Chapter 9 Thunder

Vincent's pov

"Listen Vincent whatever you were telling we do indeed understand, but my child it's just a phase, that would evenly pass down and you have to let go of it or in better words let go of her. Everyone, including us, went through that phase and we know it never lasts long" Amara told with anticipation in her eyes.

"Listen to the boy first Mom and Dad and I do hope there won't be a need for rejection" Dad supported me.

"There is nothing to listen or hear when there is clearly a ring missing from her hand" Penelope told us and eyed Cassandra for a second but averted her eye towards me. I let it slide down and said "Just give me a chance to explain."

"No Vincent, Penelope is right and we don't see any ring so whatever you say just has to stop" Carter told. I was frustrated about their ring matter and what's up with their ring can't they just see Hazel's hand? So I dragged Hazel from her seating position, who had tears in her eyes towards me and said "See the ring for yourself" I seethed with anger and yelled at them.

"Decisione sbagliata figlio mio. Lei non e quell che fa per te'' Alessandro told me. What the hell is this man even talking about and what does he even mean by 'she is not the one.'

{decisione sbagliata figlio mio. Lei non e quell che fa per te = wrong decision my child. she is not the one for you.}

I was burning with anger so much that I shouted "What do you even mean by that? And how dare you decide what's right and what's wrong for me? Se non e lei, allora chi e? everyone stood up shocked.

{Se non e lei, allora chi e = if she is not the one, then who is it}

"Don't you dare raise your voice against me Vincent, when I tell you she is not the one then she is not the one, you don't have any right to question me" Alessandro said pointing towards Haze who is literally crying next to me.

"Allora chi e?" Nick questioned him, furious about the turn of events and anger was dripping in each of his words.

{allora chi e = then who is it}

"Scusa figlio mio, non e Hazel ma lei" Amara pointed towards Cassandra with her finger.

None from the Lorenzo family understood the words being exchanged so they were all quiet. But turmoil was brewing within me thinking about what they were saying. They are talking as if they have lost their mind and thinking abilities. I see Mom and Dad tensed and worried.

"Ma come poi fare questo a loro?" Nick yelled pointing towards Cassandra and Hazel.

{ma come poi fare questo a loro = but how can you do this to them}

"Yes Dad whatever you are doing is not right you guys are playing with three lives here, which I totally do not agree and moreover they are sorelle" Dad tried to calm the situation but I just felt the world beneath me was snatched away from me in a jiffy. The feeling was indescribable as though the entire air in your lungs is pulled out and I am out of breath. I just went and took my seat with heavy steps and I did stumble towards Cassandra and she tried to help me but I refused her help showing her my hand to tell her to stop.

{sorelle = sisters}

"Will you guys be kind enough to translate whatever you are talking to English, I am sure except for your family none of us understood" Aiden accusingly pointed a finger towards Alessandro.

"Yeah about that, Carter would care to explain it to them?" Amara told with worry in her voice. I and my grandparents did not have a good rappo, but this piece of information was too much for me to handle, let even for my worst enemies.

"Before I start to explain things I do hope you all please be seated" but counterpart Carter and Penelope stood up.

"Actually when I started the business with Alessandro we made up a pact to continue this business for generations and to do so there must be a tying bind, so we can always be together."

"And how does any of this make sense to Hazel and Vincent's marriage?" Andrew, Cassandra's dad asked.

"Wait till I finish and stop interrupting me, will you." Carter shouted.

"Enough of it, please come to the point here, I am really scared here, it's about my daughter's lives you are discussing here" Aurora, Cassandra's mom raised her voice.

"As I was talking about the binding force we thought of a marriage pact between both the families and stated that at a suitable age, both family bearers will get married, in the sense future generation people from our families will get married."

"What the hell and in which era do you guys even live with arranged marriages and all" Aiden yelled at them.

"Listen to me children this would not have come up to you guys if that whore of your aunt did not run away with the shoe-polisher boyfriend of hers" Penelope tried to calm the tension but terribly failed when Andrew put a stop to her. "Mom please from where did Nina come into the picture, you accused her and killed her."

"Please my child I didn't kill her, she was a whore and when the truth came out she could not bear the shame and killed herself" Amar said with anger evident in her eyes.

"Enough of her for now and coming to the point as the contract mentions about future generations getting married we had planned Nina and Mateo's marriage but that bitch at the age of 17 got pregnant with a shoe polisher's child and ran away from home carrying precious jewellery and money with her. But cruel fate played its game and that shoe polisher died in a car accident 10 years after having their first child" Penelope said.

"Ok, we all don't need the details of who are dead. Since the contract could not take place between them it has now come to your head so you guys have to bear with it, if not Both the companies will go to its second-largest shareholders in the company and you guys will all fall to the ground with not even a penny in hand" Alessandro said.

"So? That's what is going to happen na? Vincent and Hazel. Why are you guys making a mess of it" Cassandra spoke for the first time since the drama took place.

"My foolish child, how can it be Hazel? She is not even a Knight?" Penelope shouted and came towards her and took a hold of her chin in her hand and told "My sweet granddaughter I did not see you for 5 years and here you already lost your mind and are ready to let go of your things to that poor, orphan girl? Listen my child she is Hazel Ashford and you are a Knight, Cassandra Knight. The truthful owner of the position of Mrs. Lorenzo will be yours." Like grandma, like granddaughter, why can't they both see Hazel as a girl, why do they have to torment her each and every time?

"What do you even mean grandma?" she stood up shocked to the core.

"Cassandra I have planned your wedding with the prince you always wanted and I present to you, your prince Vincent Lorenzo. As I used to tell you when you were small, he is your prince who will sweep you off your feet and make you his queen and show you what love is and he ..."

"Enough of this nonsense what makes you think he is my prince charming, ohh forget that, you told me that when I was 5 years and come out of your delusional world is he, not my prince charming but of Hazel'' she yelled at the top of her voice but next minute she was hissing in pain and I looked at the scene in front me by finally lifting my head. Penelope's fingers were pricking Cassandra's chin and it was causing her pain "I never knew you are such a fool."

"Enough of the violence Penelope leave her at once" roared Carter's voice.

"What even makes you think I will agree to this loveless marriage, when it's clear Vincent loves HAZEL and not ME" Cassandra asked stressing the words Hazel and me.

"Even if you don't agree my child, I will lock you in a tower and drag you to the alter myself on the wedding day and I will make you say yes because I am not ready to lose our companies to the Wesley family who will destroy our companies" Carter said.

"And don't worry your wedding is scheduled in the next three months and the engagement party is next week" Amara said with a smirk and here I see Cassie falling to the ground and Aiden leaned to support her and squatted next to her and tried to console her.

"NO NO this is not happening" Cassandra said and started to run out and Aiden followed her suit.

"Until the engagement all four of us will be staying in the city in sunside mansion and if you want the copy of the contract take this" Alessandro said and threw a file on the table and the four of them left. Her Dad was shocked and made his way towards me and patted my back. Hazel went to Mr. and Mrs. Knight and started to cry out very badly, but even they were out of words to comfort her.
