0606 Talks

Noticing that Hermione still appeared slightly disoriented, Bryan patiently clarified, "At the beginning of this school year, the school distributed an official notification to all students in their fourth year of study and above, instructing them to bring a set of formal attire, which is specifically intended for this ball—"

Hermione abruptly recalled that when she and Harry went to Hogsmeade to meet with Sirius before, Harry had accidentally collided with the Beauxbatons champion. Fleur sustained quite severe injuries as a result of that unfortunate incident. As a gesture of apology and remorse, Professor Watson had even purchased a set of clothes and requested that she and Harry personally deliver them to Fluer.

She had indeed been perplexed as to why Professor Watson would consider it appropriate to present a dress as an apology gift. However, it now became clear that it was in preparation for the grand Christmas ball that was approaching!

"But the school has never sent an official statement or notice regarding this matter—" Hermione appeared aggrieved, her tone conveying a sense of 'resentment toughened by unease', "We were completely unaware of this, Professor Watson."

"Well, now you have been properly informed, have you not?" Bryan allowed the corners of his mouth to lift subtly and casted a glance at the visibly nervous Krum. He supplemented his statement saying, "Kindly bear in mind what I have informed you, Miss Granger. The ball starts with the four champions and their selected partners leading the festivities.

We place no specific requirements or constraints upon the other young wizards and witches in attendance at the ball, but the champions must find their own partners. This is the traditional custom of the Triwizard Tournament. I am confident that for exceptionally talented and accomplished young individuals such as yourself, this should not be an insurmountable challenge—"

Observing Hermione pursing her lips tightly and refraining from further speaking, Bryan showed a slight smile, "Well then, that settles the matter. I extend my sincerest apologies for any inconvenience caused by this interruption to your conversation. I have other pressing matters that need my attention, so I shall take my leave at this juncture. By all means, feel free to resume your conversation, but—"

Bryan's gaze once again fell upon the stack of books clutched tightly in Hermione's arms, inciting her to instinctively tighten her grip around them, as if seeking to shield them from view.

"While I totally acknowledge the importance of academic pursuits, it is equally crucial to maintain a harmonious balance between work and rest. Don't 'squander' all your youth within the library. The weather outside is absolutely delightful, and I would strongly encourage you to go outdoors for a refreshing stroll—"

'He truly is a kindhearted and caring person—' Looking at the departing figure of Professor Watson, Krum thought with empathy. However, as his mind drifted back to the distinctive pattern on the first page of the stack of manuscripts in Professor Watson's arms, the eyebrows that had momentarily relaxed were furrowing once more in worry.

Professor Watson's decision not to reprimand her for the private investigation filled Hermione with an overwhelming sense of relief, prompting her to release a deep liberating sigh.

However, as her thoughts turned to the upcoming ball and the matter of finding a suitable partner, which she had only just become aware of, the crimson flush that had initially been limited to Hermione's cheeks now spread rapidly, engulfing even the tips of her ears and her toes wrapped in boots were also tightly gripping the ground, trying to see if they could dig through the floor.

This situation was too mortifying and embarrassing!

There were almost no young wizards in the library today. Hermione, having successfully found some materials that potentially held vital clues, had fully intended to dedicate her whole day to immerse herself in this highly satisfactory reading environment. However, her plans were abruptly derailed when Krum unexpectedly strode into the library as well.

Perhaps it was the infectious joy and cheerfulness that filled the snowy grounds outside, the massive fan group that always followed Krum's every move was visibly absent on this occasion.

Upon catching sight of Hermione, Krum initially appeared momentarily stunned, but he quickly recovered and approached her happily and invited her to go out and chat.

Hermione had originally thought that Krum's intention was to discuss about the golden egg with her!

Because of her experiences during the first task, Hermione had determined not to accept any external assistance or support anymore. She had braced herself to decline without hesitation if Krum were to raise this particular subject.

However, to her utter astonishment, Krum instead extended an invitation for her to be his partner at the upcoming Christmas ball. Before Hermione could even begin to process and grasp this unexpected development, Professor Watson came out—

Well, at least now she had a comprehensive understanding of the details surrounding this matter. But It still was an utterly unanticipated turn of events that had caught her completely off guard.

Hermione would never have the notion that Krum was unable to find a suitable companion for the ball and had thus resorted to trying his luck with her as a last resort. The immense popularity of this boy standing before her was clear, even without the presence of her two Quidditch-obsessed friends. One only needed to observe the passion and devotion shown by Krum's fan base to gain a clear understanding of his widespread appeal!

Yet, despite his numerous options, he had chosen to approach her specifically. Hermione could feel the heat emanating from her ears, which she was convinced must be visibly smoking at this point. If she were to be entirely truthful, her overall impression of Krum was quite good.

During the riot that erupted on the night of the Quidditch World Cup final in summer, Hermione, Harry, Sirius, and the Weasley family were trapped and isolated in the top box. When Hermione desperately sought assistance from the members of the Bulgarian Quidditch team, Krum was the only person who responded to her plea for help. Furthermore, before the start of the first task of the Triwizard Tournament, Krum also gave her some reminders.

However, Hermione couldn't help but ponder the potential reactions of Harry and Ron if they were to become aware of this.

'But what would they say if they knew about this?'

"I'm afraid I don't quite understand." Hermione, her cheeks still covered with a rosy tint, lowered her gaze to intently study her toes and her voice was barely above a whisper.

"I don't understand, I don't understand either. How could a wizard like Mr. Vatson..." Krum's deep voice prompted Hermione to glance up in surprise. She noticed that Krum's attention was fixed on the direction in which Professor Watson had left, his naturally somber face was now full of solemnity and reluctance to accept what he had witnessed.

In that moment, Hermione realized that the subject of her confusion and Krum's bewilderment were entirely different and unrelated. They were not saying the same thing at all.

"What precisely are you referring to, Viktor?" The bashfulness that had previously filled Hermione's facial features dissipated, replaced by the sharp glint of shrewdness in her brown eyes.

"Oh, I was just—" Krum appeared somewhat hesitant but facing a girl he admired very much, he still decided to tell the truth.

After scanning their surroundings to ensure the absence of any potential eavesdroppers, Krum lowered his voice looking both nervous and confused, "I don't understand how a powerful wizard like Mr. Vatson could...worship the Dark Lord?"

"Professor Watson worships You-Know-Who?" Hermione's voice rose in a tone of disbelief, bordering on an outright shout. Her eyebrows raised sharply as her brown eyes were now burning with a blend of incredulity and indignation staring into Viktor's, silently demanding a clear explanation before she would even consider releasing him from her sharp gaze.

"Oh, no, no!" Krum hastily raised his hands in a pacifying gesture, "I was not referring to the dark vizard commonly known as 'You-Know-Who' in your country. In our culture, we do not typically refer to him as the 'Dark Lord.' What I meant was—"

A palpable gloom covered Krum's tone as he continued, "Gellert Grindelvald—"

'Gellert Grindelwald?!'

Hermione's mind, already operating at a heightened level of alertness, required a few seconds to summon and assimilate every scrap of information she had regarding this particular wizard. This was far less difficult than the meticulous search she, Harry, and Ron had done during their first year to uncover the identity of Nicolas Flamel.

The name Gellert Grindelwald was almost inseparably linked to that of their headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, to such an extent that even Professor Watson, whose name now reverberated throughout the wizarding world, could not entirely cover his enduring legacy.

Many would argue that defeating Gellert Grindelwald, even among the numerous extraordinary feats Professor Dumbledore had accomplished throughout his legendary life, stood as one of his most remarkable and noteworthy achievements.

But the notion that Professor Watson worshipped Gellert Grindelwald?

The sheer absurdity of this revelation seemed to rival, if not surpass, the unbelievable idea of Professor Watson pledging allegiance to You-Know-Who himself!

"Did you happen to take note of that distinctive pattern on the first page of the stack of parchment he clutched in his arms just moments ago?"

Krum's tone was unmistakably tinged with displeasure, but Hermione's response was even more sharp. For reasons she couldn't quite explain, she found herself experiencing a growing sense of dislike towards Krum at that moment. Thus, despite being fully aware of the specific pattern to which Krum was referring to, she feigned ignorance, pretending not to have noticed it at all.

"I beg your pardon?"

"I'm referring to that pattern!" Krum traced his fingers through the air before Hermione, his face darkening with each passing moment, "I can assure you, Hermy-own-ninny, that if anyvun else had showed me that symbol, I vould have engaged with them in a duel without a moment's hesitation!"

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with that pattern?" Although still dealing with a sense of unease and unhappiness, Hermione couldn't suppress the flicker of curiosity that had been ignited within her regarding this matter.

"Grindelvald, that is Grindelvald's symbol!" Krum's facial muscles twisted, as if he were forcibly chewing some unpalatable substance, before he continued, "Grindelvald vos responsible for the deaths of countless people, and my own grandfather numbered among his victims. Naturally, he never had significant influence or power within this particular country. It vos videly speculated that he feared Dumbledore— a theory that vos proved to be justifiable, as proved by his ultimate fate. But that symbol—"

Krum once again gestured insistently towards Hermione, "—is definitely Grindelvald's emblem. I recognized it instantly. Perhaps you are unavare, but Grindelvald studied magic at Durmstrang. During his time there, he etched that symbol into vun of the school's walls. I had to pass by that vall on a daily basis, so I can state vith absolute certainty that I vould not be mistaken in identifying it."

Krum's tone grew increasingly cold as he continued, "At the school, there vere some fools who copied this symbol on their textbooks and clothes, under the delusion that it vould strike fear into others and make themselves look great— however, those of us who had lost loved vunes at the hands of Grindelvald taught them a lesson.

But we all know that outside the school, stupid guys like this actually exist all the time, and there are quite a few of them. They still gather under this symbol, using it as a spiritual symbol. They are nostalgic for the dark days when the wizarding world voss terrorized by Grindelvald, fantasizing that one day in the future they vill be able to live a life of doing whatever they vant."


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