The other ships came to get Shelby, each afraid that Derrick was going to die, Shelby herself was an almost weeping wreck blaming herself for Derrick getting injured. Waking briefly Derrick called all the holograms, "standing orders, protect each other, avoid the Rangers at all costs, remember all I have shown you and told you." With that Derrick succumb to the welcoming darkness.

Mary was suddenly there, "SHELBY!" Mary yelled, "Put these in him, NOW!" As soon as the vial appeared a mechanical arm took it and injected it into Derrick's arm. "He will be alright now Shelby." Looking down Mary smiled, "I have to go it appears I will soon have visitors."

Shelby looked at Mary strangely, visitors? Wasn't the palace isolated? Mary smiled at the oncoming ships, fools she thought they'd been trying to break through her shields for over 200 years. What made them think they could get through them now? Charging to half power Mary aimed at the first ship, firing, she took out the entire engine, then the second; so on 'til there were 10 ships drifting 10,000 miles from the planet. "Under imperial executive orders, I have been tasked with the protection of the imperial planet. Any further encroachment by hostile forces with be met with deadly force. I do not recognize you or your Republic anymore and call for the removal of the president, evidence will follow." Mary said sweetly. The broadcast was being heard all over the galaxy and throughout the Republic.

The president linked to the ships near those that were disabled shouted out, "Under whose authority do you make these claims?"

The hologram of Mary appeared on all the ships and on every world that was listening, but most importantly the Republic capital. Looking directly at the president she stated, "The future emperor of the realm, and he is FAR more than displeased with you, there is a special punishment he has for you when you are found guilty. I am quite sure you have heard of the imperial dermal shredders?"

Broadcast to well over a thousand worlds many were glad to see the president as he started to piss his pants. As soon as the hologram disappeared, the president started to bark orders. He needed every piece of heavy armament and weapon he had to attack the imperial planet. That was 'til 4 well placed energy blasts pierced the shields as if they weren't there and 4 massive explosions sounded, hiding his head he didn't even need to look to know that all 4 of the armories were gone. Looking down he saw that the wet spot on the floor was growing.

For 2 days Derrick's body was healing, the nanomites that had been injected in him were working far faster than his body ever could have. Unfortunately they were unable to heal the huge scar that was now a part of his leg. At the end of the second day Derrick's eyes opened, "status report," he croaked out before sipping the water offered.

"The program has removed all traces of the devices within my re-gen matrix," Zan stated.

"At present I am re-gen several of my weapons, astral fins, and one engine, which were severely damaged when I jumped in to save you." Shelby said quietly, though Derrick could see tears falling from her eyes.

"If you saved me than why are you upset?" Derrick asked.

"I feel that I should have gone in different. Your injury is the result of severe trauma caused from you being ripped along my broken astral guides. I have failed you many times Derrick, I am surprised that you wish to stay on me." This brought more renewed tears from her.

"Alright Shelby I've got a few questions for you, I want you to think then answer them, alright?" Derrick asked. Shelby only nodded between now subdued tears.

"Had you not come for me, would I have survived?" Derrick asked. Shelby only shook her head no. "The way that you had to come in to stop me, was there any other position that you could have taken that would have allowed you to jump out with less damage?" Shelby was thinking, calculating every position, every direction that she could have come in from, every position that she could have been in to catch him. Derrick watched her face; he knew that she'd see it in a moment. When her face lit up Derrick nodded, "you did the absolute best that you could I know that, therefore I don't blame you. Rather I praise you for your precise and quick actions. Shelby without you none of this would have been possible."

Shelby's face lit up, "thank you Derrick I again pledge myself to you I will do all I

can protect you."

"As do we all," Zan said, turning he saw that all the holograms were there. They all bowed each pledging their existence to him.

Mary appeared a moment later, "executive order is being carried out, all planets of the empire have been informed. The president lost control of his bodily fluids when I informed him that the emperor was returning. I am releasing all the information on all his atrocities and those with him to the council, well those that are still trust worthy. All heavy arms and armament have been destroyed on the Republic home planet. I have a fleet now within 50,000 miles of the imperial planet; they are at present removing the 10 I disabled."

"Very good Mary, stay under executive order 'til further notice, also arm all robot sentries, I have a feeling they are going to try and take the rest of the planet. Have all the people's identities on the planet downloaded into their memories, I want them protected also." Derrick ordered Mary smiled, reaching out she activated all the sentries, loading each as Derrick said with the identity of all the people on the planet. Finally his strength still not yet full he lay back down and slept. For the next 2 days Derrick drifted in and out of consciousness taking reports and issuing orders, though the one thing he especially wanted to check on was the condition of Tempro. The fact that there was still a message from still an unknown person or persons was still a major bur in his side. Finally able to sit up but still not released Derrick thought he was going to go bonkers waiting for the bio-bed to clear him.

Sighing he looked at Shelby a few days later, "Shelby how much longer must I be subjected to being babied?"

"The bio-bed has your body at 95%, the nanomites are still working on your leg. I am afraid that it will bother you the rest of your life Derrick." Lowering her head she started, "I am sorry that you will be reminded of this failure by me to protect you fully Derrick."

Sighing Derrick looked at her sternly, "Shelby, if you were a human I'd slap the taste out of your mouth!" Shelby just looked at Derrick shocked. "You didn't fail me if anything I failed to protect you; if I remember right, an emperor does everything he can to protect all the citizens of his empire." Here all the holograms had appeared as Derrick had signaled them. "I...," Derrick bowed to all the holograms, "you are all citizens of this empire, I have failed you therefore I beg your forgiveness." All the hologram's mouths were wide open; the emperor was apologizing to them? Who was this man, in all their (a few only a few) years they had never met a human as kind and giving to them as this one. All of the holograms had tears in their eyes each told Derrick thank you, then went back to their ships. Mary, who had also been listening as she did now, had tears in her eyes. Finally she thought a true emperor of the people, sighing now she thought; we just need to take the empire back.