The Importance of The Archive

"Now then, devil thing, is this price sufficient enough to buy your loyalty?"


Michelle inquired as he gazed through the veil of darkness and saw a ravenous but equally shocked smile from the she-devil, who responded immediately.


"How wonderful thou are generosity is; this is truly my lucky day; with thy offer, thine great self can ascend to the second realm in no time when required of it. As such, thee have made my job a hundred times easier." Very well, I, Xana Eldenblood, a great devil of hell, countess of the Avgrada hell mountain in the infernal world, tribe chieftess of the blood lamias, and ruler of ten legions of demons, pledge my complete fealty to the Elderblood's name."

Xana replied as she placed her hands on her chest, a bright, ominous red light shining all over her body from behind the curtain of darkness, upon accepting the terms of their agreement.