A/N: It's Sunday again and this means an extra chap! *dances* THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT EVERYONE! LOVE YOUUUU
Additional Hugs to everyone who sent their votes! I try to take note of each one, and I love them so much~
And Special mention to Feb '25 TOP 3 Golden Ticket gifters Emilia Kostella, Whitney woolfolk, and Foxiidust & Amara Woods~
Next week, if we're T1 Golden, I will post +3 chaps that Sunday~
Alterra was not the only place making some major adjustments. The nearby territories, specifically its subsidiaries, were the same.
Of course, they had it much harder. While Alterra was in awe with the eventual appearance of puppies, the other territories were…. still clearing up the mobs they attracted.
With a Town so close to them, it naturally increased the average monster level by a lot. There were plenty of times— especially during the upgrade mobs.