Chapter 74 Family day 1

After breakfast, Lucian picked up his mini bag and then followed Ethan toward the car. Despite Ethan's busy schedule, he made sure he had adequate time to spend with his son. The drive to school, usually took an hour minimum so Ethan would discuss and get updates on his son's studies. He was a natural genius so everything that he did had already surpassed everyone his age.

"What level have you reached in your studies? Any problems?" He asked his son.

"I'm now doing grade six mathematics but I've been having problems in some parts," Lucian explained like a grown-up.

"I'll take a look at it after school, come to the office after school," Ethan said.


Everyone in the office was already used to seeing him and each time he went to the office, he would study for an hour with Ethan and then compete in a game of crosswords with Gary and Kai.

After dropping off Lucian, Ethan went to work.