0333 End of Trial

Barty Crouch's resounding words left many people at a loss, including Cornelius Fudge.

During the prior negotiations, a consensus had been reached that Barty Crouch would be excluded from the ranks of the Wizengamot judiciary, though this banishment would only take effect after the highly anticipated trial of Peter Pettigrew. Once the dust had settled in the aftermath of that legal proceeding, It was then that the Ministry would orchestrate a meticulous campaign to sway the collective public opinion, thereby holding Crouch accountable for the wrongfully convicted Sirius Black.

This form of exclusion was intended as a penal(punishment) measure, a meticulously crafted explanation offered by the Ministry to the denizens of the Wizarding World. However, in a bold and audacious maneuver, Barty Crouch explicitly proclaimed his resignation from the Wizengamot before the assembled court, as if he were an oppressed minority being ostracized.

'A clever move indeed--'

Had the setting been more appropriate, Bryan would have applauded Barty Crouch Sr.'s performance.

While Barty Crouch's words and actions on this day might have failed to deceive the truly intelligent and discerning individuals present, he nonetheless managed to retain the people's heart and steadfast support of the masses, both within the department and throughout the Wizarding World – a foundation upon which his eventual comeback could be built.

In that moment, even Bryan found himself momentarily pondering the notion of whether a Minister for Magic with Barty Crouch's character might be better suited to rallying the troops and bolstering morale if the war broke out.

However, this fleeting thought was swiftly dismissed, as Bryan recognized that while Barty Crouch possessed exceptional wisdom and insight, his various displays had revealed him to be headstrong and uncompromising individual. Someone like that wouldn't be easily influenced by him, whereas Amelia Bones, in comparison, would be more likely to value his opinions.

Barty Crouch then proceeded to march out of the courtroom, his every step observed by the watchful gazes of those assembled, leaving the silent Wizengamot members to stare at one another in a state of utter bewilderment and dismay.

"Hey, don't walk away, Crouch!" Sirius, thinking under the misconception that Barty Crouch's anger was directed solely at him, leapt up from his seat, angrily shouting at Crouch's retreating back, "I didn't lie, and I didn't commit any heinous crimes either. Back then, I only wanted to atone for James and Lily's deaths!"


Both Dumbledore and Bryan, despite their reluctance to become embroiled in the intense political struggle unfolding within the Ministry, found themselves unable to remain idle bystanders as the Wizengamot contemplated consigning the innocent Sirius Black back to the confines of Azkaban.

In this precarious situation, Dumbledore's authority was unquestionable. When he rose to his feet, every soul present understood that he was going to make the final, decisive verdict.

Dumbledore gestured Sirius to remain silent, then turned to face the assembled Wizengamot jury, his gaze sweeping over their ranks as he spoke:

"Regarding the final accusation leveled by Mr. Crouch, from what I know, after Sirius Black was detained by the Ministry, the experienced and battle-hardened Aurors of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement subjected him to a grueling three-week-long interrogation. During the course of this intensive questioning, no evidence of Sirius Black's past involvement in any heinous crimes, except for the violation of being an unregistered Animagus, was uncovered."

Dumbledore's tone remained gentle as he calmly stated these words, his piercing gaze settling upon Madam Bones.

Amelia, recognizing that the mantle had been passed to her, likewise turned to address the jury, her voice ringing out with conviction:

"Headmaster Dumbledore is correct. The Aurors of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, operating under the jurisdiction of Magical Law Enforcement Squad, employed a myriad of interrogation techniques, including the administration of Veritaserum and the meticulous extraction of memories, to conclusively confirm that Sirius Black had not committed any crimes beyond the transgression of being an unregistered Animagus."

"Thank you--"

Dumbledore offered a polite nod of acknowledgment to Madam Bones before continuing his address, his voice resonating through the chamber:

"I firmly believe that Sirius Black bears no legal liability for the tragic affair involving the Potters. Of course, we are all in agreement that he is indeed an unregistered Animagus, having using this ability without the Ministry's certified permission. Cornelius, has the Ministry reached a determination to prosecute Sirius based on this particular violation?"

"What? Oh, the Animagus thing? We--we've decided not to prosecute, Dumbledore. But, um, we'll fine him."

Cornelius, still seething from the audacious performance that Barty had orchestrated, found himself caught off guard when Dumbledore's voice rang out, addressing him directly, causing him to stammer his response.

"Very well, then--" Dumbledore's tone abruptly swelled in volume, his booming inquiry resounding through the chamber, "Let us put this matter to a vote by a show of hands -- all those in favor of declaring Sirius Black innocent and pardoning him of any and all charges, raise your hands!"

Dumbledore himself wasted no time, immediately raising his hand in a show of support, an action swiftly followed by Bryan, Madam Bones, and the reluctant Fudge, who eventually acquiesced and raised his hand as well.

It was as if a tidal wave had swept over the trial panel. From the front row to the back, the assembled witches and wizards rose to their feet one by one, their hands thrust skyward in a gesture of support. Sirius, observing the proceedings from his vantage point below, swallowed hard as each raised hand caused his heart to thump forcefully within his chest.

Fresh from his ordeal in Azkaban, Sirius had initially been indifferent to the prospect of imprisonment or freedom. But over the course of his time spent in the company of Remus and Bryan, he had gradually rekindled the embers of hope within his soul. After all, he had a responsibility, did he not? James and Lily's son -- young Harry -- was still waiting for him, yearning for the care and guidance that only Sirius could provide!

"Forty-two in favor, three abstentions!"

Eric Munch, whose fortunes had been reversed thanks to Bryan's intervention, announced the result with a voice tinged with a slight tremor of emotion.

"Excellent!" Dumbledore exclaimed joyfully. Casting his gaze down upon the flushed and exhilarated face of Sirius, he declared in a ringing tone, "All charges have been dropped. You have been declared innocent by the Wizengamot, Sirius--"

"Oh, thank you!" Sirius's mouth stretched into a wide, beaming grin, his features twisting in an expression akin to his canine Animagus form. He clenched his fist and pumped it fiercely, his entire being radiating an aura of unrestrained elation.

The moment Dumbledore proclaimed Sirius's innocence, the somber and solemn atmosphere that had permeated the courtroom dissipated, replaced by a palpable sense of liveliness and harmony. The numerous members's gazes, which had previously been fixed upon Sirius with a mixture of curiosity and nervousness, now regarded him with a newfound sense of intrigue. Some even wanted to engage with him in conversation, after all, he was the sole direct descendant of the Most Ancient and noble Black family. However, before anyone could make their approach, Bryan had already taken the initiative, striding towards Sirius Black.

"Congratulations on regaining your hard-won freedom, Sirius--" Bryan said, his voice warm as he extended a congratulatory pat upon Sirius's shoulder, a sincere smile gracing his features.

"Thanks to you, Bryan!" Sirius responded, his lips curling into a grateful expression. "If it weren't for you -- I mean, if you hadn't stumbled upon me in Shrieking Shack -- Merlin only knows how this whole sleazy affair might have unfolded!"

"I hope you'll be more rational in the future—"

Bryan said and it was at that precise moment that Dumbledore, having concluded his exchange of pleasantries with the flustered Fudge, strode over to join them, a gentle smile playing upon his features.

"Before making my way here, I paid a visit to St. Mungo's," Dumbledore began, his tone suffused with warmth. "Remus is very concerned about your affairs. I believe it would be most fitting for you to see him later and tell this joyous news to him directly."

"I will, Dumbledore," Sirius affirmed, inhaling deeply as a palpable air of excitement infused his words. "I must confess, the sensation of no longer being compelled to conceal myself in the shadows is utterly liberating. This outcome is indeed joyous. Of course," he added, his expression hardening slightly, "that treacherous rat Pettigrew is still alive--"


The trial had reached its conclusion, and as the assembled members of the Wizengamot exchanged amiable greetings with familiar faces and made preparations to depart, an abrupt and startling sound reverberated through the chamber. The iron door leading into the courtroom, which had previously been firmly secured, was suddenly flung open from the outside with tremendous force.

In the astonished gaze of all present, the disheveled figure of Dedalus Diggle burst through the open portal, having mere moments ago been tasked with escorting the convicted Peter Pettigrew away from the proceedings. Diggle's robes were tattered and torn, his face smeared with streaks of dirt, and a crimson rivulet of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth– his expression one of sheer terror and fright.

Bryan's eyelids twitched almost imperceptibly, the corners of his mouth shifting in the barest of movements as he registered Diggle's alarming appearance.

"Peter Pettigrew is dead!"

Diggle's words detonated like a veritable bombshell in the midst of the courtroom, the shockwaves rippling outward and causing a profound disturbance. Different voices erupted as numerous individuals simultaneously voiced their disbelief, demanding an explanation for this startling statement. Fudge himself, overcome by panic, leapt down from the elevated platform in a frenzy, seizing Diggle by the collar of his tattered robes and shaking him with frantic urgency.

"Calm yourself, Cornelius!" Dumbledore's commanding tone cut through the mayhem as he swiftly crossed the distance separating them, leaving the dazed Sirius in his wake. His voice steady and authoritative, he addressed the distraught Diggle, "Please explain the situation for us, Dedalus. Could it be that the Dementors guarding Azkaban have once again lost control?"

"No-- no-- not Azkaban--" Diggle responded, his demeanor one of utter dejection and lost confusion as he attempted to collect his wits. 

"We were merely in the process of escorting Peter to the chamber within the Department of Mysteries that houses the Portkeys, preparing to transport him to Azkaban. But, someone had maliciously tampered with the key designated for that destination. Instead of delivering us to Azkaban's shores, the cursed artifact led us to a desolate mountain wilderness."

As he relayed these chilling details, Diggle's eyes widened further, his expression one of extreme horror reminiscent of one who has witnessed unspeakable terrors.

"We realized something was amiss and prepared to Disapparate away, but-- but then--" Diggle's voice wavered, trembling with unrestrained dread, "...a gigantic Skeleton, towering as high as a mountain, materialized before our very eyes. Its massive palm slapped down upon us. We scattered, each of us dodging that blow, but... Peter Pettigrew..."

Diggle reached his trembling hand into the tattered folds of his robes, and pulled out a bloody, severed finger.

"This is all that's left of him."


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