Talent Contest

"Are we going to the next memory yet?" Death asked, waiting for me to finish watching my younger self as I was walking without any direction in mind amid the school festival.

After a while, the younger me stopped walking. I peered at what I was looking at and realized what was happening.

"Death," I called him. "I think this is the next memory."

Death gazed at what I was staring at. His crimson eyes widened, and his lips formed a small 'o'.

"I think it is," Death agreed.

In front of us was Boss intimidating a younger (or perhaps they were the same age, and Boss just looked mature) and smaller, nerdy-looking male student with Afro-centric features.

Boss looked like he was pissed off, while the nerdy student looked quite desperate.

I usually didn't try to meddle with other delinquents' affairs (unless it coincided with mine). Still, I had a weird feeling that I needed to be a nosybody.

"Boss?" I called out to him as I walked toward the unlikely duo.

Boss's head spun in my direction, and the irritated look on his face grew deeper for some reason.

I didn't know whether I should be taken aback or offended because I hadn't even done anything yet, and they were also starting to become friends, so he shouldn't be giving me such looks.

"Really?" Death looked at me, looking quite surprised at my proclamation.

"I think we are," I said, though there was unsureness in my tone.

"Come on, Boss!" The nerdy-looking guy continued, briefly giving me an acknowledging nod. "We need one more person in the school-wide talent contest, and I'm sure you'd be an interesting participant!"


"Yo, what the fuck?!" Death was stunned. "Boss is talented?!"

"How many times do I have to tell you, Bassel?" Boss groaned, running his hand on his hair swept at the back. "Singing was a thing in elementary school, not anymore."

"You SING?!" The younger me and Death exclaimed at the same time.

"Stop screaming, Vermillion." Boss frowned.

"Yes, yes, he does!" This person, whom Boss called 'Bassel,' replied proudly. "Boss and I used to join talent competitions back when we were in—"

"Bassel," Boss warned, giving him a threatening look.

"—Elementary!" It didn't seem to faze Bassel. "I play the guitar while he sings!"

"Oh, fuck you!" Boss buried his face in the palm of his hands, hiding the redness of his face under the guise of annoyance.

"That's… interesting," I didn't know how to react, but I was legitimately impressed.

"I'm Bassel, by the way." Bassel offered his hand to me. "You must be..."

"Evangeline," I replied, shaking his hand. "Evangeline Vermillion."

"Oh, Boss mentioned you!" Bassel grinned.

"He did?" My stormy gray eyes widened in surprise.

"Bassel…!" Boss was full-blown red at this point.

"Yup!" Bassel nodded. "He said you're—"

"Stop." Boss interrupted. "Just. Stop."

Bassel tried to hide a teasing smile but was failing fantastically.

"Anyway, I gotta go, Boss and Miss Evangeline!" He tipped an imaginary hat at us. "I have to check on the backstage equipment to see if everything is in place." He turned to the younger Evangeline and offered a huge grin. "It was nice meeting you in the flesh, Miss Evangeline. I hope you'll watch Boss's performance later."

"I haven't even—" Boss tried to interject.

But to no avail. "Sure!" I nodded.

"Great!" Bassel clasped his hands together. "Well then, you better get ready, Boss! You'd be the last one to perform tonight." He gave me one last playful wink. "Ciao!"

I blinked blankly, wondering what the fuck just happened.

I then looked for Boss for confirmation, and he could only blush in reply.

"So," I drawled. "How did Bassel talk to you without peeing his pants?"

"He's my childhood friend," Boss grunted.

"That's surprising."

"I did have a childhood, Vermillion." Boss frowned.

"No, I don't mean that part," I said. "I'm surprised that you have a friend."


I giggled, causing Boss's cheeks to become even more tinted with a rosy hue as he looked away, seemingly avoiding eye contact with me.

"So you're a good singer?" I asked.

I cleared my throat awkwardly before replying.

"Yeah, well, I sang when I was younger." He shrugged. "It's not a big deal now."

I couldn't help but frown at his attempt to downplay his talent.

"Oh, come on, don't be so modest!" I swatted him on the shoulder playfully.

Death stiffened. "Don't you have a death wish?!"

"We're on speaking terms by this time," I said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"But are you in swat-you-on-the-arm terms?" Death asked.


"Bassel seems pretty confident in your abilities," The younger me continued. "I'm curious to hear you sing now."

"Well, that's not happening. I haven't sung in front of anyone in ages, and I'm not about to start now."

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow. "Not even for an old friend like Bassel?"

Boss sighed, running a hand through his hair again.

"Bassel can be pretty persuasive, but that doesn't mean I'm going to sing in front of the whole school."

I crossed my arms playfully. "What's the harm? It's just a talent contest. No need to be so serious about it."

"It's not that simple," Boss mumbled. "I'm not comfortable with everyone seeing that side of me."

"Hey, it's okay," My expression softened. "You don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with."

Boss looked surprised at my understanding response.

"Oh," He exclaimed with a blank expression.

"I get it!" I nodded. "Everyone has their boundaries. Although…"

I looked away, giving him a sideward glance.

"What?" Boss demanded.

"I would absolutely love to hear you sing!" I said, trying not to sound too obvious with my coaxing.

Boss crossed his arms.


"What?!" Death and the younger me shouted at the same time.

"I'll do it." Boss replied through gritted teeth. "But if I lose, I'm gonna beat your ass."

"Ooooh~! So you're into spanking, huh?" I patted my butt softly. "Spank me, Bosu~!"

Boss turned as red as a tomato, spluttering incredulously.

Once he gathered his bearings, he tried to sound unaffected by my teasing by saying, "Whatever."

But it was rather evident that he was, in fact, very affected because of how crimson his cheeks were.