the chauffeur to drive as fast as he could.

"Sure," the chauffeur nodded. They flew towards Sea- Love Restaurant.

In the meantime, Lewis texted Davon a string of several flustered texts.

Why did you call me just now?

You're not coming to look for me, are you?

You'd better not come to look for me! I'm on a date with Violla. Do not bother us!

She's here. I'm not going to reply anymore. Don't bother us!

Lewis ended it off with a photo.

The restaurant was a cozy, intimate affair. Pink roses and heart-shaped balloons were scattered all around. Lewis, in center stage, was decked out in a white tuxedo that made him look even more dashing and distinguished than usual.

Lewis was even smiling charmingly at the camera with that kind of smile that countless women would definitely fall for.

On the contrary, Davon frowned, and his face darkened as he stared at the picture and asked Clyde, "Just look at his face! He thinks he's so good-looking and all that, huh?"

Clyde was at a loss for words and looked at Davon rather submissively. "Eh-hem… Are you jealous, Mr. Roman? Might I remind you that he's your only friend?"

It was true that Davon had been aloof and arrogant since young. His unapproachable temperament left him with very few friends, and because of that, Lewis was his only friend.

Lewis was two years younger than Davon. From an early age, he had been cautiously protected and unduly pampered. Hence, he grew up in a strict household, where there were all sorts of rules imposed on his life, studies, and even his social circles.

He was raised in the castle and seldom explored the world outside. Everyone he knew was but the noble and prominent men from the upper echelon of the society. Due to conflicts of interests, others from the royal family were somewhat scheming against him.

Apart from that, some businessmen were too mercenary and guileful, and Lewis couldn't really associate with them.

Thus, Davon was the only one whom he could actually confide in. Even though he appeared a little distant, he would never plot against Lewis at the very least.

Besides, they were like the two poles in dualism. While one was reticent, another was expansive. They contrasted each other like ice and fire.

Nevertheless, contemporaneously, the glaring polarity between them was also complementary. Hence, by degrees, a seedling of friendship grew between them.

"And you, Mr. Roman, are also his only friend," Clyde added.

Davon frowned in bewilderment. "What do you mean by that?"

"The two of you always hang out with each other… It makes me wonder if you guys are, perhaps…"

"Clyde!" Davon cut Clyde off and asked very solemnly, "Do you know why I've always arranged for you to work outside?"

"Is it because I'm not a smooth-talker like Cruze?"

Clyde himself was also curious about that. He came to the Roman family together with Cruze, and both of them started working for Davon ever since. Nevertheless, he was always stationed outside, and Cruze always seemed to get to stay around Davon.

He broke his back, but the outcome was often unenviable. On the other hand, Cruze could please Davon effortlessly.

In his opinion, Cruze was always in the desired position, and if they were not brothers, he might have long been dissatisfied with such differential treatment.

"You're bullheaded and not versatile enough." Davon eyed him detachedly. "Cruze is much more agile than you."

"I get it now." Clyde lowered his gloomed face.

"From now on, stay quiet and don't talk when you're not required to," Davon ordered menacingly.

"Yes." Clyde lowered his head and went silent.

Soon, their car arrived at Sea-Love Restaurant.

From afar, Davon could see the Rolls-Royce of the Landiana family and the black Maybach, which he had lent Lewis.

Getting off the car, Davon walked toward the restaurant with his bodyguards.

One could hear a romantic piece played on the piano just outside the door, whereas the air was filled with fresh floral fragrance and a hint of sweetness.

As he walked into the restaurant, Davon paused in his tracks when saw the scene in front of him.

At the piano by the window, Lewis and Violla were having a piano duet.

Alongside their remarkable skills, they were so seamlessly and perfectly in sync that they sounded utterly flawless.

The waiters and other diners in the restaurant couldn't help fixating their eyes on the performing duo. Not only that, but some of them even started snapping photos to capture such a memorable moment.

On the other hand, Davon was bitter as he looked at them detachedly.

'It's just the piano…What's so great about knowing how to play it? Me too…Fine, I can't.'

Finally, when the piece ended, tumultuous applause flooded the restaurant.

Right then, some of the diners and waiters were engaged in exhilarated discussions.

"They must be some of the greatest pianists in the world. That was spectacular."

"That's right. It's just that we have totally no idea about their background. I don't think I've ever seen them covered by the media."

"A truly great maestro doesn't need any publicity."

"Not only their skills are phenomenal, but they both look like real-life characters from the fairytales – so beautiful and charming!"

"Exactly! What a perfect match!"

"Judging from the harmonious way they're interacting with each other, they're probably a couple!"

"I heard that these roses and balloons in the restaurant today were put up by this man. Maybe he's planning for a proposal."

"Wow, that's great. Who would have thought that we would be able to witness such a beautiful love story today?"