Chapter 16: There exist both puppets and puppet masters, yet the question remains: who truly holds the directorial reins?

Chapter 16: There exist both puppets and puppet masters, yet the question remains: who truly holds the directorial reins?

The relentless passage of time has transformed the world into a chaotic clamber of blood, scarred by countless battles that have exacted a heavy toll on its inhabitants. Be they majestic or minuscule, creatures of all sizes have succumbed to the merciless onslaught, leaving behind a weathered and depleted Queen Ant named Bertha, once a paragon of indomitability. The burden of birthing new life has drained her reserves nearly dry.

The heroes of the ant tribe, besieged tirelessly by relentless adversaries, now find themselves devoid of leadership, their once-thriving colony reduced to smoldering ashes beneath the infernal conflagration of black oil. The Alliance of Ten Thousand Races fares no better, with death and injury befalling the mighty humans incessantly. Society, consumed entirely by the ravages of war, witnesses the incessant production of increasingly formidable weapons and armor, as the quality of life plummets precipitously.

Amidst the turmoil, famine-stricken factions emerge while smaller groups vanish without a trace, lost forever to the annals of history. Even the revered and ancient sacred tree, Lahil, bears the weight of its own affliction. The eons of accumulated energy wane as constant consumption exacts its toll. Once vibrant emerald leaves now wither to a sickly pallor of yellow, as the colossal arboreal entity succumbs to a debilitating illness.

At long last, both factions grow weary of the ceaseless conflict. Realizing the futility of swift victory, they reluctantly forge a fragile peace treaty, though the appearance of tranquility conceals their clandestine preparations for future confrontation. The warring factions retreat to their respective territories—the Ten Thousand Races - occupying fertile lands, while the ant tribe establishes its subterranean stronghold amidst the desolation of the death desert.

Yet, neither side harbors any illusions of lasting harmony. In the shadows, they mend their wounds and hone their metaphorical blades, patiently awaiting the moment when the enemy reveals the faintest vulnerability, thereby inviting a thunderous and devastating blow.

As Jiang Ping, the astute observer, witnesses the century-long war unfold, he savors the spectacle with a childlike delight. The indomitable Queen Bertha, the supreme ruler of the ant kingdom, leads her forces with unparalleled prowess, her Devouring Ants confronting the vast legions of their adversaries. Despite enduring grave wounds inflicted by the Spear of Destiny itself, she perseveres, transcending her limitations through the consumption of the malevolent deity—the godlike octopus—and undergoing a profound metamorphosis.

With each evolution, Bertha gives birth to a new generation of elite and ferocious ant heroes who defy all odds, sweeping across the world in a display of unmatched tenacity. In stark contrast, generation after generation of human Emperor perish in the crucible of battle. The supernatural creatures, united with humanity, rally against the ravenous ants. Ultimately, even the sacred tree Lahil intervenes, paving the way for the emergence of nascent races—elves and druids.

As Lahil continues its relentless evolution, these two races assume mythical proportions. Jiang Ping holds the belief that the World Tree draws closer with each transformation it undergoes. Nevertheless, the ant colony remains an imposing adversary, capable of standing toe-to-toe with the combined might of these forces.

During the Hundred Years' War, as both factions undergo profound evolutions, Jiang Ping himself reflects upon his own progress. The cultivation technique of the Emperors has grown increasingly profound through numerous refinements, incorporating contributions from a multitude of races. Even Jiang Ping, the master of this technique, requires time to fully grasp its intricate nature.

Nonetheless, he understands that true mastery can only be attained through real-world practice, as the laws governing the two realms possess subtle disparities. Notably, the Primordial world boasts a sky that arches overhead, while the reality presents a vast spherical expanse.

Fortunately, Genesis aids Jiang Ping's progress, facilitating his understanding. It is during this time that he discovers the remarkable cultivation method of Queen Ant Bertha. Her approach emphasizes the assimilation of all things, merging diverse techniques into a unified whole, capable of engendering unique progeny. While the art of devouring holds little personal appeal for Jiang Ping, the subtle intricacies contained within prove enlightening.

Swallowing everything in its path, assimilating disparate energies, extracting the essence while discarding the superfluous—these revelations open Jiang Ping's eyes to new possibilities. In the Primordial world, the three pinnacle cultivation methods each possess distinct strengths. The Queen Ant's Heaven Swallowing Demon Art exemplifies overwhelming dominance, though its actual offensive power remains lacking.

In contrast, the cultivation method of the Emperor proves comprehensively superior, whether for cultivation or combat, reigning as the epitome of excellence. Meanwhile, the cultivation method of the Divin tree Lahil progresses at a glacial pace, emphasizing a gradual approach that demands time and patience. Much of Lahil existence is dedicated to slumber, conserving energy and awaiting its next transformation.

In the face of calamity, Lahil invokes the method of Nirvana, escaping the clutches of destruction to be reborn anew during periods of dormancy. Such a cultivation method, tailored exclusively to Lahil, lies beyond the reach of ordinary creatures, incapable of enduring such protracted cycles.

Each of the three pinnacle cultivation methods harbors strengths and weaknesses. Jiang Ping's physical prowess, though surpassing that of an ordinary human warrior, remains a far cry from that of the average human king. Nonetheless, it elevates him above the common populace, endowing him with extraordinary abilities.

Jiang Ping hurriedly retrieved a small notebook, his eagerness palpable as he sought to inscribe this pivotal revelation. Its significance could not be overstated, for with formidable computational prowess, the intricate laws governing this world could be methodically unraveled and comprehended.

Leafing through the pages of Genesis, Jiang Ping discovered an expanding compendium of records. His gaze fixated on the second folio, where the chronicles of the Primordial world's calendar and Middle Ages unfurled like a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of colors. From the annals of time emerged formidable personages of the human race, showcasing their prowess and dominion. Lian shan, an illustrious luminary of the second generation, conquered all in his path, eventually venturing to the farthest reaches of this realm. In the twilight of his life, he delved deep into the study of longevity elixirs, granting himself a profound rejuvenation.

During this epoch, the divine artifact bestowed upon humanity by God, the Stone Slate of Truth, vanished, pilfered by none other than the audacious ant queen, Bertha. Alas, despite her temerity, she proved incapable of unlocking the enigmatic secrets concealed within its ancient inscriptions.

A scion of the third generation, Cangnan, encountered a cryptic sage by the Huanghe River, an encounter that ignited a profound epiphany. Immersed in the Song of the Nines

upon the Stone? Slate of Truth, he unraveled the intricacies of this world's tapestry, exposing its resplendent history.

Once the unchallenged masters of this world, humanity found themselves confronted by the indomitable Bertha, who refused to remain confined to the subterranean depths. Emerging from the nether recesses, her ravenous legions of ants embarked on a relentless march towards the surface. The unyielding onslaught of voracious ants posed a dire threat to the last vestige of the dragons, the pinnacle creations of the gods, resulting in a devastating defeat.

Coming to humanity's aid was the Central God Tree, Rahil, a force that transcended conventional comprehension. The sixth generation of Emperor, recognizing the imperative of a unified front, forged an alliance with Rahil, signifying a momentous pact. This alliance heralded the rise of the elven race and the druids, whose power and influence burgeoned ceaselessly. Among their ranks, the illustrious Elf King Niya ascended to prominence.

For a century, these two factions waged a cataclysmic war, ravaging the world and leaving naught but desolation and decay in their wake. The magnitude of their struggle culminated in a temporary cessation, affording both sides respite while the wounded and weary earth gradually rekindled its vitality.

With a resounding crack, Jiang Ping closed the book, his mind consumed by the impending maelstrom that loomed on the horizon. The ensuing tempest, he sensed, would surpass the previous Hundred Years' War in both magnitude and significance.

"The denouement of this epoch draws nigh!" Jiang Ping exclaimed, his nascent cultivation affording him a glimpse into the fate of the diminutive world under his stewardship. He apprehended that the impending cataclysm would transcend any preceding conflicts, reshaping the era and plunging the world into renewed chaos.

"The inhabitants of this realm shall themselves initiate the cataclysm, rending the world asunder," Jiang Ping lamented with a blend of awe and trepidation. Yet, he remained assured in the resilience of the original world, a realm suffused with the wisdom of past creations. Even the mana consumed in the initial creation could be adequately replenished through the sacrifice of its inhabitants.

Moreover, Jiang

Ping had reaped considerable gains from this endeavor, acquiring both the longevity elixir and the three paramount cultivation methodologies. A bargain indeed, irrespective of the ensuing outcome.

As he contemplated the future course of events, Jiang Ping's anticipation became insatiable. Urgency gripped him, compelling the acceleration of time within the original world. Like an avid spectator eagerly awaiting the resolution of a captivating drama, he yearned for the climactic climax that awaited him.

Unbeknownst to the denizens of the Primordial world, their life-and-death struggles unfurled as tales under Jiang Ping's vigilant gaze.

"Upon the bridge you stand, beholding the panorama, while others, enchanted by your presence, become integral to your dreams. The resplendent moon adorns your window, just as you embellish the dreams of others. I, in turn, observe all sentient beings as players on a grand stage, contemplating whether they perceive me likewise, merely as a character within their own narratives."

Observing the conflicts among the myriad races in the original world, Jiang Ping mused, his smile brimming with profound understanding.

Truly, who presides over this vast tapestry of existence—the primordial architect of "Genesis" or perhaps transcendent entity dwelling in a higher dimension? Do they reside beyond the veil of this narrative, savoring their own epic chronicle?