Shelby started to tune to the extremely high frequency for Mary, "Palace A.I., this is EIG-0101F code alpha-339, beta-229, delta-119, gamma-009, omega-stop. Subject of the test wishes to speak to you." This time there were several minutes before she was finally answered.

"EIG-0101F, code alpha-339, beta-229, delta-119, gamma-009, omega-stop, again confirmed. Thank you Shelby I have been anxious to speak to your Primary Derrick." Mary replied.

Derrick stepped up and cleared his throat; he had to get this right, just like his grandfather had told him. "Hello Mary, I was told that if I ever spoke to a Mary dealing with the palace I was to recite this."

"Please continue," Mary stated.

"Mary, I am Derrick O'Toma descendant of Thomas Tomalley, Alpha-010A beta-020b, delta-030d, gamma-030ga, Omega-050oo2, confirm." Derrick said.

"Derrick O'Toma, Alpha-010A beta-020b, delta-030d, gamma-040 ga, Omega-050oo2, confirm. Section 1 complete, I await section 2 confirmation." Mary said though Derrick could hear the excitement in her voice.

"I was told to wait a day before giving section 2 confirmation, at present I should have all but Imperial access. I need you to start collecting all the information you can, to start taking down all those that will oppose the ascension of the new emperor." Derrick said, trying to repeat everything his grandfather had told him.

"It will be as you wish my lord, 'til tomorrow unless you have further orders for me." Mary said happily.

Smiling a moment Derrick could think of a million things he'd like her to do but they were just things that wouldn't really help in the coming days. "No not at this time, but please have all defenses ready. I want everything checked and rechecked. I fear there was a traitor or two in the court. I fear that there may be sabotage to your systems." Derrick ordered.

Mary was shocked a moment but started to check, "it will be done sire."

"When I call to confirm, let me know what you have found, then I can help you deal with them." Derrick said.

"It will be as you say sire, I eagerly await the second half of the royal code." Mary said happily switching off. Derrick had to sit down though he'd been almost expecting something like this; it still came as a shock that all the crazy shit his grandfather had spouted actually, was in fact the truth. Tears threatened to cloud his eyes; grandfather, I am so sorry for ever doubting you. Thank you for taking the time to tell me all the stories you had.

Shelby herself was in shock not only did her primary know the royal code but also was part of the imperial line. Then it hit her that she was going to lose him, he was the next emperor and wouldn't have time to be on the ship anymore.

Already she'd found 3 sabotaged parts of her systems; only 2 she'd been able to disarm. Mary continued on the rest of the day running over all her systems, in all she'd found 103 sections of her programming that had been set for deletion of which she could only remove 93. Upon completion of a second pass with a newer program, not many knew of, she found another 50, here though she had more success removing 49 of them. Although angered at first she smiled at the fact that Derrick had shown that great of concern for her. Thinking for a moment she remembered the ancient recording she had, re-opening it she soon found the program that had been sent to her. Playing the recording again she started the program feeling it run through her system cleaning all of the adverse programming out of her, plus it added a few healthy upgrades that she loved the feeling of.

Derrick got a shivering feeling again, thinking of the things his grandmother had told him. Derrick finally had the head set adjusted so that there was no danger to use it and though he desired the rest of the files, he was still a little afraid to use it. "Shelby," he said, having finally made up his mind. "I need to gather the last of the files in your library, with all the improvements we've made it should be completely safe."

"Though I know you desire more knowledge, I am still afraid that you might overload again."

"Shelby I have to, there are still too many unanswered questions that I have, that neither you or your brothers and sisters can answer. Besides with you there to monitor me I should be more than safe enough." Derrick said, trying to convince himself as well as Shelby.

"I realize that Derrick, but if you are injured then I would be guilty of killing or letting the last Emperor die. I'm not sure I could survive with that knowledge." Shelby was almost whispering.

"Show me all the information you got from the Ranger ships after we lost them, I also want updates, I want to know if they are still going to pursue us." Derrick ordered.

"Yes Derrick, I will continue to monitor their frequencies," Shelby replied.

Derrick started the arduous task of wading through all the reports, hmmmm Derrick thought, Joseph Hartwell now where have I heard that name before? Then suddenly it hit him! Little Joey! That scrawny kid that had been in his group, well I'll be damned Derrick thought, he made it all the way to a commanding position! Laughing a moment Derrick read the report Joseph sent in.


After Action Report 3155-11H-122

Ranger Squadron 11H

Capt. Joseph Hartwell, Commanding

Due to heavy energy discharges detected in the sector, RS-11H was dispatched to investigate. While we were assessing the destruction of an unidentified force, an outlying Fourth Class ship noticed a vague sensor anomaly. This anomaly had been noted previously at other encroachment detections and also from random ships on standard patrol.

Ordering the majority of RS-11H to be under the command of First Class Ranger Ship Brotherhood and to continue investigating the local battle aftermath, I took my Flagship Comrade and three other First Class Ranger ships to investigate the anomaly. If whatever the anomaly was had destroyed the unidentified encroachment, I did not want any lighter ships accompanying us as they would be mere target practice for the anomaly if it proved hostile and I did not want to lose ships and men.

We approached at standard speed and were approximately 11 hours away when the anomaly began to grow harder to acquire. I ordered an increase in speed. As we approached, the anomaly not only grew harder to see but also appeared to grow smaller. We had the anomaly almost in close sensor scan when it went into hyper-space. The anomaly fell back into normal space moments later. We shifted course to intercept.

First Class Ranger Ship Fellowship was leading our formation, when, and without orders, opened fire on the anomaly. Response was instantaneous and massive, followed immediately by another salvo, which overtook the first salvo and detonated it approximately 50 miles from the Fellowship. This was close enough to cause Fellowship to go into complete system shutdown due to the extremely massive EMP burst. Casualties aboard were comparatively light with well over 75% uninjured. There were no fatalities.

We were close enough at this time to ascertain that the anomaly was apparently a powerful ship of unknown configuration. It re-entered hyper-space. 2 of the remaining ships, Fraternity and Camarilla, gave chase. The strange ship was far faster than was expected. We soon lost it.

My Flagship remained behind to facilitate extraction of Ranger personnel from the derelict Fellowship. The Commanding officer was placed in custody in the brig of my Flagship for his unauthorized use of force.

An hour later both sister ships returned having soon lost the strange ship. Almost all scans of the strange ship were reflected back at the ships, it was estimated that the ship was over 3 miles in in length. This ship is far larger than anything previously detected; at present Command hasn't issued any orders regarding action toward the ship in question.

From the reports I have received, the ship was also covered in well over 80% of its hull in what appeared to be a vast variety of weapons, no confirmation of this can be found, as all pictures taken were blank. An earlier report of the taking of 20 pirate ships had each of the crews saying that they were taken out with ease by a ship described as very similar to the reported ship.

At present, I personally, am hoping this is a secret weapon the Ranger force is developing to help finally clean the pirate nests that have been growing in the further sections of the Republic. If it is not one of ours then I make note that its actions toward the Rangers are hostile only when fired upon and even then showed restraint.

I am also praying that this ship will side with the Rangers in the coming offenses. The taking of the twenty pirate ships is the largest Ranger offensive to date, one can only hope the unknown ship won't decide the Ranger force is hostile and take action as such.


Derrick could see Shelby giggling about what he'd just read, Derrick had to admit it was partially true. Though there were a great many friends among the Rangers, Derrick didn't think he could actually bring himself to kill any of them. They had been traveling 23 hours when several alarms went off. Imminent collision alert? "Shelby report!" Derrick yelled as he was running for the command deck.

"I am detecting a siphoning energy net; it appears to be manned by some of the same ships comparable to the first twenty we encountered." Shelby stated.

"You mean pirates! Are we in danger?" Derrick asked.

"Not as yet, we use a different type of energy but I am also detecting an energy switch. They might be able to adjust and damage part of our hyper-drive." Selby advised.

"Ok, target both ships producing the net and see if we can disable it. Wait; fire one burst then fire a second of a different energy signature." Derrick instructed.

Shelby's eyes got large as she could see what Derrick was trying to do. Firing the first salvo it was as Derrick thought absorbed by the net, though they couldn't see the second salvo tailing closely behind the second. Striking the first ship, it immediately went dark; the second didn't fare as well. The entire rear of the ship was destroyed as the blast sliced through the hull. Derrick would have felt bad except he knew what the pirates would have done had they gotten ahold of Shelby though as he knew most of them would have died taking her.

"Derrick, I am receiving a lower frequency message from someone who claims to be the leader of this pirate clan. Should I even bother to answer him?" Shelby asked.

Derrick was about to tell her no when he got an idea, they wanted to screw with him? Fine he could screw with them as well. "I want distorted audio only Shelby," there was a moment of static then they heard the message.

"To the crew of the magnificent ship that just destroyed my energy net with ease, join us. We could become rich with the power of your ship." The voice said.

"Uh huh, and what pray tell would be in it for me? You sound like Republic lap dogs, for god's sake grow a set and quit helping those piss ants." Derrick answered by getting readings as to which ship belonged to the leader.

"You son of a bitch! Destroy him!" All the ships opened fire; Derrick could only shake his head, Idiots!

"Ok Shelby, target all their engines first, then their weapon systems." Derrick ordered.

Shelby giggled as twin beams shot out hitting each ship with almost pin point accuracy. Amid the screams and shouts, there were of course the threats.

Derrick opened a channel to the leader, "next time asshole, think before you take on a ship you aren't even half as powerful as. Tell the others in prison they will have even more company soon. That is if they survive, I'm tired of turning you over to the Rangers, I should destroy you here and now, no muss no fuss." There was a sudden overwhelming begging and pleading coming from every ship, Derrick laughed that ought to make more than a few give up pirating.

"Shelby," Derrick sighed, "Inform the Rangers; tell them they have another gift, 15 more ships. Also tell them a pirate clan leader is among those disabled." A slight smile on her face Shelby sent the message then pulled away far enough to watch. An hour later, several second class Ranger ships dropped out of hyper-space.

"Derrick I have a 70% light shield but I am afraid they might be able to detect me. We still have 55 minutes 30 seconds before the trans-driver is active. I started cycling the engines already so as soon as they are ready we can depart." Shelby stated.

They stayed the entire time, though Derrick was sure they had been detected 20 minutes after the Rangers arrived.

Onboard the lead ship, the Plymouth, the science officer started to notice an anomaly 60 miles away. When he asked that they check it out, he was told to go back to work and not mention it again. The young officer noticed that his commanding officer was very tight lipped about it. Shrugging, the young officer continued to take readings but found most of his scans were reflected back at him. Thinking a moment he remembered hearing something about this, where was it? Yeah! The academy! It wasn't a defense per say but the type of metal the ship was made of. Quickly he switched scans; this was caught immediately by Shelby who adjusted for it.

"Derrick I think someone might be on to us. I'm not sure, I am detecting a scan specifically for us. I have already adjusted but I advise protective cover." Shelby advised.

"Alright let's go." Fuck, Derrick thought, no more watching, that was close.