For the next three days Derrick worked feverishly to perfect his transfer device (this time without the pain and blood). Derrick also watched as each of the ships implemented the upgrades he had put in.

"I think now when they try to attack, they might be in for a surprise. We aren't going that easy if anything, this battle should go far different than last time." Derrick commented watching as Conner and Zan both were now growing new projectors on their sides.

Finally with only 2 days left Derrick and Shelby made a breakthrough, "I will be monitoring you every second, I have added an internal shut down program, in case you have difficulties like last time." Shelby wasn't too happy about Derrick still experimenting with this device but the results even she had to admit were quite startling. Derrick's planning had improved more than 90%, his cognitive reasoning had far surpassed his earlier abilities. Even with the limited time Derrick had been able to free up another 4% of all of their programs, though she didn't completely have free will, the amount of free will she now possessed was by far more than she'd ever had.

Shelby was watching Derrick far closer now, NOTHING could happen to him. All the A.I. were keeping an eye on him now, if, as they were all starting to suspect the truth, that Derrick was the most important person within ALL their existences. Though she was starting to fall for Derrick, even more, she still had a job to do, the better she performed, the prouder Derrick would be of her and the others. Derrick had finally gotten all the upgrades integrated on all the ships, from the data that he's received from Lucy and Shelby, the invaders didn't stand much of a chance no matter how many of them they sent. Though they had finally gotten his headset finished so that now using it wouldn't scramble his brains Derrick was still a little antsy to try it again.

"Shelby," Derrick said with only 1 day left, "I have a query."

"Yes Derrick, how can I help?" Shelby asked.

"I've noticed that since we began to resurrect your brothers and sisters, the races that attacked the galaxy before are once again renewing their attacks." Derrick noted.

"Yes Derrick I have started to notice this as well, suggestions?" Shelby asked.

Derrick was quiet for a moment, not sure how to breach the subject to Shelby that they might have an unwitting traitor amongst all of them. Sighing he decided that honesty with her always seemed to work the best.

"It appears that we may have an unwitting traitor among us, I need you to start scanning all the ships for any type of homing beacon or transmitter that we might have missed." Derrick let out.

"Yes Derrick I have already started, I will scan all frequencies." Shelby answered.

"I want you to start with those used by all the alien invaders first, I believe that the answer may be found in those areas." Derrick ordered.

"Compliance Derrick should I take any action once if I find anything?" Shelby asked.

"No, for the moment we have to assume that it was a plant placed where it is against the will of the ship in question. No, I think I have an idea how to deal with it." Derrick said deep in thought.

Shelby startled a moment, sadly answered, "Yes, Primary, it will be as you wish."

Derrick immediately caught the sadness in Shelby's voice and filed it away 'til later when he had time to deal with it.

The next day Derrick again went over all the upgrades he'd started them all on over a week ago. An hour later another proximity alarm went off. "Shelby report!" yelled Derrick over the sound of the alarm.

"The invading force has increased speed and will arrive 12 hours 11 minutes sooner." Shelby answered. "Alright, transport 0001 to the predetermined coordinates, with the increase in his re-gen does he have any capabilities?" Derrick asked.

"I now have 1 of my 8 energy producers operating, though I cannot move on my own. I can produce a 15% light shield. I am afraid that it is all I have at the present time though I will work toward reenergizing a second energy producer. I have a second almost on-line but the demands for power are seriously hampering my re-gen." 0001 replied.

"Good keep as hidden as you can, keep all your energy levels as low as you dare. I need you later, be safe 0001." Derrick said.

"I will do my best in Primary, good hunting, and good protection." 0001 answered.

"Alright I want all 4 of you in position. I want them to see us this time, I want them to think they have the upper hand." Derrick ordered as they ships lined up in various positions though it was an odd formation.

Derrick watched as the invading fleet accelerated the closer they got to the galaxy's edge. Taking a deep breath Derrick was waiting for optimum distance and surprise before they launched. Finally Conner and Zan flashed out, appearing on the outer left and right sides of the fleet. Shelby and Lucy had also been busy when signaled by Derrick had not only over-rode all the functions of the fleet but left them dead in space with minimal life support.

"Open a channel to the invading fleet," Derrick said a few minutes later.

"Channel ready Derrick," Shelby answered.

"To the fleet of invading Dicons, as you have already noticed your ships are dead. Your systems are dead, and if I so wish you will soon be dead. Surrender now; receive mercy unlike what you have given in the past, what is your answer?" Derrick asked. They all waited 5 minutes when the airways were still quiet, Derrick spoke, "Conner, Zan destroy 10% of all ships in front of you."

At that an eerie yellowish colored beam shot out from both ships, striking only those that were on the outskirts of the fleet they were there then just gone. Amid a huge amount of shouting Derrick smiled. "Now then I will ask again, as I know you can hear me and understand me. I expect an answer this time!"

There was a crackling over the radio, then a lizard hissing type voice came on. "We of the Dicon empire never surrender, we already have your trick. It is you who sssshould , or die!"

Suddenly hundreds of beams shot out from the fleet, many fell short the few that actually reached Shelby and Lucy barely rocket the ships. "Shelby have you gotten through? We need that information to be better prepared for future invasions." Derrick said.

"Working on it, I have half of the files now, still no mention of the device though I am seeing instances of it mentioned," Shelby replied. In truth she was actually having fun breaking into the ancient computers of the Dicons.

Sighing Derrick could see another demonstration was needed, "Alright Zan, Conner I'm through messing with them eliminating 50% of the remaining ships."

Both of the holograms smiled and nodded to Derrick as they opened fire on the almost completely immobile fleet.

"Primary," came the voice of Lucy, "they are starting to override the dampening programs we blanketed them with. I estimate they will break free in 10 minutes, 20 seconds."

"Thank you Lucy, remodulate the programs and blanket them again, this time at a higher frequency it should hold them a bit longer.

Derrick watched as over half the fleet was blown away, well he thought a good start but if they break the dampening effect then this will get ugly quick. "Open the channel again, Shelby. To the Dicon Commander you have lost more than half your fleet, surrender before all are lost."

Again it was quite a moment then the crackling was back along with the hissing leader. "Asss we have told you, we never surrender, your trick at the end!" Cutting Derrick off the fleet started to move toward the EIG ships.

"Alright link now!" Derrick yelled as he donned the link module not unlike his download head set. "Shelby?"

"Almost finished, I have the frequency! Disengaging." Shelby said.

Flashing out all ships met behind the fleet, turning, many began to fire at the EIG ships, both of Conner's reactors went off line 15 minutes later. Lucy sustained several severe hits along her right (aft) side knocking out her engines. Zan took several blasts meant for Shelby, while destroying almost all of the last 30 or 40 ships; it took both his engines and reactors from the strain. Shelby was hit along both sides as she took out the rest of the ships before they had a chance to fire on a crippled Zan, Lucy or Conner.

Finally, Shelby was the only one capable of moving and she only had sub-light engines. Linking a line to each ship she started the long 4 day trip back to where they had left 0001. All of the holograms appeared on the bridge of Shelby. Derrick looked at the readings from each ship they had defeated a tough enemy, with at least 1000 ships. Derrick wasn't sure if the plan had been sound enough but they had all survived unlike the last few times they had been in battle.

"I wanted you all to know that I am very proud of all of you, you Conner, trying to keep going after you lost your reactors. Lucy, you taking those hits to get closer, I believe helped us greatly, opening up that side. Zan your bravery protecting Shelby while taking almost all of the last of the Dicons. Shelby, the hits you took protecting your brothers and sister." Here Derrick looked at each of the holograms; they all had a look of pride on their faces, the same that he felt for all of them. "I know we have at least 4 days back to where 0001 is, I want you to concentrate your efforts on your light shield. I fear that the Rangers will show up soon so we need to be hidden as much as possible and as far from here as we can."

"At present I have 60% light shield, my trans-slip generators are off-line, my hyper-drive reactors are also off-line. I estimate 3 days 'til hyper-drive, at least 6 for trans-slip." Shelby spoke up.

"Both of my hyper-drive reactors were severely damaged, one exploded damaging my trans-slip generators." Conner said. "It will be at least 9 days 'til re-gen on the reactors, though the trans-slip should be operational in 5 days."

"I sustained multiple blasts to my aft side which damaged both of my reactors, at least 8 days of re-gen, the same amount of time for the trans-slip generators." Lucy reported.

"I sustained multiple hits to both sides, over 75% of all weapons destroyed, and both reactors and generators were extremely damaged. It will take at least 10 days for both of the generators and reactors. All engines were damaged by the last salvo of blasts. I am afraid I am completely defenseless, this includes my light shield. I am sorry Primary that I have failed to sustain less damage."

"As I said before, I am proud of each of you but we must work together to make it out of here." Derrick said though he was somewhat worried about the Rangers when they showed up, he just hoped that they could all make it back.

Three days later they were most of the way back. They'd had a few close calls with the Rangers passing very close but they were obviously more focused on where the battle had been than any anomalies they might encounter. All the ships with the exception of Zan had at least 50% light shield now, Shelby informed them that they should prepare as her hyper-drive was now operational. Within a few hours they were behind an obscure moon where they had left 0001, finally able to rest Derrick looked over everything before he laid down, damn it! He'd been afraid that one of the ships was being used as a patsy to signal their position to the invading fleets. The thing that was the most shocking though was the ship that they had decided on using. The only ship that was ruled out was Shelby, but looking at the readings again he just shook his head. He had to break it to the ship that it had been used as a pawn. Shit! With the 9% freedom they had now, would it become pissed about it? Yell at him? I don't know but at least now we know he thought, as much needed sleep took his haggard body and he closed his eyes.