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Ryan soon joined the rest of the family in Fairy Land and after a blissful evening, D'barl collapsed and was taken to the hospital. Immaculate was attending to him when Davon arrived in the hospital after getting the information.

"I am sorry Mr Roman. But age is really catching up with him . There is nothing more we can do." Immaculate reported .

"How long does he have?" Davon was pacing around the office.

Immaculate sighed before saying, "Not longer than a year. Let's observe him for a day or two then we can send him back home."

It was already late in the night when Davon got home with his children and they all retired to bed.

The next morning Violla woke up earlier than usual. She was preparing for her

brother's arrival. And she had also planned to meet Ryan in person.

Ryan was in class when a message came in his phone to go to North villa after classes. That would only mean one thing that he had to sneak out of school and back before they got picked up. He told Jason about his plan and in no time Ryan was on his way to North villa . Even though he was scared something bad could happen to him, he still held to hope of meeting his mommy.

But he made sure to instruct Jason to tell their father about his whereabouts if he wasn't back to school before classes ended.

" Mommy, Mommy." Ryan eyes reddened when he saw the person who opened the door to the north villa."

Violla could only crouch down with her arms opened wide and the little boy threw himself in her arms. Screaming, hitting her ,with mixed emotions, releasing everything he had bottled up for two years. Violla didn't say a word until he calmed down.

They then went to the bedroom to talk and it took hours before they completely caught up. Ryan was shocked when he glanced at the clock on the wall . "Let's go home mommy. Eliana and Jason want to see you too. I know they will be very happy to see you. Eliana didn't go to school today. She is sick. I know miss Carol must have given her something again."

" No Ryan,I can't. Things are so complicated.I have to wait for my brother before I can come. Say what, I will pick Eliana and Jason and we can all come and live here together. Meanwhile,I will drop you off as I fight for your custody."

Ryan thought for a while. That is not what he wanted. He wanted his family to go back to being one . He hated the thought of them living separate from their mommy or daddy. 'Maybe mommy can change his mind after seeing daddy, Jason and Eliana in the same place.'

Ryan sighed then said. " I understand but can you please drop me home so that atleast you can see my siblings . They are no longer happy. Just see them and tell them of the plans to get custody. Then you can leave."

Meanwhile it was already in the evening and the bodyguards had told Davon that Ryan was missing. "Let him be . He will always come back." Davon was aware of Ryan's whereabouts and he was sure it would be just a matter of time before Violla comes after Ryan's convictions.

"Mr. Roman." Suddenly, Collins came rushing in to report, "The Landianas are here!"

"What are they doing here?" Davon frowned in pretence.

"I have no idea. But, Young sir Ryan seems to be in one of the cars." Collins meekly added, "The eagle is here too!"

"Eagle?" Tarique Junior face turned pale as he gave Carol a troubled look. He was discussing marriage possibilities between Davon and Carol. Davon was just giving them a listening ear.

Panicking, Carol hurried to Davon's side and grabbed his sleeve. She signed, "Davon, I'm scared."

"Don't be afraid," Davon plainly replied. "She is just dropping Ryan off and won't be staying long." He knew very well Ryan had convinced his mother to take him there.

Just as he spoke, he gently pushed her hand away and strode out.

If not for the fact he was pretending to be calm, he would have sprinted out without any hesitation. Suppressing his emotions, he couldn't let Violla know that she had fallen into the trap he set for her.

Meanwhile, the villa's huge metal gate remained closed. Without Davon's orders, the bodyguards weren't authorized to open it.

Some of the bodyguards naturally recognized Violla. As for those who were transferred over by D'barl, they were still awed by the Landianas family's prowess despite not knowing who Violla was.

Just the sight of the jeep with a large golden "L" emblem was enough to strike fear into them.

"Open the gate!" When Cruze realized that Violla had arrived with Ryan, he ordered for the gate to be opened immediately.

"Yes!" The green colored gate gradually opened.

The Roman family's bodyguards stood at attention in two neat rows, holding weapons in their arms.It looked as if the Landiana family was there for war. After that, the three jeeps gradually entered in a domineering manner.

Finny the eagle was standing right in front, glaring at the bodyguards as if to say all of them were scum.

Back in the villa, Tarique Junior and Carol were terrified by the sight.

"Carol, let's back off for now," Tarique Junior whispered. "I heard that ever since Violla reemerged, she behaves like the devil himself. She even beat up your sister badly the last time. Moreover, with Mr. Leon Landiana behind her, we can't afford to step on her toes."

"It's too late for that now." Looking towards the ground floor, Carol signed, "This is not the time to back down. After doing so much and arriving at the cusp of success, I cannot retreat from this!"

"We're only avoiding her for a while. It's not like we're not coming back." Tarique Junior grew anxious. "She has yet to recover her memory. But, if she finds out that you masqueraded as her during the wedding, she will definitely strangle you to death. Also, if she knew that you planted the illness in Eliana...."

Just when Carol shot him a glare, Tarique Junior bit his tongue. Scanning the surroundings, he asked softly, "This is Davon's room. I'm sure there aren't any cameras inside here, are there?"

"Enough." Carol signed, "You should head back first. All you're doing is get in my way."

"The exit is blocked. How am I going to leave?" Tarique Junior snapped, "Now, we have no choice but to wait for the Landianas to go. Besides, I'm not going to leave you here all by yourself."

Carol signed in exasperation, "In that case, shut up."

"Fine," Tarique Junior grunted meekly.

After shooting him a glare, Carol turned and left.

Meanwhile, when Davon saw the jeeps driving into the compound, he barked, "Who asked you to open the gate?"

"Mr. Roman, Cruze did," Collins replied reluctantly.

Davon didn't want it look so obvious that they had patched things up with Violla and he was waiting for the day she would come back home.

"Cruze, that's very brazen of you." Davon shot him an icy stare.

"Mr. Roman, I…"

"Step aside," Davon bellowed before striding out.

Furrowing his eyebrows, Cruze moved aside.

When she saw what happened, Carol thought to herself, 'It seems Davon has grown sick of Violla and doesn't welcome her at all. Instead, Violla has shamelessly come over uninvited.'

Carol felt reinvigorated by the thought. Just when all the other bodyguards headed out to see what the commotion was about, she gave her a cousin a look.

The next moment, her cousin who also doubled up as her assistant took a bowl of medication upstairs. She walked to a deserted corner before adding a mysterious substance into it. After that, she headed into Eliana's room.

"Is Mommy back? Mommy…" When Eliana heard the eagle screeching outside, she got out of bed excitedly. Especially when she heard whispers going around that Violla had returned to the villa. Just when she attempted to get down, she was stopped by the nurses. "Young ma'am Eliana ,you can't go down as you're still sick."

"Let go of me. I want to see mommy." Eliana tried to struggle free but it was a futile effort.

"What are you doing? Let her go this instant," Carol's cousin barked.

The two nurses released Eliana at once. Holding the medication, the cousin suggested with a smile, "Young ma'am Eliana, why don't you take this first. After that, I'll take you to see mommy."

"Really? Is mommy really back?" Eliana asked naively.

"Of course." The cousin added, "Once you take your medication, you will feel better. Only then will mommy be happy when she sees you."

"All right. I'll drink it." Eliana nodded obediently.

"Good girl. I'll feed you." The assistant prepared to feed Eliana the medication.

"Eliana, Eliana!" Suddenly, Finny the parrot flew into the room and flapped her wings vehemently to prevent Eliana from drinking the medication.

"Stupid bird. Go away." The cousin used her hands to shoo it. After Finny was beaten aside, the nurses tried to capture her.

Shoving aside the medication, Eliana screamed, "Don't touch Finny!"

"Eliana, be a good girl. Don't mind them and drink the medication first." The cousin continued coaxing.

"I don't want to… hack… hack…" Eliana began coughing as she pushed the bowl away.

"Be a good girl and listen to me." The cousin pinned Eliana down and tried to force the medication into her.

"What are you doing?" At that moment, Jason rushed into the room and saw what was going on. "Let go of Eliana!"

"Young sir Jason." The two nurses tried to stop him. However, neither of them was his match. Slipping easily between them, Jason kicked the bowl away.

"You…" Overwhelmed by anger, Carol's cousin raised her hand to hit him.

However, Jason kicked her to the ground the very next instance. He yelled, "How dare you hit me? Is this how you treat Eliana all this while?"

"Jason… boohoo…" When Eliana saw Jason, she threw herself into his arms.

"Jason, I'm scared. Take me to see mommy."

Just when Jason helped Eliana up to take her out, Eliana's legs wobbled, causing her to collapse onto the ground.

Hence, Jason carried her out on his back instead.

"Young sir Ryan, stop fooling around. It would be troublesome if Young ma'am Eliana falls," the nurses advised.

"Get out of my way!" Jason barked. "You're not our family nurses. Our family nurses are a lot more gentle."

"Young sir Jason…"

When both of them wanted to pacify Jason, Carol's cousin gave them a look to stop. All she did was shield them by the side as if she was worried that they would fall.

Meanwhile, Violla carried Ryan down from the car. Dressed entirely in white, she was a stunning sight to behold.

At the same time, Finny the eagle flew over their heads and flapped its wings, just like a guardian angel.

Lucky, Belly, and the other six female bodyguards stood behind Violla in formation. This time, they didn't carry any weapons with them.

At Cruze's signal, the Roman family's bodyguards put down their weapons.

"Miss Milan. It's Miss Milan."

At the sight of Violla, the head maid became so emotional that tears welled up in her eyes.

"My goodness, it really is…"

"Miss Milan isn't dead. She has returned home!"

When Lucy and the other old maids saw Violla, they too were thrilled.

Walking out slowly, Davon looked at Violla with mixed emotions.He had waited two years just for that moment.Throughout the entire duration, he pined for her return.

Raising her gaze at the majestic building, Violla looked at the gardens, the bodyguards, and the old servants. Inside her, she felt a strong sense of familiarity. Countless disjointed images flashed across her mind. The images were from the time she lived in the villa.Every one of them was warm and blissful.

Given that she didn't resent the place, it meant she had many happy memories there. Violla recalled the last time she came to the Roman residence.

At that time, D'barl had sent a messenger to North villa to warn her that her pet was frightening his great-grandchildren.

Infuriated, she brought the eagle to the Roman residence so that she could show them who was the boss.

However, she ended up frightening her own children.

Due to her rash actions, Ryan saw the black gold ring on Finny's legs. With that, he managed to locate her by chance.Everything seemed to have been dictated by fate.

And destiny had decided that she was to come home sooner or later.

Even if her relationship with D'barl couldn't be reconciled, she had to protect her children from any threats they faced. She would never forgive anyone who dared to hurt her children.

"Daddy!" Ryan's vibrant voice rang out, interrupting Violla's thoughts.

"Ryan!" Davon bent over and stretched out his arms.

Ryan dashed over and threw himself into Davon's embrace. Watching father and son , violla felt a rush of conflicting emotions.

"Ah!" Suddenly, Jason's and Eliana's screams could be heard from inside the house.

When Davon was about to check, Violla dashed in right away.

A minute before, when Jason was carrying Eliana down the spiral staircase, he felt someone suddenly push him from behind. Losing his balance, both he and Eliana tumbled down the steps.

At the crucial moment, someone dashed forward to cushion their fall, mitigating any further injuries.

"Mommy!" Jason cried out subconsciously.However, when he turned to look, he realized it was Carol instead of Violla.

"Jason! Eliana."

Dashing over anxiously, Violla coincidentally saw Carol lunging forward to save the children with little regard for her own safety.Obviously, everyone else saw the moving scene.

Everyone including Davon was stunned.

Holding onto her injured back, Carol struggled to get up. She signed, "Jason , Eliana ,are you all right?"

"We're fine." Jason nodded his head. "Thank you, Miss Carol."

"Mommy…" When Eliana saw Violla, she cried with her hands outstretched.

Violla ran over and picked her up at once. Holding her haggard little face, she asked, "Eliana are you all right?"

"Mommy, I'm scared. Mommy you are back. Mommy..."Hugging onto Violla tightly, Eliana bawled her lungs out.At that moment, all the panic and fear that she felt were released. The only place where she felt safe was in her mommy's arms.

"Eliana, don't be afraid. Calm down." Violla gently patted her on her back. She softly comforted her, "Mommy is here. No one will dare harm you now."

"Boohoo…" Despite nodding in acknowledgment, Eliana continued crying.

"Mommy…" When Jason saw Eliana crying, he too burst into tears.At the same time, many of the old servants teared up at the scene.

"Jason, come over here. Let me see if you're hurt." Violla pulled Jason closer to check.

"I'm fine." Jason shook his head. Sobbing, he remarked, "Mommy, you're finally home. We have been looking forward to your return every day."

"That's right, Miss Milan. All of us have been looking forward to your return," The head maid explained, "for two whole years!"

"Exactly!" the other servants added. "The place doesn't feel like home without you."

"She's right." Lucy was filled with emotion. "To us, you are the lady of the house. Forever and always."

Carol shot Lucy a ferocious glare.Frightened by it, Lucy quickly hid to the side.

"All of you flatter me." Violla looked at the servants gratefully. "This time, I'm just dropping Ryan off and will be leaving in a while."

"Mommy, don't go. I'm not letting you leave." Eliana hugged Violla tightly, worried that she would go.

Feeling anxious, Ryan tugged at Davon's hand and reminded softly, "Daddy, say something, quick."

Just when Davon was about to speak.A loud thud was heard as Carol suddenly fell from the steps.

"Miss Carol!" The nurses there quickly helped her up.

Sobbing, Carol's cousin remarked, "You have pushed yourself too hard. Despite carrying so many injuries, you still care for everyone in this family. In fact, you even risked your life to save Old Roman and Young ma'am Eliana , hurting yourself further."

By bringing up D'barl's name, the cousin forced Davon into reacting.

Davon stepped forward and helped Carol up. "Are you all right? You should have been more careful."

"I'm fine," Carol signed. "When I saw Jason and Eliana falling down the stairs, I dashed forward without thinking. All that matters is that they're safe."

Belly rolled her eyes and felt the urge to give her a forceful slap.

"How did Young sir Jason and Young ma'am Eliana fall down the steps?" Lucky looked at the tracks on the staircase.

"Oh…" Carol's cousin said at once, "Young sir Jason insisted on carrying Young ma'am Eliana on his back. When he wasn't careful...."

"Nonsense!" Jason interrupted angrily. He explained, "Someone pushed me from behind!"

"Who did it?" Violla demanded.

"Erm…" Jason scratched his head. "I don't know as I didn't get a good look. However, I'm definitely sure someone pushed me."

"Who is so brazen as to push you in our own house?" Ryan clenched his fists angrily.

"Perhaps, someone is trying to put on a show." Belly glared in Carol's direction.

Hiding behind Davon in fear, Carol signed in panic, "Why are you looking at me like that? I was downstairs during that time. Furthermore, I dived to save the children at the crucial moment. How is it possible that I pushed them? Are you saying that I have clones?"

"Aren't they everywhere?" Belly swept her gaze at the medical staff.

"What's the meaning of this? How dare you accuse my daughter of such a thing?" Tarique Junior questioned angrily, "This is the Roman residence, not the Landiana residence. How dare you outsiders wreak havoc here?"

"You're speaking as if you're not an outsider," Belly retorted fearlessly.

"You…" Tarique Junior's expression drastically changed. "Miss Landiana your subordinate is out of line."

"She is right, you are an outsider, this is a family matter." Violla snapped.

Tarique Junior was dumbfounded by Violla's response.

Carol tugged at Davon's sleeve as tears filled her eyes.

"Are there surveillance cameras at home? We'll know once we have a look." Lucky was more level-headed than Belly.