Ch.26 I've been here before

Dean had taken Camille up to his room, and after having sat with her he went back downstairs. His mom was still up.

He came down the steps swiftly. He walked into the kitchen sighing as he did, and got a glass of water.


He turned.

"Yeah mom?"

She came closer and patted his shoulder.

"Are you going to tell me what is going on."

He nodded his head and then went and sat at the kitchen table, and she settled next to him.

"So... Camille, do you remember a few weeks ago when I asked you if you knew her.."


Dean took a deep breath before continuing.

"So I know it would sound crazy.. and it's kind of why I don't want to explain. But I knew on this day May 28th... Camille was going to commit suicide. I knew she was because... I just knew. And I knew I'd be busy this whole week. And so when I got her text telling me she was sorry, I just knew. That's why I rushed out, but this time around, even though it took time for me to get there it seemed that she didn't do anything. She didn't try like last time had been."

His mother nodded.

"So Dean can you explain to me.. why you feel as though there was a last time?"

Dean sighed, his mother was officially about to think he was insane.

"Mom, do you promise to listen to me... Like really listen with an open mind. Because this is going to sound bizarre... But I've had to deal with this too."

His mom nodded and held his hand.

"I believe that I have come back in time... Because if not then maybe I am crazy, and I don't know which lifetime is really the truth... But my life, before... It was the same in some aspects. Except you knew Camille and you loved her like she was your own. We both knew she didn't get along with her mom, but not to this extent. And she knew I had problems with my dad, but she never knew the truth."

His mom continued to listen. Dean went on.

"I... Camille and I, we dated for a long time. We began to date in 8th grade, you always thought it was cute, but I dead set, that was the girl I was going to marry. And then one day out of the blue.. on this day she hung herself... And you had to be the one to break the news to me. We went to the hospital and I felt my life shattering around me. She was supposed to be Valedictorian and I salutatorian... But I took her place instead..."

Dean yet again took a deep breath.

" I got into Yale... And you were so proud of me, and I tried to be happy, but it was hard. Really hard to want to be happy again.

She was gone, the love of my life. I think you noticed that, because you came to visit me after a few months. Dani couldn't come because of school so it was just you and I. You told me that it was okay to grieve and be upset. But that you wanted me to live...

You wanted me to promise to make friends and to try and start being happy. So I promised...."

Samantha nodded.

" And I did make friends, this guy named Scott, I told him about it, a shortened version of course, and after awhile we got close and I went to a party with my friends, which I only agreed to because of you....

At the party I just got really drunk, and I wanted to because I was hurt, and I didn't want to admit it but I was angry, I was angry at her for leaving me, and I was angry at everyone else... And I was angry at myself for not being there for her...

I got overwhelmed, I left the party wasted, and I wondered because I didn't know my way around, and then I remember hearing this girl who was out walking laugh... She sounded just like Cami... And I felt my feet pushing me forward telling me to follow... And I stepped out into the road..."

Samantha was still silent.

"Last thing I remember from then was lying on the ground feeling numb.. everything was in slow motion, people rushing over to me, flashing lights.. and then I just drifted into darkness.... Next thing I knew I woke up and was staring at the ceiling of my car back here at home... I thought for sure I was dead... But somehow I came back.. a year prior, and things were different."

Dean nodded and looked at his mom.

"It sounds insane doesn't it? But this is what I have experienced."

Samantha didn't speak at first but then she said.

"It is hard to believe Dean, and it does sound insane... But as you tell me these things, I get a sense of deja Vu, as if I can feel it too, like I was there too.. so for that reason as crazy as that would be, I believe you."

Dean smiled.

"Thankyou mom.... And I have a question."


"Could Camille stay with us... Until school is over. I don't know exactly what happened but I think it is clear she doesn't want to go back to her mother's home..."

His mother sighed and contemplated and then said. "I'll think about it, for now why don't you go to bed and get some sleep, it's been an extremely long day."