Town 2

Yi Nuo know her brother was looking at her and he have alot of questions for her but Yi nuo still ignore her brother gaze,and focus on catching fishes.

"Let's return now so we can go to town and see if we can sell the fishes, it's going to be morning soon and we if get late we won't get nice place to sell."

"What we are already going but i hadn't catches enough fishes can't we catch more sister."

Zimo started whine about catching more fishes.

"No, we can't we already fill our two baskets and it's already more then enough for today if we sell today we can come tomorrow to catch more."

"Let's go if we didn't go now it will be late."

after packing all the basketsof fishes they were ready to go, they heard someone stomach grumble when they look at eachother to see whose stomach was grumbling, she saw Zimo face which looks like red tomato, she didn't want to embarrass him so she took out the dumplings she had packed in Morning ,give each of them one she also took one and start to eat while walking,

while walking for awhile they reached the place where she treat the old man, seeing there wasn't anyone she guessed old man has already left.

they carry on their way to town ,when they reach the town they saw the bustling street market brimming with pavement stalls and hawkers peddling goods.

'Whoa so this is how the ancient super Market look like,seeing the ancient Market in real life it felt different then seeing on the drama they gave exact vibes but seeing in real and in television it felt different.'

she look at her brother's they were also in awe,this is their first time in town so she suggest they should stroll around the market and see the situation first if they can sell the fishes or not both brothers agreed with her.

after strolling for while they still didn't saw anyone selling the fishes. so she suggest to go to resturant.

Yi Nuo last option to see if they buy the fishes thinking about these she make plans to go resturant with her brother's.

After walking while she saw there was 2 restaurant in eachother opposite side left side restaurant was called Bamboo blossom and right side restaurant was called Haixian flaver resturant, Yi Nuo first go to bamboo blossom restaurant, so she walk in that direction before she could enter the restaurant someone stoped them "STOP!; where do you think you are going?" waiter of the resturant stop them and he start to check on them from head to toe disgustingly before they could say anything he start to berate them,"3of you doesn't look like you are here to eat in from your clothing it looks like you guys are begger go away,we don't do charity here go away before we throw you out from here." yi Nuo want to tell him about the fishes but before she could open her mouth he started scold them.

seeing this she thought she will go to another restaurant she doesn't want any unnecessary headache,so she started to walk to opposite direction of restaurant.

before she could walk even 2step she Heard waiter started curse them about he will loose appetite after seeing them ,they were so dirty then he start to mock her brother's and saying dirty rat or looks sell body something on line which she didn't quite she was going to walk again but Zimo who was nearest to waiter hear him clearly so before anyone can understand what was going zimo punch him on face after getting punch by such young guy waiter only got stunned for sec then he also start to hit him back.

waiter was head taller then Zimo even though Zimo was strong from doing farm work and all he is still kid so he got beaten alot more then the waiter.

seeing his brother was getting beat Yize also joined fight and start to him.

she was stunned for min she never saw her brother's fighting with anyone, they were sensible kids, even though Zimo was naughty he won't go and fight with someone randomly, and Yize in two brothers he was the most level headed seeing him also joining fight she understands waiter probably said something which cross the their boundary.

she try to stop the fight and after awhile finally they stopped fight from passersby helps.

Yi nuo look at her both brothers and see they both had some bruises and bloody nose,she wanted to reprimand them seeing them looking at her pitifully she couldn't say anything.

She start to clean her brother's nose and put some herbs in their bruises when she finally had chance to breath ,she start to look at crowd which was form in circle , she thought of something and mutter something her brother's ear .

she sat down on the floor and started to cry loudly "what a world we can't even enter the restaurant,just because we are dressed like this,we just came here to sell fishe from our Village to see if they want to buy but before we could enter this waiter call us begger and dirty."

looking at such preety child crying they start to pity the kid and sympathies.

people start to gossip when waiter heard this he got red from anger "yo..u are spouting nonsense."

"Uncle's, aunties, brother's and sisters you saw from your own eyes but he still lying infront of all of you." yi nuo make her look more pitiful and little bit acting skill she look pitiful like abandoned baby.

"Uncle, aunty , brother and sister see i am not lying this is the fishes we were going to sell."she start to pull out basket of fishes to see everyone .

when everyone saw the fishes they believe on her and started to point the finger on the waiter and start to gossip "hmph this Bamboo blossom restaurant really are high and mighty normal people like us can't even enter now." "you don't know few days ago i saw them in market they were walking and ordering like they owned the place."people start to gossip looking at the situation wasn't good waiter turn around to go before he turn around he look at their directions with murderous look, seeing his gaze she got the shiver.