Derrick was sitting alone in his command chair, even though Mary hadn't attempted to move closer. After seeing the starving people, the rags for clothes, and many people on the verge of collapse, Derrick had virtually lost it. He'd been deadly serious about levelling the palace the Duke was living in. Derrick hadn't really cared whether or not the man was still there or not. Taking several deep breaths he again tried to calm himself.

Shelby had taken the brunt of his exploding anger, going quiet after the first tirade out of his mouth. Silently she again tried to help Derrick, for the third time was met with an angry grunt then being ignored. Shelby felt frustrated that there wasn't more that she could do to help him.

"Shelby," came the voice of Hartwell. "Is all that the emperor outlaid for the Duke being done?"

Shelby was silent a moment then replied, "Yes, Admiral, he has started far sooner than Derrick thought he would."

"About time something started going right," they heard Derrick grumble a moment later. "Mary, I want to know the second the man stops doing what he was ordered to do. I want you to carry out this executive order, Delta, Epsilon, Sigma, Tau, Rho, Upsilon, Kappa, Theta - Omega, omega, omega enact! If I am unable to counter order it, then carry it out."

"Executive order Delta, Epsilon, Sigma, Tau, Rho, Upsilon, Kappa, Theta- Omega, omega, omega enact, all batteries are trained on all five targets sire." Mary responded a moment later.

Hartwell eyes shot wide, all five? "Ok colour me stupid but what in the hell did you just order?"

Derrick looked over at Hartwell with a little smirk, "just a little something in case anything was to happen to me before I give the counter order." Here Derrick took a deep breath, "Then Mary has orders to destroy all five of the residences of the Nobles we are visiting. You might say it is a little deterrent to smack their asses back in line. Though with a few of them it might actually be the first time they have done something honest in their lives."

For a moment Hartwell's mouth hung open then a smile crept up on his features. Suddenly he was almost doubled over with laughter. "God I'd love to be a fly on the wall when they receive the news!"

Derrick smirked again at Hartwell, "Yes, I thought you might enjoy that. If I remember correctly you were raised within one of the Nobles territories weren't you?"

When Hartwell only nodded, with tightly closed lips, Derrick decided not to press for the moment. There was a slight movement behind them which Derrick nodded to.

"I need to speak with Dempsy; I'll call you in a bit Admiral." Hartwell bowed much to Derrick's dislike and exited the room. "We have much to discuss don't we?" Dempsy nodded and stood in front of Derrick who told him to sit. "You said that she was a failure of yours? Care to elaborate?"

"As you know sire, I am well past being a student of my master. Master has instructed many times to begin teaching, this I cannot do. Master has tried to move me past my failure, he has forgiven me, I as of yet have not." Dempsy said, lowering his head.

"So your master says that you are a master in your own right? He was right then you should teach. The skills you possess should be shared." Derrick told the man still unsure of where Dempsy was going.

Sighing deeply, Dempsy nodded, then continued, "As I said, I cannot forgive myself. I did take a student many years ago. I believe you are familiar with her. Trianas Macleay?" When Derrick bristled at the woman's name Dempsy nodded.

"You trained that sadistic bitch?" Derrick asked, his mouth hanging agape.

"Yes Sire, to my ultimate shame. The skills I taught her were never meant to be used as she does. Never were they intended to take a life. I have heard that over the years she has taken many, far too many. I have to kill her Sire, in order to restore what little honour I have left. I cannot allow her to misuse what was given to her by me any longer."

"I believe I understand, you said that Greeson was able to delay her 'til you caught up?" A shocked Derrick asked. He knew that Greeson had been advancing but he hadn't thought the man had gotten that far.

"Yes Sire, though I am afraid that he startled her when they first met. The next time he may not be as lucky, he was effective, yes, but that was all. I have to push him beyond if he is to survive. I broke her collarbone; that will afford me some time to get him ready. The boy has good instincts; I just hope it isn't another mistake taking on another student. I know you have often asked why I drink the way I do, I found it helps to numb the pain, slightly." Dempsy started bowing low, his head even lower.

"For what it is worth I also forgive you Dempsy. I am hoping that you can move past this also. We need you, all of you." Derrick told the man. To which Dempsy nodded, bowed, and then left.

Derrick could only shake his head; he could understand the part about restoring his honour. Derrick himself had felt many times that he had lost his honour. He could understand why Dempsy felt shame having trained the killer. The only thing he had a problem with was the fact that Dempsy had to kill her. Shrugging Derrick had never completely understood Dempsy's master and all that was involved. Then again as he remembered, Dempsy had always been a man of honour.


Cursing she tried again to close her hand around her strength tester to no avail. Looking at the pictures again, she could see that Dempsy had done more damage than she thought. As she had guessed her collar bone was snapped in half, though she hadn't expected part of the bone to be shattered. The joint of her arm was also dislocated, looking closer she saw that the tendons were also torn.

Laying down in her small med bay she made a promise to herself that the next time they met, her old master was dead. Starting her healing machines she slightly winced when the needle sunk into her arm. It would take at least a week to completely heal even with her skills. Then it would be another few days before she was at 100%. Thinking back she smiled, so Dempsy had taken on another student, good! Her victory would be that much sweeter when he watched his student die!

A twisted smile covered her face when she thought of Dempsy and his student. The new man wasn't that awful, too bad he'd never get to enjoy the full joy of his skills. Smiling, she could still see Dempsy's face after her first kill. It had been delightful to see the total look of disappointment in his eyes. Had she struck sooner back then, none of this would have been necessary.