Den did not mind the jealous glares directed at him. He was too happy.
In total, there were quite a few people who successfully managed to buy or rent a shop house, and they all walked back to the site with metaphorical peacock feathers above their heads.
They went to check on the construction of their 'new property', pride emanating from them so much that many people had the intrusive thought of shoving their faces to the ground.
No one dared do so, of course (thanks to the rules), and the people were quickly distracted when Den and the others made an announcement.
"So we also found out what else they're building!'"
Immediately, they were surrounded by people who wanted to get the info.
No, they were mobbed.
Considering hundreds (if not a thousand) were trying to watch the construction of a single street. Of course, they'd be squeezed in. One could only call them stupid for enticing a mob while being in the middle of it.