Chapter 9: Julie’s Day

As I hummed to the beat of my music I cleaned 4 offices on the second floor. I used the elevator to the first floor and started to zip on my janitorial uniform, popped in my earbuds, and clicked ‘play music’ on my phone. I placed my phone onto the cleaning cart and started cruising through the halls of the museum.

I clean the artifact’s rooms.

I hope the babysitter gave Lucas his medicine before bed. He really needs it in order to get a decent amount of sleep for school tomorrow. I am finally almost done with my shift. I have one more room left.

I shove the cart into the room, feeling pumped to finish. I take one step into the room and my music starts to glitch on and off. I look at my phone and it is shutting off and on continuously. I sighed, pulled out my ear buds, and shut my phone off as I said under my breath, “ Just my luck.”

As I put my phone into my pocket I squinted at a bright red light that's shining in a dark corner on the floor.