Primordial Inheritance

In the depths of this hidden conceptual plane; the large flesh-like but equally withered tree started to expand.

And Carmilla's transformation itself was nearly complete, but there was still one final step. Carmilla could sense the last remnants of the old vampiric concept, memories of its former self, buried deep within the roots.

The form it had when it was still with Michelle. In a different form of course, and as a different expression.

If she could tap into those memories, she could reawaken its potential; as a result, this would take it out of its dormant state. But doing so meant diving deeper into the dark, chaotic past of Michelle's legacy.

Through her use of Desire Ichormancy, Michelle created a conceptual veil to protect her heir and the powers she was leaving behind. Her plan was simple yet powerful: by splitting her vampirism concept in two, she would retain the weaker side and hide the stronger half, embedding it in her successor.