The day we met

It's 3am and I'm on a roof of a building staring at the sky listening to music and saying goodbye to the world I'll never see again. Each time I tried to pass through my depression I failed so this was plan "Z".

Lot's of missed calls from my mother, I don't have the strength to answer her calls even though I wanted to farewell her. And here I am waiting for the sun to rise to finally end this up.

Since I was a kid, I never lived the life I dreamed of. I didn't know the true meaning of being loved, all I knew that it's just a feeling. Well school memories were the worst, I was bullied by almost all of the students for being so calm and boring, while others were feeling too bad for me but they'd avoid talking to me. By time everything got out of control, the bullies knew that I come from a rich family and kept forcing me to give them money, so this is how things kept going at school until I graduated.

At home I was not allowed to play like other kids, I used to see them through the window, they seemed to be really happy, when all my mom cared about is my grades so I spent most of the time studying, you'd say I had a bad childhood.

And now I'm standing right there, about to jump off that building. Cops came within few minutes and there is lot's of people whispering while looking at me. I didn't really care I was just getting ready to jump off.

A cop went up to the roof and he's trying to convince me not to commit suicide, but I interrupted him saying" back off or I'll just do it"

he stepped back and said "alright! alright! I did what you told me to do sir, now please calm down and step back" .

Suddenly, a girl came out of nowhere, the cop tried to stop her but she never listened. She was begging me not to jump so I finally prepared myself but she said in a hurry "GIVE ME A CHANCE! AND I'LL CHANGE YOUR MIND".

I looked at her ridiculously as she started explaining what does she mean by saying a chance, I was offered to spend a day with her thinking she will change the way life used to look in my eyes, so I accepted to show her that this won't work and life isn't easy as the way she thinks it is.

I left that building in silence heading to home, as I was feeling that someone was following me so I took a look and that annoying girl was actually following me, I tried to stop her but she was too childish and said "let me introduce myself, I'm Kate and I'm 21 years's nice to meet you-"

"Noah, I'm Noah" I said.

"Nice to meet you Noah!" she replied cutely.

She looked around and glanced a playground so she asked me to meet her in that playground tomorrow at 2pm and then she left in a rush without waiting for my answer, I was totally confused and went back home.

I entered home and saw mom, she ran to hug me and kept asking me lot's of questions, I hugged her back without answering any of her questions.

We had dinner together and then I went to my room trying to sleep but I couldn't. I kept thinking of that girl and why did she act like that, after some hours I felt exhausted from thinking and finally I fell asleep.

I woke up late, rushed to the bathroom and put on my clothes. I left the house in a hurry and headed to the playground, it was my first time to go to a playground, it was so strange.

I arrived to the destination and I glanced her, she welcomed me and tried to start a conversation with me. I found it weird because I never talked to anyone except my mom and the servants. She didn't stop talking and I just listened to what she said, she talked about everything that she finds it interesting and actually we got lots of things in common.

Everything was going alright but then she stopped talking and we both didn't know what to do so I stood up and said "I have to go, it was nice to meet you Kate"

as she replied "But the day hasn't ended yet, Do you mind coming with you?" and I had to say yeah.

We went to my house, she was surprised that I come from a rich family because I didn't use a car to go to the playground or acting conceited with others.

We had nothing to do so she came up with an idea, it was a challenge who is going to draw the best painting. We really enjoyed it and I finally started to get used to it. She was the winner and I had to do a silly punishment.

At night we had dinner together while having a deep conversation about books. Unfortunately, she had to leave after dinner. I didn't want the day to end but I had to farewell her. She was about to leave when I said "Can we meet again?"...