0315 Plans

Not to mention that Bryan would also be implicated.

Just think about it, the Director of the Hogwarts Student Safety Office, recipient of the Order of Merlin, First Class, a Wizengamot member, a senior advisor to the Ministry of Magic, and the hero who wiped out Greyback and his werewolf pack, actually ignored a werewolf by his side-How would the wizarding public react to this?

Not to mention, the reality was that Remus couldn't leave St. Mungo's for the time being.

"Well, it's actually a good thing, Remus," Bryan said calmly, trying to dispel Remus's inevitable disappointment. "At least you're safe now. Think about Gilderoy Lockhart, his fate is much worse than yours."

Remus was taken aback for a moment, then he realized what Bryan meant.

"You mean, the curse Voldemort placed on the Defense Against the Dark Arts position? Isn't that just a rumor?"

Bryan nodded.

"It's a powerful curse, not easy to defend against." He saw Remus's confusion and added, "I used a little trick last year to redirect the curse's effects."

Remus nodded, and the gloom in his heart dissipated somewhat. However, he suddenly remembered that when Bryan persuaded him to apply for the position of professor last summer, it wasn't this explanation. Bryan must have still harbored resentment towards him for revealing his identity as 'Golden Viper' to Dumbledore, so he used this as an opportunity to get back at him.

Remus's mouth twitched. He seemed to have said to Bryan at the time, "You're a good person." Indeed, compared to this snake, he was too naive.

Bryan guessed what Remus was thinking from his strange gaze, but he had Occulumency and didn't show any discomfort after being exposed.

"By the way, what are your plans for life after recovery?" Bryan asked, a realistic and distressing question.

Sirius Black was about to be proven innocent, Peter would never escape the Dementors again, and Harry's safety would no longer be a problem. Everything seemed perfect, but his life had to go on.

During these days lying in bed, Remus had been thinking, but he couldn't come up with any ideas. The eradication of the Greyback gang wouldn't eliminate the prejudice against unfortunate werewolves who didn't choose to become one. The Wizarding world under the sun still wouldn't provide fertile ground for werewolf survival.

"I have indeed considered this question," Remus said calmly. After all, his living environment had been like this for over a decade. The past six months at Hogwarts felt like a vacation, and now the vacation was over, and he had to return to the cruel reality.

"After I'm discharged, I plan to move in with Sirius for a while. I'll try to find a job that is willing to accept a werewolf--"

Although he said this, Remus did not have any expectations. He sighed and continued.

"But if there's really no one willing to hire me, then I'll have to go back to my old life, back to the underground world, continue selling herbs and potion ingredients. At least, the Ministry's control there is weak, and I don't need to go through a bunch of permits and certifications."

To be honest, looking at the embarrassing predicaments Remus has experienced throughout his life, it becomes abundantly clear and comprehensible why a substantial number of werewolves were compelled and willing to embrace the nefarious path of criminality under the leadership of the notorious Fenrir Greyback.

Even in the entrance hall of the Ministry of Magic, there is a fountain filled with discriminatory symbolism, making it clear just how severe the wizarding community's discrimination and oppression against half-breeds and sentient magical creatures has been.

While many wizards who were inadvertently and tragically bitten, consequently transforming into werewolves, initially still adhered to uphold their moral principles and ethical standards. However, the bloody reality constantly impacts their hearts and tortures their nerves. Under the unremitting weight of such prolonged suffering, they would eventually reach an inescapable juncture where their resolve would falter, and they could no longer cling to their convictions.

Not every individual possesses the unwavering resilience and conviction that Remus has.

"What's the matter?" Bryan inquired, as an uneasy silence descended upon him and Remus.

In that precise moment, the door to the hospital ward creaked open, and a cheerful voice resonated from the entrance, "Am I interrupting a reunion between colleagues?"

Nymphadora Tonks, her vibrant pink tresses cascading and a radiant smile illuminating her features, pushed the door ajar. She appeared entirely unfazed by Bryan's presence, meticulously carrying a tray brimming with toasted bread slices, succulent sausages, and savory pies.

Bryan immediately knew who the nightgown on the middle bed belonged to. He had thought it was left behind by a patient who had just been discharged. He turned his gaze towards Tonks as she breezed past him, naturally taking a seat on the edge of Remus's bed, his mouth agape in astonishment.

Tonks seemed intimately familiar with this routine, completely disregarding Bryan, her former classmate and the newly minted famous celebrity, as she placed the tray upon the bedside table. She retrieved a pillow from behind Remus and gently positioned it, enabling him to sit up in a more upright and comfortable posture.

"It's not so bad to have bandages sometimes; it saves the trouble of tying a napkin," Tonks remarked cheerfully.

"The pie today has a unique flavor, Remus. It's made with a lentil filling. Do you want to try it?"

"Ahem—" At this moment, Remus was extremely grateful that his face was wrapped in layers of bandages. Otherwise, he wouldn't know how to face Bryan's expression of "I don't understand, but I'm shocked."

"I'm not very hungry, Nympha-, I mean Tonks. You know, I've been lying in bed without much movement." Remus responded, his voice tinged with a hint of hesitation.

"Alright then, how about two slices of grilled sausage—" Tonks replied enthusiastically, her wand deftly sliding out from the confines of her sleeve as she tapped the plate. The sizzling sausages promptly rearranged themselves into a neat stack, and without ceremony, she grabbed two slices and unceremoniously stuffed them into Remus's mouth.

"Actually--" Bryan interjected abruptly, suppressing the absurd expression that threatened to surface, "I came in a hurry this morning, and I haven't had breakfast either."

"Turn left in the waiting room on the first floor, proceed through the red wooden door, and venture fifty feet forward; there you'll find the cafeteria, Bryan. Considering you recently donated a substantial sum to St. Mungo's, I believe they would gladly provide you with something to eat if you were to present yourself," Tonks suggested.

"No, thanks. I'm already full."

Seeing Bryan's frustrated expression, Tonks giggled.

"I'm just joking, Bryan. Here, have some bread."

Although the bread smelled delicious, Bryan felt like he was chewing wax. He had felt a bit guilty towards Remus before. Although he took the opportunity to make Remus step down from the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, but after all he had witnessed him being seriously injured that night. But now, the situation in front of him made the slight sense of guilt in his heart disappear.

"It was the Ministry of Magic's order for Tonks to stay here—"

Remus, who finally had his mouth free, hurriedly finished his sentence.

"I know the truth about Sirius and Pettigrew, but the Ministry doesn't want to make this public immediately. So, they simply arranged for Tonks to keep an eye on me. Moreover, the Greyback incident has pushed werewolves into the spotlight, and many residents who have suffered harm from werewolves have spoken out, while I happen to be an uncontrolled werewolf myself."

"You haven't harmed anyone, Remus!"

Tonks interrupted Remus's explanation with dissatisfaction evident in her tone.

"The Ministry assigned me here to protect you, not to monitor you."

A ray of sunlight shone through the window and fell on Tonks's beautiful face shaped like a peach. She stared at Remus with her shiny black eyes that kept flickering.

"In fact, Remus, I don't think you should feel distressed about your werewolf identity. Not everyone cares about it. Honestly, I think you're very brave. If I had experienced what you have, I would probably have ended up in Azkaban."

A palpable silence permeated the room, and Tonks seemed to be patiently awaiting Remus's response in some capacity. However, Remus suddenly became interested in a chirping sparrow perched upon the windowsill, remaining resolutely mute.

Perceiving this, Tonks exhaled a soft sigh and rose to her feet, solemnly retrieving the tray, her heart heavy. Bryan swiftly stepped aside, granting her unobstructed passage.

"Oh, By the way—"

As the door was half open, Tonks seemed to suddenly realize there was another former classmate in the room. She turned her head and shrugged, saying,

"I don't know how you managed to sneak in without causing a commotion, Bryan, but there's a guy named Annison downstairs in the first-floor waiting room, holding a notebook and asking around if anyone has seen Bryan Watson."

With a decisive click, the door closed, leaving Remus and Bryan as the sole occupants of the ward.

"Tsk tsk—" Bryan finally dared to show his presence, shaking his head and sighing profoundly.

"You're in trouble, Remus. I know Tonks. She may seem mischievous, but she's stubborn and won't easily give up on her decisions."

"I think you misunderstood something, Bryan—"

Remus finally withdrew his gaze. He tried to conceal his loneliness, but there was a hint of heaviness in his voice.

"These past few days, it's just been me and Tonks in this ward. To pass the time, I told her about the ridiculous things I did with Harry's father, Sirius, and that traitor when we were students at Hogwarts, as well as my way of life after that. Tonks is a very kind girl, and she has sympathy for me. That's all."

"Of course, that's how it is," Bryan conceded, a mischievous glint flickering in his translucent purple eyes. 

"I didn't say anything, did I?"

Remus felt a lump form in his throat as he suddenly realized he had fallen into Bryan's carefully laid trap once again. He pretended to be calm and changed the subject.

"Speaking of which, what are the Ministry's plans regarding Sirius and Peter?"

Remus's subject change was rather abrupt, but Bryan was aware of the emotional burden weighing upon him, and he did indeed believe that Tonks needed to reconsider her actions, so he acquiesced to the shift in conversation.

"The Greyback incident has elevated the Ministry's reputation to new heights. In a couple of days, they'll first announce that they've captured the escaped Sirius Black and are currently interrogating him about how he escaped from Azkaban. Subsequently, they'll inform the public that they've learned some crucial information from Sirius's mouth, which the Ministry is verifying. Finally, they'll bring Pettigrew into the open and hold a trial. It will probably take about half a month."

Remus nodded, letting go of his worries about Sirius. And just as he was about to ask Bryan about Harry's situation, he saw Bryan's hand reaching into his pocket, groping for something. After a moment, a money bag appeared in Bryan's hand.

"If you want to help me pay for the medical expenses, there's no need, Bryan—" Remus smiled. "Tonks told me that the Ministry has already paid for my treatment."


Bryan directly tossed the money bag onto Remus's lap. Feeling the heavy weight of it, Remus, who had been in pain, endured it and stared at Bryan in confusion.

"I trust you haven't forgotten the contract we signed, have you?" Bryan asked, his tone laced with subtle implications.


Remus was momentarily stunned, but then, a memory suddenly resurfaced in his mind.

Last summer, he had indeed signed a magical contract with Bryan. At that juncture, they had agreed to collaborate in the pursuit and capture of Sirius Black. If they were to succeed, they would divide the Ministry's reward money between them. So, this is...

"Fudge is still trustworthy; he gave me this reward money along with Greyback's bounty. You know, I donated Greyback's portion to Hogwarts and St. Mungo's, and Sirius's reward rightfully belongs to both of us, so..."

Remus stared at the money bag resting upon his thigh in a daze, while Bryan said with a smile,

"The Golden Viper never goes back on his word, Remus, these ten thousand Galleons are yours now."


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