Derrick started going over all the reports for the few days he'd been out, quite a few of the nobles still hadn't replied. Sighing Derrick could see that they thought they would get special treatment just for their station, they were about to get an extremely rude awakening. Moving on he began to piece together a strategy when Mary appeared in front of him.

"Sir, you have a communication from the highest noble." She told him with a slight angry look on her face.

"Alright Mary, let's hear it."

Derrick replied. There was a soft crackle then Derrick heard, "To the bastard who claims to be the emperor, we of the noble confederation rebuke your claim as such. Furthermore if President Maury is executed tomorrow we will declare war upon you. Furthermore..."

"Mary, find where that is coming from. I want you to charge all long distance energy weapons. I think it is time that we finally up the ante on the nobles. Also open a channel to them." Mary nodded and a clear air sounded as Mary nodded again. "I suggest to Duke Risen that you rethink what you have just said, as a matter of fact I highly suggest it. You really don't want to go against me on this."

The Duke laughed, snapping back, "You are nothing but a bastard, give up this ridiculous campaign!"

"Mary, target all power generators where the duke is, "I suggest you have all personnel leave the facilities you have in one minute." Derrick told the man through clenched teeth, "After that their deaths are on your head!"

"You wouldn't dare!" The man growled back at Derrick.

"Fifty seconds," Derrick advised the man. Suddenly the man was screaming to evacuate the power centers. "Good, fire Mary when they are clear. Remember Duke, with me or you no longer exist."

"All clear Derrick firing now," Mary told Derrick there were a multitude of screaming voices then all was quiet. Sighing Derrick looked over the readings, almost all power on the Duke's planet was non-existent. "You think it will convince them Mary?" Derrick asked.

"I don't know Sire, but I hope that the fact that you chose not to destroy them paints them a clear enough picture. Though I am afraid that knowing the Duke and the way he and his family are, you are going to have nothing but trouble from him." Mary advised Derrick who could only nod yes; he felt almost the same thing from the man.

"Sire, I am receiving communications from several of the nobles now. It appears that eight, now ten are swearing allegiance to you; they say that they will pledge everything they have to you. Hmmm it appears that your display has shaken many of them and their loyalties."

Derrick was nodding looking over all the pledges he was a little surprised that they had flipped as fast as they had. Looking over the Duke's planet he suddenly saw five streaks come from the planet. "Mary, identify these energy signatures," Derrick told her, pointing to the five streaks of light escaping the planet.

"Analyzing, it appears to be five compact ships equipped with an earlier model of the trans-warp drive, they should arrive in 30 seconds." Mary advised him. "I suggest protective shields and cover."

"All ships have defensive positions around the perimeter of us, shields to full, light screens to full." Derrick ordered. "All ships status."

"All systems ready, weapons charged, light screen up" both Zan and Conner replied.

"We will protect you and Shelby," Zan advised.

"Tempro trans-warp behind the moon, await further orders." Derrick ordered.

"Moving now Sire," Tempro said as it vanished.

A moment later a small opening or tear in space opened directly in front of Shelby.

The speaker crackled then the voice of the Duke was heard, "Alright bastard! Let's see how you like dealing with real power!" Then the man laughed more like a maniacal mad man than a Duke. Firing, all five ships blasts harmlessly bounced off the shields.

"Conner, Zan, nullify!" Derrick yelled again as when they had in their last battle with the aliens, strange yellow beams shot out from both of the ships. Striking the five ships they all went dark a moment later.

A moment later the Duke's shrill voice was screaming, "What have you done!?? These are priceless gifts to my family from the emperor! You have no right!"

"WRONG!" Derrick yelled, "I have every right I am the rightful emperor, the sooner you accept it the sooner things will go smoother for you. As it is right now, you are an enemy of the empire and will be dealt with as such!" With that Derrick switched off a smile on his face, letting the moron stew a while might help his attitude. "Shelby how..." Derrick started.

"I estimate they have five hours of air, and power then I believe that their systems will start to fail." Shelby advised Derrick with a slight smile on her face.

"Please notify me when four hours and thirty minutes have passed." Derrick smiled as he went back to reading.