Freedom Is A Beautiful Thing

"I mean what do you have to lose? Either way, your ass is grass the moment your main body comes to find you, so do you want to make the deal or not?"

Merciless said, his honesty about the matter was as brutal as ever, Ceridwen understood this, he was right if anything she was sure that Original was most likely on her way here if not already somewhere near coming to look for her.

Merciless, on the other hand, had the same idea and, as soon as he learned of Ceridwen's current condition, he began to take significant precautions. Merciless, without telling anyone, utilizes his power to create ten layers of spiritual barriers around his room. He will know when something spiritual touches it. For the time being, they were in the clear, as far as he could tell.

But, as far as he is concerned, the sooner they complete this contract, the better; he was not going to let an opportunity like this slip away.

"Alright, Ceridwen."