Chapter 6 Sassiness Is My Second Name

Cassandra's pov

Aiden picked me up from the salon and we made our way towards the restaurant. I was fine until I got a glimpse of Vincent in the restaurant. He was looking dashing as always. She had those perfect jaw-line, soft lips, chocolate brown hair, and those die-for abs that were pecking out from his suit. He was wearing a well-tailored Armani suit and his hair was done properly to the side and set with gel.

Somehow a made it to his table and had a conversation with his parents but when it came to him I slowly moved to him and said hello, he instantly stood up and greeted me with a hug. He had the same cologne with smelt like spices and pine.

I was at loss for words when Aiden came to my rescue and pulled me away. I was completely exhausted from greeting everyone and saying the same line "I am fine, how are you" for the next 2 hours or so. Finally, I sat down with my parents at the table in front of Vincent's friends, when Mr. and Mrs. Santiago had to come to the table and started up a business conversation. I was bored to death, so I made my way toward the restroom after a few minutes.

I wasted my time here for about 10 minutes and when I finally went back I saw Ryan standing near our table, I forgot I was in a dinner banquet I shouted to Ryan. He turned back in a lightning speed. I ran towards him for a hug, he caught me in no time and hugged me back.

After breaking the hug, I turned towards my parents and said "He is Rayan Santi..." but suddenly I realized they might know one another and there was no need for an introduction. Sensing my awkwardness Ryan placed a hand on my back and said "There is no need for an official introduction Cassie, we have already met many times, and moreover before u came we were having a conversation, by the way, you are looking breath-taking and I want a pic with you for insta."

"Ohh I am so sorry I forgot you guys know each other, by the way, Ryan thanks for the compliment, and no, no pics for you as I am sure tomorrow's tabloids will be filled with Mr. Santiago's new conquest 'Ms. Knight'."

"Ohh come on Cassie I never knew you were so afraid of paparazzi" We all laughed at his words. Later we both along with Aiden left our parents to talk alone and made our way towards the back table. I sat in between both the men and directly in front of Hazel, with Ryan sitting in front of Vincent.

They all were having funny conversations and banters, I was zoned out for a major part but Chole suddenly called for my attention "Cassandra I hope you are free tomorrow, we all can go out and celebrate and have fun not this type for a formal event but a wild night at any club, what do you say?" I gave a thought about it and said "Yeah I am free but since it's a Tuesday night I don't think people are up to it."

"Ohh darling you don't worry about that they will be always up for the nice part" Luke concluded.

"Okay then let's all meet tomorrow, now it's too late and I am really dead as fuck, come on Cassie let's go" While saying this Aiden gave his hand to me which I took hold of and got up. Everyone bid their goodbyes and we concluded the night on a happy note.


Vincent's pov

The next day came too quickly and we all were sitting in the private booth of the club waiting for Aiden, Cass, Nola and Chloe. I and Hazel came together, she was too persistent on not going to the club but somehow I manage to get her with me and promised to stay with her the whole time. She was very new to clubbing, dancing, drinks, but she never minded me doing it for which I am really grateful.

Just then Chole came with a long face and I asked her "What's wrong Chole? You look sad"

"Ahhh, that dumb-fucker Nolan once again bailed on me, he calls me now and tells he has a family meeting and won't be able to make it"

"Ohh it's fine Chole he always does that don't get too upset" Luke tried to mollify her anger.

"That's the problem, Luke, he always does that"

"Ohh that's fine Chole, let's enjoy it's not much of a problem" came Aiden's voice and along with him stood Cassie. She was wearing a shimmering black, spaghetti strap dress and let her hair down with curves at the end. She was looking super-hot and her nave which was on display was killing my sanity. She sat next to Chole followed by Aiden next to her.

"Ahh finally at least you guys came I thought this party was flop" Chloe told them.

"Ohh, don't worry Chole, my sister over here takes a lot of time to get ready. I thought we will only make it to the party after 12" Aiden said to which Ryan replied "Ohh you guys don't know she and Avery take 5 hours to get ready" Sensing Cassie's glare he told "No Cassie, no glaring you did do that on Friday when we went to the club and moreover you always take an hour to even get ready even for classes."

"Ohh please it was you and Avery who took hours to get ready" Cass rolled her eyes.

"Ohh fine forget this and let's order our first set of drinks guys" Luke said and called a waitress. We all said our order, even Hazel wanted a dry martini but Cass just orders Sparkling Berry and Pomegranate Mock tail.

"Cassandra, what's wrong you don't want to drink anything? And why did you order a cocktail?" Chole questioned her.

"No I am not feeling up for a drink but you guys do continue I don't want to hold you back"

"Ohh baby I am sure you are drinking with us today" came the most annoying voice in the world, which I loth the most and here Cassie was already hugging that idiota.

"Ohh my god guys when did you come back? You did not even call me?" Cassie asked.

"We thought of calling but Ryan wanted it to be a secret so we can surprise you" the great Cole Rodriguez told her. He came with Avery and was already drinking god knows what and he offered it to Cass also but she declined it and stuck to her mocktail.

After a few drinks, all the girls made it to the dance floor and here I was gawking at Hazel as an eagle does to its prey, she was looking too stunning, she did not show off a lot of her moves or I am not sure that she is even a great dancer. Chloe and Avery were dancing with some random strangers.

And here I saw except for Aiden all the eyes were filled with lust and looking in the same direction. I followed their gaze and it landed on Cassandra she was alone moving her body to the music. I am damm sure these people are fanaticizing her.

Then all of a sudden I see a stranger coming towards her, he was tall and bulky and well-built with muscles flexing out tattoos and he placed his hands on her waist and started to dance but Cassie stopped moving and then all of sudden a beer bottle breaks at our table from Aiden's hand.

Sensing that Ryan asked what was wrong to which he replied "I guess Cassie will draw a lot attention." I agree she was looking hot and drawing attention but not in a bad way. "I also feel that idiot is about to get a hell of a lot of beatings from me." Hmm, I agree Aiden will beat the shit out of the tall and bulky man. He never spared a boy who messed with Cass.

I do remember him going and trashing Justin when Cassandra was in 7th grade, Justin winked at her and said something in terms of 'let's go to the janitor's closet,' Cass made a big deal out of it. when Aiden found out he asked me for help and we both went with a baseball bat and trashed Justin so badly that he was in wheel-chair for nearly 3 months and we both were suspended for 2 weeks and also grounded by our parents for 2 months.

"Ohh I guess she is fine and she can handle herself" came out Luke voiced it out and even I agreed to it thinking she will be able to handle herself. But Ryan said "Ohh I am not worried about Cassie but about the guy's hospital bill"

"What" came from everyone's mouth except Cole's.

"Ohh yeah, you guys don't know I guess but I thought at least Aiden you know about this" To this statement of Ryan, Aiden answered "What is that supposed to mean, she never told me anything about going to club at all and ... "he was cut off by Cole "Ohh no worries sensing Cassie's nose turning red I think you all can witness it but let it be a bit of fun, lets bet"

I was he lost his mind for a second and indeed I saw Cassie's face turning red in anger and was yelling something but none could hear due to the loud music.

"Ok, the bet is simple either we need to save Cassie or that boy" Cole told. "Who all are ready to save Cassie? Raise your hands." I, Luke and Aiden raised our hands. "So only I and Ryan have to save the boy."

Luke got up but Cole pulled him back and I watched the scene unfold in front of me, Cassie threw the drink from her glass at the stranger's face and ohh my god that cazzo did not see what was coming next, Cassandra literally smashed the whiskey glass in hand to the man's face. He instantly touched his face and started to yell in pain.

(cazzo= Fucker)

Then suddenly I saw two men coming towards the girls and they were scary as hell. The entire dance floor was still and here our lover-boy Ryan ran towards Cassie like Flash and grabbed her hand and started to pull her towards the exit but the adamant girl literally took another glass from the waiter nearby and aimed it towards the man's face who was already in pain. He falls down on his knees and starts to scream in agony.

And finally, Avery started to kick in the man's gut and that to, too hard as tough Ryan was kicking a goal. Next, I see Cole trying to drag Avery away from that poor fellow "Come on vas a matar a esa pobre alma" yeah Cole is from Spain and speaks Spanish. But no I can't translate what he meant.

(vas a matar a esa pobre alma = you are going to kill the poor soul)

There once again was a blast, with a tall, muscular man with a man bun pointing a gun towards Cassie, and that girl literally shouted "You mother-fucker, you and your friend of you can find a room and fuck each other but before that get the hell out of my sight. And that gun I am sure is not even loaded like your small brain."

And I knew the matter was getting out of hand because that guy came towards Cassie but Ryan pulled her behind his back and literally got punched in his face. And here Luke went and dragged Chole in a jiffy and was standing next to us.

I literally didn't know if I should laugh at the situation or rescue them. But finally, Ryan was pulled away from Cassie and thrown to the ground by another man. The tall person with a man bun once again spoke to Cassie "Listen girl I will spare your life if you beg me and my friends in front of the entire crowd on legs and well then be a good girl and come with us." Ok, now I know I should not laugh but go to her rescue.

I and Aiden both made our way towards Cassie and Hazel and stopped at Hazel to drag her back but my sassy girl had to open her mouth to make things difficult "Ohh hell yes I am sure you will be asking for my forgiveness on your legs and will follow your ass to the police station just like your friend over here will be doing in the next few minutes." She said kicking that poor fellow on the floor.

Done, she wrote her death sentence and I moved towards her and both the men moved towards her but the sassiness of Cassie got me once again. She literally took the entire plate from the waiter next to her and started to throw the glasses towards the men and when one of them finally reached her with great difficulty she banged his head with the same plate the waiter was serving drinks with a boom he falls to the ground with his head bleeding.

The other guy could not even think before Avery came there and started to use pepper spray on his face. He literally sat on the floor and started to say sorry. And the hot head girl once again had to open her mouth "Now you listen to me idiots, I am Cassandra Knight and getting on to my nerves will be the biggest mistake of your life and" I had enough of her sassiness for a day and tried to drag her but she won't even bulge but was only cursing them.

I then huffed and picked her up and she was on my shoulder still shouting. I walked out of the club with all the eyes on us, towards the parking and dropped her to the ground but no she did not shut up. Finally, I gave a hard look by pulling her face towards me with one hand and looked into her eyes with a stern glare, with a spank on her bum which finally shut her up.

The gang came to us and I see Cassie so quiet as though she was standing there like an innocent baby without any mistake, but we all know the truth. I guess everyone was fine except the punctured face of Ryan. Without a word, Aiden dragged Cassie and Hazel followed them to the car and Aiden locked them in the car.

Later he made his way towards me and said me to take care of the mess and apologized to all and drove off. After cleaning the mess that sassy girl had done I went to my penthouse and started the shower and went to bed later with her thoughts killing me.
