Town Status

[Received! 15000 Wood, 15000 Stone, 15000 Gold, +2 Building Slots]

[You may now upgrade Farm (Lv2).] 

[You may now upgrade Training Hall (Lv2).] 

[New Buildings Unlocked!] 

Well… while the money was not particularly special to her wallet, what really made her excited about the upgrade was the availability of new building slots, upgraded buildings, and the new special buildings. 

Before doing more though, she went to look at her new stats. 


Status: Level 1 Town

Area: 28, 270,000 square meters 

Residents: 14585 (4913 permanent, 9672 temporary)

Total Population: 29824

Base Resources:

Wood: 29300/40000 

Stone: 24220/30000

Money: 139731 Gold, 439199 Silver, 5298699 copper

Prestige: 2110

Buildings: Village Center (Lv3) , Weaponry Shop (Lv3), Defensive Wall (Lv5), Warehouse (Lv3), Farm (Lv2), Training Hall (Lv2), BathHouse (Lv2), Prison (Lv1)