Ride Home

As we wrapped up Boss's homework, the study hub personnel glanced annoyed at us. We had overstayed our welcome well beyond the usual school hours. The stern, elderly lady who managed the place seemed unfazed by our notorious reputation on campus.

"We're leaving, alright?" I shot her a narrowed-eyed look, silently daring her to say something more.

Finally, we gathered our belongings and went to the parking lot.

The sun was setting, and everything in our surroundings was in shades of rich orange and deepening shadows as the 'day' was about to turn into a 'night.'

"Are you going home after this?" I turned to face Boss, half-expecting him to nod and we'd go on our separate ways.

Hesitantly, he shook his head.

"I'm going to Little Grandmas."

I furrowed my brow, a tinge of confusion coloring my expression.

"Little Grandmas?"

Boss didn't affirm it, nor did he negate it.

Instead, he remained silent.