The Meeting Before The Exams

Deep inside Keziah Mansion, going towards a large space filled with many floating screens ten meters in height and width, showcasing this century's examinees who were participating in the brutal exams to enter the House of Ghal.

A series of powerful people within a dark room could be seen—twelve individuals to be precise, each of them being some of the most powerful beings in the entire greater omniverse as a whole.

All of them were former vampires, or, more accurately, creatures who had transcended vampirism and reached the next evolutionary stage of what the concept of vampirism truly was. These entities, of course, resemble primeval monsters rather than true blood-sucking demons. In terms of race, they are identical to Eos, who is recognized as a vampire, but in actuality, he is something far more monstrous than anyone can even dream of imagining.