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πŽππ„ 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐃 ππˆππ„π“π˜-π…πŽπ”π‘:

"Alright then, let's leave early today," said D'barl. He stroked Jason's head and continued, "Your daddy is on a business trip, and Ryan is probably bored at home now. Let's leave early and meet him at Fairy Land."

"Oh, okay," murmured Jason. He knew it wasn't appropriate for him to press on, so he changed tactics and said, "Let me go get my backpack."

"Jason, help me take my backpack as well," requested Eliana. She didn't know that they were already assigned a task and that the mission was ongoing.

"Your backpack is so heavy. Go get it yourself," Jason declined. "Come on. We'll go together." Jason needed an excuse to drag Eliana away.

Eliana harrumphed and frowned in annoyance before complaining, "You are so mean."

"We'll get the teachers to bring them over for you," suggested the principal immediately.

"There's no need for that. Let them do it on their own," refused D'barl grimly. "The Roman family members are taught to always accomplish their tasks by themselves. Please don't give the kids special treatment. Just treat them like they are normal kids."

"Understood," replied the principal while nodding.

"You may get back to work. There's no need to keep us company," instructed D'barl when he saw the other kids peeking over. "The other kids and their parents are staring, and this will affect everyone negatively."

"That is…" said the principal as he turned to the directors, who exchanged glances with him.

"I have some questions for the kids' teacher, but everyone else should go," instructed D'barl sternly.

"Understood," said the principal. Everyone bowed politely before leaving in a hurry.

D'barl had his men push him in his wheelchair to the other side so that he wouldn't affect the other kids and their parents. After that, he asked the teacher about how Jason and Eliana were doing in school.

At that moment, Jason dragged Eliana to the side and shared Ryan's plan with her.

Hearing that got Eliana to turn pale, and she said, "Isn't it a little too dangerous for Ryan to carry out the mission on his own? There's a scary eagle in North villa. What if it attacks Ryan like it did the last time?"

"I'm worried about that too, but Ryan already set everything in motion, so all we can do is support him. If we don't, the entire plan will go up in smokes," replied Jason with a frown. He sounded worried as well.


"Don't worry. The eagle was injured the last time we encountered it, and its injuries seemed grave, so I don't think Ryan will be in any danger," cooed Jason. "All we need to do now is work with him so that he is not taking a risk in vain."

"Okay, then," replied Eliana while nodding. She then reminded, "The plan is preponed, so you should call Ryan and tell him about it. I'll go grab my backpack and keep great-grandpa distracted."

"Okay," said Jason. Then he quickly called Ryan.

Ryan was distracted in class that day. He would check on Finny every now and then by peeking at his phone.

'That idiot is actually resting in a bird's nest and is on the verge of falling asleep!'

Ryan frowned in exasperation, utterly speechless. 'I knew it. That stinking bird is completely unreliable!'

Just then, Ryan's smartwatch rang. The call was from Jason.

"Ryan, what are you doing?" said the teacher while frowning at him.

"My baby brother called," answered Ryan as he showed her his smartwatch. "He doesn't usually call me at this hour. Something important must've happened. I should take this?"

"Alright, then," the teacher agreed and paused the class.

Ryan walked to the washroom to pick up the call. "Hi, Jason."

"Great-grandpa is getting us out of class early today, Ryan . It's likely that he has already sent his men over to take you to Fairy Land. You will have to take your plan forward," informed Jason, who deliberately spoke softly as he was worried about someone else overhearing him.

"I got it. We'll proceed in accordance with our original plan," replied Ryan calmly.

"Be careful. If you come across that eagle, just scream for help. Don't try to be a hero."

"Okay," replied Ryan, nodding. He then turned to his teacher and said, "Sorry, can we end the class now? You may leave the study materials here. I'll revise them on my own."

"Alright," replied the teacher while giving a wry smile. "These classes are too simple for you, anyway. You no longer need to attend my classes since you can get everything right just by reading the study materials. Looks like we'll have to make the class more advance."

"Let's discuss the matter after my daddy returns. Thank you for your time. They will pay the tuition fee in full," said Ryan before he signed his name on the teacher's slip.

"Thank you," replied the teacher while nodding with a slight grin.

"Please send the teacher home, Mr. Collins," instructed Ryan.

"I should take you to Mr. Roman now. I'll have someone else send your teacher home," replied Collins.

"The class ended early, so the driver who's supposed to take the teacher home is still working on something else. You should take the teacher back first. Mr. Killian can take me over later," suggested Ryan.

Ryan was polite regardless of who he spoke to, but his clear eyes shone with dominance, which made it impossible for anyone to go against him.

"Understood," replied Collins immediately. Then he turned to the teacher. "This way, please."

"Goodbye, Ryan," said the teacher as she waved goodbye to the little boy.

"Goodbye," replied Ryan as he watched them leave, secretly sighing a breath of relief.

Ryan sneaked away by feigning a stomach ache the last time Collins drove him home. If Collins chauffeured Ryan again, it was likely that the former would have his guard up, and Ryan wouldn't be able to sneak away.

That was why Ryan had to send Collins away.

After returning to his room, Ryan changed into a more relaxed outfit. Grabbing the backpack he prepared earlier, he picked up his phone and some tools. He even put on a pair of kids' sunglasses before he got ready to leave.

"The car is ready," called out Killian, who was outside the room.

"Alright, let's go," Ryan replied and exited his room.

"Aww, you're so well-equipped today," commented Killian with a smile.

"Fairy Land recently installed a new climbing wall and a VR game. This outfit will make it more convenient for me to play," explained Ryan.

He tried to sound as nonchalant as possible so that no one would suspect a word he said.

"I see." Killian tried to butter the kid up by adding, "How amazing. Young sir Ryan is not only intelligent but also athletic."

"Mr. Collins is much quieter," dissed Ryan before he shot a glare at Killian.

"Um…" blurted Killian. His face turned red with embarrassment as he kept his mouth shut.

'All three kids have inherited the Roman family's high IQ and EQ. They have that classic Roman style where they speak politely but somehow exude a powerful aura.'

When they got into the car, Ryan noted that two additional bodyguards were in there. He frowned in annoyance and complained, "We're just heading over to Fairy Land. Is it really necessary to have so many people around?"

"Mr. Old Roman specifically instructed this," explained Killian quickly. "Our main objective is to keep you safe."

"We were safe… until you made things so high profile. You'll just attract more attention," insisted Ryan. "Mr. Collins was always on his own when he chauffeured. Nothing ever happened. Are you not as confident in your fighting skills, Mr. Killian?"

"N-No, that is not true," said Killian before he quickly dismissed the two additional bodyguards. He promised, "Don't worry. I can keep you safe on my own."

"Alright, thanks," replied Ryan before he hopped into the backseat of the car.

Killian secretly lamented. 'The kid is only six, but his domineering aura is already overwhelming. Who knows how he'd turn out when he's older?'

In a while, the car slowly headed out of the driveway. Ryan looked down to check his phone. 'That stupid Finny. It's still napping!'

Ryan was utterly speechless. 'There is no saying how things are in North villa right now. Are those people still there? And that ferocious eagle.'

Ryan turned on the music on his phone. The loud music got Finny to jolt awake from its nap. It fluttered its wings and continued venturing to North villa.

Ryan sighed a breath of relief. 'That stupid Finny finally started flying again.'

'It's my turn to make a move.'

"Have some water, Mr. Killian," offered Ryan as he handed a bottle of water to Killian.

"Thank you," replied Killian before he drank some water. He later put the bottle at the side and continued driving.

"Mr. Killian how many years have you been driving?" asked Ryan as he stared at Killian's back.

"Seven years," replied Killian with a smile. "I got my license when I was eighteen and have been driving since. It's not that long, but I've driven a lot over the past few years. I am a pretty decent driver, so you don't have to worry about anything."

"Then can you instinctively perform an emergency brake?" asked Ryan.

"Of course I can. We have all gone through special training and can stop the car even if we have taken a bullet in order to protect our client."

Killian sensed that something was off as he spoke. Then his vision started to blur.

"That's good to know," commented Ryan as his lips curved into a faint grin.

"Did you…" said Killian before he shifted his gaze to the bottle of water at his side. His eyes bulged in surprise when he continued, "Young sir, you…"

"Don't worry. I won't hurt you. Finny flew away, and I just want to go look for it," replied Ryan as he put on his backpack. "Please stop the car at the side and take a nap."

Killian shook his head in confusion. He took his phone out to call for help, but the next moment, his hand slumped, and he fell backward onto the seat.

Right then, the car swayed a little, but Killian hit the brakes in the nick of time.

Ryan crawled to the passenger's side of the car and turned the engine off before he hopped out of the car with his backpack.

They happened to be at the spot closest to North villa. Ryan had checked the roads the last time, so it would be much easier for him to search the place.

Turning on the navigation system on his phone, he headed over to North villa.

He was on his way over when Finny reached North villa. The camera showed that the courtyard was empty, and there was no car in sight. Moreover, the doors and windows were locked, and there was no one in sight at all.

Ryan paused in his tracks as he frowned at his phone and wondered what was going on. 'Even if the owner isn't home, there should still be bodyguards stationed around the place. Besides, they usually have two cars on standby at all times.'

'Why isn't there anything today? Did the ladies move?'

Ryan was a little upset, but since he was already out there, he thought he might as well get to the bottom of things. With that, he continued forging ahead to North Villa.

Violla was in the other villa. After tricking Davon to fly out of the nation on his own because he was targeted by Leon, she stayed back to cover his whereabouts. They had initially agreed to fly together. Davon didn't sense Violla had set him up.

Sitting in front of the study desk and reading some documents, Lucky hurried over and reported, "Miss Landiana, it is as you have predicted. Someone broke into the North villa."

"Is it the Romans?" asked Violla without even looking up.

"It's a kid," replied Lucky. "He looks about six or seven years old."

Violla was taken aback. Immediately, she turned on her computer to check on the situation.

The villa already came with a lot of security cameras. Despite that, on the night before Violla left, she had someone install some additional miniature cameras within a three-mile radius of the villa. That way, she would be alerted if anyone was to get close to the North villa.

She had a feeling some one would spy on them when they knew she wasn't around.

As expected, she saw a boy who was dressed in a cool outfit and carried a backpack on the screen. He was heading straight to North villa with a black watch on his wrist. The watch was glowing with blue light, and Violla guessed that it had a navigation system that was leading the way.

At the same time, the boy had a phone with him. He would check its screen from time to time. It's likely that he was observing something.

Zooming in, she saw that the phone showed the situation in North villa.

'Looks like the phone has a surveillance system.A kid that young actually knows how to use technology that advanced?'

None of that mattered to Violla, though. As she stared at that tiny figure, she was surprised by how she felt. Instead of being repulsed, she felt a strange sense of familiarity with the kid.

"Who is the kid?" asked Violla as she stared at that tiny figure acting ignorant.

"Belly is looking into the matter now," replied Lucky. "The kid is at most six or seven years old. I can't believe he's alone in the woods without adult supervision. It's even weirder that he knows how to use advanced technology like that… Wait, is he…"

Lucky recalled how the Romans once visited them to tell them off about how the eagle frightened their kids.

"Could he be one of the kids from the Roman family?" blurted Lucky as the revelation hit her. "That would make him Mr. Roman's son!"

Violla narrowed her eyes suspiciously and kept her eyes on that tiny figure. 'Let's see what this boy is up to.'

Violla put on her headphones to listen to the boy's voice.

Ryan had been running, so he panted for breath when he took a break. He took out a bottle of water from his backpack and quenched his thirst before he continued his journey.

While walking, he instructed, "Finny, don't just stay on the tree. Circle around the villa so that I can see if there is anyone in the other areas."

Finny flapped its wings unwillingly before it slowly soared into the air.

"My gosh, you are so lazy. We really can't keep you in the cage anymore. You're getting too lazy," complained Ryan, who was not satisfied with the parrot's attitude.

When Violla switched the camera view to check the area surrounding the villa, she was surprised to see a small parrot flying around languidly.

"What is that? A parrot?" asked Lucky as she took a closer look.

"Found it," announced Belly as she rushed over to report. "Davon has three children. They're triplets; two boys and a girl. The girl is the youngest child. Their names are Ryan Roman, Jason Roman, and Eliana Roman. They also have a pet parrot."

As Belly spoke, she took a tablet out and showed Violla the kids' photos in their school records. There was a little parrot resting on a little girl's shoulder, looking especially cute. Violla smiled awkwardly seeing their photos in uniform.

"They are so adorable," commented Lucky, who took a liking to the kids.

When Violla saw the photos, she couldn't help trembling a little as a strange sensation rose in her heart.

The feeling was so peculiar that she couldn't put it into words. But she immensely missed them and needed to hold them in her hands once again.

"At least now we can be certain that this is Davon's son," said Lucky after she compared the photo against the image on the screen. She then added, "The only question is whether the kid is his eldest son or his second son. After all, both boys look exactly the same."

Violla kept her eyes on the computer. Suddenly, she noticed that the kid was about to step on a cobblestone that was covered with moss, so she quickly ordered, "Turn off the trap. Now!"

Right then, Ryan stepped onto something and felt that there was something amiss. He lowered his gaze to take a look before he continued moving forward.

"Deactivate all the traps now," instructed Violla immediately.

"Alright," replied Lucky as she turned them off one by one. Unfortunately, the child was running very fast, so she had to work so quickly that her fingers started cramping a little.It took her some time, but all the traps were finally switched off.

When she turned her gaze to the computer, she saw that the kid had arrived safely outside their villa.

The moment Ryan lifted his hand, Finny flew toward him and landed on the back of his hand, using its furry head to rub against Ryan's face affectionately.

"I know this has been tough for you. Now you can take a rest." Ryan got Finny some water and food before placing it on his shoulder. After that, he started examining the villa.

He had already seen everything from the camera placed on Finny, and he was certain that no one was in there.

'Looks like the residents have left. Did they move away? Or did they have to go on an urgent business trip?'

Ryan looked around, but he didn't find any camera. Naturally, he understood that affluent families who could afford a place like that would install their security cameras in secluded areas. It won't be easy for me to find them.That didn't matter to Ryan, though.

Since he was already there, he was hellbent on finding out who the owner of the place was.

Ryan got a device out of his bag. After activating it, the hidden cameras surrounding the villa instantly glowed red, and their locations were exposed.

At the same time, Violla suddenly heard a piercing sound from her headphones. It was so loud that it almost destroyed everybody's eardrums.