When An Immovable Wall Meets An Unstoppable Force

In the heart of the Overseers' Mansion, a pulse of energy rippled through the darkened hallways, weaving in and out of the ancient architecture like a whisper carried on the wind.

The Mansion spirit was created by all the Overseers, specifically Vincent who did most of the work in its creation, a living entity of its own, hummed with unseen power, its secrets buried within layers of shadow and stone. At the core of it all, orchestrating the intricate web of systems, security, and intelligence, was Ceridwen.

She was more than a person, more than just another being in the House of Ghal. Ceridwen was an entity—a mind capable of splitting itself into over 100,000,000 variations, and each variation also had the power to do the same, and the cycle can continue endlessly without end.

Each one was a shard of her consciousness, tasked with overseeing every aspect of the Mansion, its inhabitants, and the mysterious trials that took place within its grasp.