Ch.45 Wedding Night

The day turned to evening and Camille's feet were aching in her heels from being on the dance floor for so long.

She and Dean had cut the cake, a simple two-tiered cake, and shared the first bite together as husband and wife.

Camille with a mischievous glint in her eyes, swiped some icing onto Dean's cheek with a triumphant grin.

Dean blinked in surprise, and then smirked. "Oh that's how we're playing this?"

Camille giggled. "You started it."

Dean titled his head, feigning innocence. "I literally just fed you cake like the esteemed gentleman I am. And you…" He pointed to his cheek. "Assaulted me."

Without missing a beat Dean put a dab of icing onto her nose. Camille gasped, her hands flying to her face. "Dean!"

He laughed. "What? It suits you."

Camille sighed, but she couldn't help smiling at him. "You better watch your back mister, payback is coming."

Dean grinned, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her closer. "I'd expect nothing less."

Smiling back at him Camille wiped a bit of the icing off of her nose and smeared it onto his lips. "There now we're even."

Dean licked his lips. "That was good. Next time you can just tell me if you want me to taste sweeter." He gave a lopsided grin.

Camille rolled her eyes. "That was so corny."

Dean shrugged. "You're stuck with me now, Mrs. Carter."

Camille smiled at him. Her gaze full of love. "I suppose I am, Mr. Carter."

Dean leaned in and kissed her, icing still on his lips.


The wedding had ended. Camille and Dean went to a hotel. Different from their friends of course.

Camille stood by the window. The soft glow of the setting sun engulfed the room and herself.

She was still in her dress. Her hair still done, her jewelry still in. She was nervous. She'd never done this before. But she always knew what was expected of a wedding night.

She took off her jewelry and took the pins out of her hair.

Dean wasn't there at the moment. He'd went down to the front desk to ask some questions and get them towels for a shower.

Camille ran her fingers through her now wavy hair.

She looked at herself in the mirror for a moment. She hoped tonight would go smoothly, would be perfect.

She took her spot back at the window. Watching the city come alive. The lights turn on. The flow of traffic. The people walking.

Just then there was the soft click of the door. Dean was back. He gave her a small smile. His hair had fallen out of place and the neck of his shirt was a little rumpled.

Camille couldn't help but adore him.

"So I got us the towels, and… I asked about breakfast and all that so we don't have to worry."

Camille nodded. Dean approached her almost as if he were trying to be careful.

Camille could see him working up the effort to say something. She wondered if his heart was beating as fast as hers.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and trailed his other hand down her spine. It left a tingling sensation.

"So it just you and me now." He spoke.

"Yes it is."

They were silent a few more seconds and then Dean put his forehead to hers closing his eyes.

"I love you." He whispered

Camille smiled and looked up at him. "Forever."

Dean pulled back to look at her. "Forever." He bent down to kiss her.

She felt the smile against her lips before he spoke again. "And some."

Camille suddenly felt a bout of nervousness.



"Are we going to?"

Dean laughed lightly. "If you want to…"

Camille nodded. "I do."

She could see the desire in his eyes. He quickly kissed her once more. "Then how about a shower first ? Do you want to shower together?"

Camille nodded, too nervous to say it out loud.

Dean took her hand leading her into the bathroom.

Soon the water was running.


Camille awoke the next morning. Wrapped in the sheets. Her towel was on the floor. Her hair was a mess. Dean wasn't there she wondered if he had gone to get something.

She rolled over and reached for her phone.

There she saw a text from Dean. ~I'll be back, I went to get some clothes, I love you~

Camille smiled at her phone. She lay there staring at the ceiling. She couldn't believe last night. It was perfect. Everything she had imagined it to be.

She got up and wondered over to the closet. She found a robe inside of there and put it on, tying the sash into a bow.

She ran her fingers through her hair and hoped Dean thought about getting a brush.

She had a sudden thought which made her embarrassed. He was going back to his house to get their clothes, which means if anyone was home they'd probably notice he was in the same clothes. She pushed it to the back of her mind. They hadn't gone home anyways, they went right to the hotel.

Camille was laying on the bed scrolling on her phone when Dean came back. He closed the door before he went and flopped next to her. Their bag of clothes next to the door.

"Are we leaving?" Camille asked.

Dean with a sudden mischievous glint in his eyes. "Not yet." He said as he scooted closer to her on the bed.

Camille laughed. "Dean! We have to go."

He shook his head. "Not yet."


The plan had been to go home and pack in the morning, however they ended up leaving in the afternoon.

Camille who'd been irritated about it was even more annoyed when Dean tried teasing her.

"You weren't so annoyed earlier." He said with a smug grin.

"Oh shut up!" Camille said, swatting at him and smiling in spite of herself.

They got back to the house a few minutes later.

Daniella popped up from her seat and ran to Camille hugging her. "Good afternoon, my dear sister!!" She said squealing.

Camille laughed. "And good day to you." She joked with a tiny bow.

Dante suddenly came downstairs. He was in a long sleeved white-T and jeans. He wore white and black air max plus drift Nike shoes.

"Nice sneaks bro."

Dante smiled. "Thanks." They did the usual boy hug. The handshake and the hug.

Camille and Daniella laughed quietly.

Dante had met Camille the day before at the wedding, but he didn't get to talk to her very much since there had been so many people.

He said hello again. Camille said hello with a smile.

"How long are you going to be here?" She asked.

"Ummm." He looked up at the ceiling like he really needed to think about it. "Maybe this entire week, maybe into next week… I don't work for name company. It's more under the table. I just go in when I'm needed."

"Nice." Camille said. "It would be nice for you and Dean to spend some time together, for you to spend time with everyone."

Dante smiled. "Yeah it would."


Dean and Camille went upstairs to pack. They were going to spend a week in Long Branch.

She knew it wasn't the typical month long honeymoon that other people had. But she also wanted to get home and spend some time with everyone. Get to know Dante. Her and Dean had a week to themselves, that was enough. Besides they had the rest of their lives with each other…

They said their goodbyes and packed the car before heading on the road. It would be a near two hour trip.

Dean reached over for her hand. Camille squeezed his.

The turned the radio up and began to sing along.