Chapter 8

Alexander Fox

Before I take my leave from my house I check the email, for work my man on the under ground business was in forming me about the next shipments of goods, and the next work that my allies ask to stronger the connection we had on them.

But my eyes catch the new email arrived, it was the person I asign to collect every single information of doc. Jack Jones. When I open all the new image of the person popping on the wall.

'This man can drive me crazy, so baby you out the other night with your friends.' Mumble on the back of my head, after the checking I take my leave with my latest model of Porsche sports car, while my people is on their motor bikes, and the car who happened tailing me on the road.

'Time check six in the evening. '

When I'm on the way to the bar where we meet. My excitement to see him again like a teenager meeting his first crush. 'What a childish. ' I coursing my self.

I want to be there first to come, because I wanted to see how gorgeous he was walking from door until he is in front of me.

Upon I approached the place I call the manager of the bar to see if my man is already here more early than I expect for, and if not yet here to instructed put a security to assess Jack when he come.

"sir he is not here yet." He call on my phone.

"okay. The flowers that I let you keep bring that to the table now I'm on my way to the private area. And don't forget the security that I ask for." I commanded.

"Everything is ready sir. As you wish." He answer from the other line.

When I arrive inside of the bar going to the private area for VIP, I walk to the crowd, some of people are on their high level of drunkenness and wild activities on the dance floor, the couch are full of men and women. Some of them are making out with their woman, usual thing happened here every night. I look every part of the area make sure no one can go near to him when he is coming in, although this place had a own hallway to VIP, I still chose to walk on the ground to see if the place was safe.

When the time I sure everything is safe I goes by to the place where I wait my visitor, I seat down to wait his arrival. It's not taking time so, I see a man walking with seriousness on him while on his side the two body guard protecting him from drunk people inside.

He is walking like a princess in my eyes. 'Why I'm like this? ' ask my self.

I'm not a attracted to anyone like this before. He is so different he is like a magnet on me and I'm the iron steel. I don't want to be parted from him. I wanted to run to him and cage him in my arms but I know it is not my time. When he is to near at me I stand to my seat to formally greeted him.

"hey.... How are you?" he ask me first before I can open my mouth, with a sweet smile, good enough to lost my mind.

When my mind back to the reality after a few second of spacing after that smile. His baby face, his skin tone, and his voice is like a sweet music to my ears everything about him I adore on. Even he just wear a simple casual attire.

"hello I'm great, what about you? I think you are so busy today?" I answered him with a question.

"I'm glad to hear, I'm great to, and yes I am so busy today.." he answer.

"I salute you for your dedication in your work and business. Please settle down, and let's order. What you want... Sky is the lemit to night." I said, I literally want him to lost his sanity and let me take care on him.

"the truth is I'm not good in alcohol. Only light drink for me." But his statement is make me worried about my plan, is not going to be good.

"okay.... Would you like me to order for you? If in case you don't know what kind of liquor suit for you."

"sure... since I don't have a great knowledge about wines and drinks." I smile on my success.

"waiter." I call the man, and he runs to my side and I till him the order that I want,when the person leave he start the conversation.

"so what other business do you do. Except the restaurants, and food processing?" he ask me.

"I do also construction companies, and shipping lines." I said only my legal businesses.

"wow nice, why you decided to collaborate with my company while you can do it by your own?" He was kind of curious about my where about.

"because I saw the potential of your business, and you know what a the business principle say.. If you want to be a successful in the business you must be with the successful businessman."

" oh you think that.. thank you. Mr. Fox for appreciation of my hard work." He said.

"your so formal just call me by my name, Alexander or Alex.. Oh by the way flowers for you, don't think so much about this flowers. I give it as a sign of my gratitude that you come to celebrate our collaboration." I said before he misunderstand.

"wow thank you.. I'm not a girl for a flowers likes this." He give me a awkward smile.

"your suits with that flower." I said happily.

"thank you.." He answer.

Our night started with a nice conversation. Until the night goes on. And I discovered a lot of things about him. He till me the truth that he is not with wine, because in just three glasses of wine he is so red that add his beauty.

After two hours he is not in a right mindset because of the alcohol. So I decided to bring him home. While we are in our way to his home. I got worry if he might think why I know his place so I decided to bring him at my place to avoid the complications if he ask why I know his place.

Alexander Fox