Chp. 38

Since Dean had been having these dreams he felt a bit uneasy.

So to combat that feeling he decided he wanted to go out. He had planned to go to a laser tag and skating arena with Camille.

He had dressed in a black T-shirt and Sweatpants. Camille complimented him in a black hoodie and leggings. She wore tiny gold hoops and her hair was in a braid.

They held hands swinging them back and forth as they walked up to the building. Her ring flashed in the sunlight.

Upon entering the building they saw there was quite the line. It seemed everyone was in the mood to play laser tag. Dean thought it might be better if they went and skated first before the laser tag so he grabbed Camille's hand in his again and led her over to the counter to get some skates.

After getting the right sizes and lacing them up they set out onto the rink. Camille had skated many times before when she was younger with her grandmother. Dean had only ever been once so he was having a little bit of a hard time figuring it out.

Camille spent a good majority of the time laughing at him while he slipped and then clung to the wall like a kid. She then took his hands and helped him go at a steady pace.

"Don't keep your legs apart like that. You got to relax too, don't be so stiff bend your knees a little and just think of it like gliding your feet back and forth."

She turned away from him and showed him. Dean followed her directions with a little less trouble this time.

Eventually he was skating along with her while she tried showing him tricks her grandmother had taught her.

He was just happy with seeing how big the grin on her face was. Even as she skated away from him with the itch to go faster he watched her go around admiring her.

He would get to marry her. The only thing he ever wanted. He was sure they'd have good and bad moments to come. But he was willing to stick through it and never let go of her hand. Those vows, he would mean them. Infact he had been trying to think about what his vows would be. Writing and erasing. He wanted her and the world to know exactly what she meant to him.

Camille snapped him out of his thoughts as she slid back next to him.

Judging that the line for laser tag had cleared, they left the rink and returned the skates to go join the now short line.

Dean and Camille were on the same team. They were team red, while the other team was blue.

They had turned on their Bonnie and Clyde and snuck up on people taking them out together.

Camille's laughter rang through the room.

Eventually Camille got out to which Dean had dramatically declared he'd avenge her. Camille just laughed as she watched him leave home base in search of anyone from team red.

Afterwards they went to the little restaurant in the building getting pizza and root beers, after eating they left.

Out in the parking lot a song of played over the speakers of the building.

~ When the night has come, and land is dark, and the moon is the only light we'll see~

Dean grabbed Camille's hand, suddenly twirling her around.

"Dance with me." He grinned.

She turned smiling back and held his other hand. They swayed to the faint sound of music.

~So Darling, Darling, Stand by Me~

They sung together as Dean spun her around, Camille laughing as he did.


They got back to the college just before dark and Dean kissed Camille goodnight before returning to his own dorm room.

He hoped tonight would be a dreamless slumber.

He had a good day and the last thing he needed was one of those dreams.

He couldn't remember much from them, and it brought a sense of impending doom over him.