The Last Attempts

A/N: Sorry this one's late! I had stuff going on and didn't have much time to edit.

Anyway, this is 5 of 5 of today's chapters! I hope you enjoyed and again: THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!! *hugs*



Now that Alterra made a move, it felt like a barrage of attacks they could no longer avoid. 

A lot of the smarter humans though, had managed to find the safe spots of staying against the wall—buried in the angle between the wall and the ground—and keeping themselves as low as possible. 

This way, they would almost be flush to the wall and the ground and it was unlikely to get hit by the arrows' projectiles. At the same time, the monsters—which were now more attracted by the aether of the walls instead of them—didn't see them anymore. 

One such person was Jest, who was among the first to do this. He was one of the vanguards after the slaves were led inside, and it was a miracle he was still alive (and whole) until now.