My heart and life are not that cheap, it's true that my heart is 88% non-functional but I won't let it become 100%.
"Come Venuszirad!!"
I brought out Venuszirad from behind the dimension [Void: Fies Aegis Jabania] and displayed 20 percent of its power in front of the 7 great sins.
I swept all attacks made with Venuszirad's sword into nothing in front of him.
"Hey-hey, that's all you're being arrogant about. Look at this."
Ingvil Latia she made her attack on me and focused all the swords she released towards me.
Sitri was behind my blind spot to penetrate my body using attacks taken by her with manipulation actions, I used barrier magic [Teo Venor] to trick her.
"Yuuki Hito!! Where are you looking!!?"