Elder Jordan

"Yes, the Dracules are from the eighth clan, that being clan nosferatu; they are the first saquats to appear as the progenitor of that rebellious group. Well, I have nothing against them; my dispute is with clan Jahad, but the Dracules are one of Lavatos' five major Mafia families."


When Merciless heard this, his first thought was.


"Clan Nosferatu ha? Now that is a name I am familiar with."

"Yes, those are the vampires that humans are aware of, but the reality around them is horribly misdirected; this is, of course, intentional, given that vampires commonly do things to fool humans and twist the truth around their existence, but clan Nosferatu takes that a step further and spreads misinformation in a variety of different ways; besides that, as much as I hate to admit it, clan Nosferatu is the only saquat clan I regard to be a pain in the ass in terms of lineage to deal with in a head-on collision."

"Lineage-wise, you say, why so?"