Chapter 12

Jack Jones

"Hey wait" in my surprise it was Alexander Fox. And my smile directly painted on my lips.

"heyy how are you?" I ask him.

"hello... I'm great. How was your work? It is not stressful for you today." Alexander ask me.

"I use to it buddy there's no work is not stressful. But that is up to us on how to lightning our suffocated day too." I answered him and given him a best smile I can be.

"that is great... So now you introduce me to the people here.?"

"yes so we can start the project will with them."


After a minute the door is open to the floor that we want. He let me go out first before him. We get the attention of all the employees in the floor upon we past on their position. When I started to speak with them their ears is on me.

"good afternoon everyone may I had your attention please." all of them are following me.

"this is Mr. Alexander Fox, of Fox group of companies. His company is collaborating with us from today. Expect from this day he is always here with us, for our project together with his company. How I hope you will help him on his concerns about the project, not only for him but even to people from his company . When he was here he will be on my office Because he doesn't have his on place here. Are we clear ladies and gentlemen.? "

" yes doc..... " they answer united.

" okay back to work. " I said.

I guide him to my office. I want to see the plan for the restaurant and what kind of development we need to undergo after I decided to give his restaurant the kitchen of all the branches of Jones hotels how.

" oh by the way how was your day at your office?" I ask when we enter.

"it was great, business is doing good." He answer.

"good because me I feel suffucate with the work for today, but in overall I'm still happy because it is my passion."

"it is just a advice.. Why not stop being a doctor and focus on hospital management that work you can always bring here together with your company to less your work load."

"yeah I think of it too. To transfer here all my affairs of this business and hospital. I think, I need to focus this time, because of the collaboration with you, more responsibility come and added."

"yes and you can hire a new psychiatrist doctors and put new head of that department, that well help you more." He said.

"I will think of that, it was little bit complicated because.... Doctor is my profession and I study hard to achieve it."

"yeah but it was a suggestion as a friend, I saw the stress on you. You know you always be a good doctor. You can do that if your not busy on projects in your companies." Alex said.

"hmm you had a point of that. Mostly now we're going to be busy... For this collaboration."

Me and Alexander become more comfortable talking about the project we plan and had.

Alexander Fox

I feel the first victory on my first step toward the person that catch my eyes, when he accept the collaboration, and think about the suggestions I give on him.

Our day is nice but the time with him today is about to end, but it was productive so far. Our peaceful busy afternoon was cut by the unexpected call I get from my people.

"hello boss. We catch a person near from doctor Jack house. What we do to him?" The man ask me.

"bring him to my warehouse for interrogation, don't give that person even a small way escape from you. "

"okay sir... I will be the one who do the rest when I'm come, be ready you people I need to had a urgent meeting with you same at my office at nine sharp."

"Yes boss, I contact the other groups leader so they will ready for that meeting, and we wait for present here sir. " he answer.

"Oh by the way... come to my queen office increase the safety and also to the house." I use word queen, because I didn't want him to suspected me of something if he heard his name.

"Okay boss I will send our people on the location."

"good, i need to leave now. Do your work be vigilant, don't let your guard down."

"yes boss."

After the phone call I feel frustrated for my jack safety. I try my best to hide him from the dard side of my business but those mother fuckers don't know the word boundaries.

" hey Alexander. Problem? Why you look sa worried." Jack ask.

"I'm good jack but small problem come. But can I ask you something?"

" what is that?"

"can I hug you please?" He look at me with a confused look, but he opened his arm for me.

"sure why not. What is wrong?"

" Thanks. " I hug him so tight I'm so afraid to losing him." I'm sorry Jack I'm sorry. " Only words I said, because I know it is the start of danger towards his life.

" why your sorry... There is something wrong?"

" no jack. I'm just paranoid."

"okay I understand that." I feel so lucky to hear what he said. I never allowed anyone going to hurt him not anyone.

Before I leave the office I check first the security system and my people on the ground. After I'm satisfied of what I see I run directly to the warehouse where the man they catch. I see a person in the corner almost lifeless.

"what did you get to him? His name family records did you get, and the group?" I ask directly.

"sir he gives something to me and I do some investigation also. I put it in your table."

My men's did a great job for today, I know this man I can always use against his former group. This man is not that loyal. I can get something on him later. be continue..............