Chapter 18

Jack Jones

Walking this familiar hallway of this hospital building, for me it is quite safe her. People was greeting me in every corner, it is usual my day. After my morning round in this facility I need to go back at the company mean building to do my working schedule.

I need to rush back to check some paper work that need my approval and to attend the two more meetings to complete my morning work.

But before I reach to the next building I feel someone is following me. When after I leave in the HR department. I checked my back to know who's following me. But there is no one around, I feel the creepy vibe waving around, I continue my track, I walk as fast as I could on my way to my office. I breathe free when I enter my private elevator, the machine that bring me into the only safe place I know. Now I'm moving up to my floor after I the ride I did, the door is open to let me out. And I saw my man is coming my way he look at me in worry he runs to me and I run to him like a loss child, because I know if I'm in his arms I'm safe.

I warp my arms to his neck and bored my face, inhaling the calming fragrance of that part. He warp his arms on my waist and ask me with his dip voice.

"baby what happened? please till me now.... You look so nervous. Please till me baby...... I'm worried on you." He ask me

"can we go to the office please...." I said, he hold my hand and turn our way to the office. He open the door for me so we enter at the room.

When we are inside of the room, he lock the door and wrap his arms to me again. I do what he does I warped my arm on his neck. We start to of devouring on each others mouth, so deep and so passionate. To help me relieve my nervousness and panic. After that breath taking making out. He look at me waiting to my answer of his question earlier.

"it's been a while there is someone following me in the hospital, I never see person, but I feel the presences of the man at my back. Last three days ago is more close I think, even the foot steps I heard. And just now I felt that this person trying to hold me, when I look at my back there is no one. I walk faster to the elevator a make my way here up." I explain.

" okay baby your safe now I'm here. I call your dad to look after you here and some gaurd also." he said.

"Where you go? why you leave me?" I asked.

"Baby I go to the monitoring room to check, who is following you, I be back I'm not taking long, okay. "

"Okay but please my dad I'm worried of him." I ask.

"Okay baby. I call him now. " I'm shaking not because I was that so afraid on what happened, but to my father safety, because of now what I see on Alexander look it is totally bothering, he was worried, frustrated, and most of all he is furious. I think It is kind of serious matter, things that I don't like to experience with my old man, in no time Alexander call someone throw his hand mobile.

" hello Mr. Jones. It was Alexander the new business partner of your son. Can you come to his office for awhile......... Yes sir his fine... Yes I will explain to you if you are here..... Okay sir..... Byee"

"what my dad said.?"

"he is coming baby, I go out and check him okay." he kiss me and take his leave. I feel that something is wrong. It was not happening on me here before. Why is this person is following me now? Did I do wrong to them? I'm worried also of the safe of Alexander, and my dad. Their safety is my priority now my dad is old enough to evolve any trouble like this.

My heart is full of worry because of it, it is quite new to me and it is my first time that there is someone had a intention of following me like this even here in my work place after the incident way back eight years ago.

But why now? What was their purpoises of doing this to me? I can't even find a good reason. But the door is open that bring me back to the reality, when I saw my dad is coming to me with a very worried look. He ask me directly.

"Why son? What happen?" On his voice feel the untold feelings.

I hug my father tightly. My worries on him is now vanish when he is on my arms, and he is safe with me. He is my only family and my most beloved person. I don't let anyone to hurt him in any opportunity. I plan to add more body guard for him. Alexander is watching us, with a furious look even his vinnes is showing on how he control his angery for not letting me see, but the emotions he hold is not hiding to my eyes.

I see a group of persons coming with a black uniform. They look like a group of matrix on their looks and attire. Alexander gives them a instruction of duties and as what I saw and heard Alexander is there direct head of command. No one is against and no one is questioning about there duties. I am amazed of his action regarding to my safe and also to my dad, he was dearly do his duty as a man on my side, I can't till yet that his my boyfriend, because after all I never give my favorite clear answer, but our feelings are mutual, the action was speak louder than my voice. I'm so happy to had him with me in this kind of situation. If it is for my safety and my dad, I'm willing to follow all of his words and do all his rules, for our protection. be continue................