Chapter 17

Zyrel Maxx

I can't believe on who Samuel make a decision for me that i can't even make a voice to opposite with him. When we are on our way to his office, I can't hold my feeling of being annoyed to him. Before I blow this into other person I need to make it clear to him, because even my ex-boss can't question his direct decision of my resignation.

" hmmm can we talk, I need to clear my mind." I started.

" sure,,, what is the problem of your mind baby?"

" Who really are you? Why you need to answer in behalf of me? And it was clear to both of us that you can't interper on my work." I ask him.

" Baby always remember the rule. A part on it is I need to protect you to any kind of harm. And that situation can harm your name, and name is so important to any one." he answer me .

" oh how far is your business run? Why they are afraid to mess with you and they obey on you?"