Birth of The Strongest Level 4 Vampire

Merciless looked at Carmilla his face calm, stoically so, as he commented.

"Weren't you just recently created? Technically speaking, you're still a child in terms of age, but I shouldn't refer to you that way since you're mature from birth. Forgive me; my mind is so clear right now that I'm noticing even the smallest, seemingly unimportant details that one usually wouldn't pay attention to."

Merciless said, gently removing his hand from her head as he rose to his full height, looking down at her

Carmilla floated gently back to the ground, the fear she felt from Merciless's earlier transformation overwhelming her to the point of near madness. As she steadied herself, concern etched across her delicate features, she turned her gaze toward him, her ethereal form shimmering in the dim light of the room.

However, as she looked at him, a worried expression could be felt from her.