Chapter 84 Sharingan Hax

[Parallel World: Uchiha Madara's World Power Display Completed]

[Comprehensive final national strength score: 735 points]

Everyone was taken aback when they saw Uchiha Madara's impressive final score of 735 points. It was quite unexpected for a newcomer to achieve such a high ranking. Despite the surprise, it wasn't particularly shocking since even Ryan's score from the previous meeting had already surpassed it. Nonetheless, it was still an outstanding achievement.

As the second place remained unclaimed, the First Hokage and others were preparing themselves. They stared intently at the light curtain in front of them, waiting eagerly for the results. The first and second places were no longer relevant, leaving only the third place up for grabs. After six months of hard work, this was the moment they had all been working towards.

As the characters on the light curtain continued to change, it didn't take long for the third-place winner to be revealed. The selection was completed, and the announcement came through.

[Selection completed!]

[Third Place: Second Hokage Senju Tobirama World!]

"Hahaha! Fantastic! It's me!" Tobirama exclaimed with delight. "I apologize, big brother!" he added, acknowledging the surprise of his victory.

After returning from the third meeting, Tobirama had dedicated himself to hard work for the past six months. He refused to pause or rest, constantly striving to catch up with his big brother.

To his amazement, his efforts paid off, and he managed to surpass Hashirama, who had secured second place in the previous meeting, as well as Obito, who had come in third. Both Hashirama and Obito wore frowns, clearly not expecting Tobirama's remarkable achievement.

[Would you like to display your national power?]

"Display it!" Tobirama eagerly responded. With that, his half-year experience and progress were showcased on the light curtain. Hashirama and Obito watched intently, curious to see what Tobirama had accomplished in such a short time to surpass them.

The display revealed that after the third meeting, Tobirama realized that he couldn't afford to waste all his time on research alone. He understood the importance of developing Konoha's national power as quickly as possible.

Focusing on the guaranteed reward, the Marine Six Styles, he recognized that the essence of this practice was to cultivate more power. Determined to make a difference, Tobirama decided to teach the technique to Uchiha Kagami and popularize it in ninja schools.

"With the help of Uchiha Kagami," the display continued, "a significant number of elite ninjas have been trained in the Marine Six Styles. Konoha's strength has improved greatly."

Everyone froze in disbelief upon witnessing the significant improvement in Konoha's strength. No one had anticipated that the Marine Six Styles would yield such remarkable results. Hashirama and Obito were also left puzzled and frustrated, wondering why they hadn't chosen this technique earlier.

But Tobirama's actions didn't end there. The display revealed that during the third meeting, Tobirama had recorded how Ryan dealt with the problems of each clan.

Within a month, Tobirama used his resolute methods to integrate the Uchiha and Hyuga clans into Konoha, making them an integral part of the village.

Realizing the need to further strengthen the nation's power, Tobirama shifted his focus to the surrounding small countries in the second month.

He ordered the army to launch attacks on these nations. By the end of that month, the Kingdom of Grass fell, and Konoha began to take control. To prevent any potential rebellion, Tobirama dispersed the residents of the Kingdom of Grass throughout various locations in Konoha. Simultaneously, a group of Konoha residents settled in the conquered territory.

"All the ninjas of Grass Village were disbanded and assigned to different ninja teams in Konoha," the display explained. "Facing the rebellion in the Kingdom of Grass, you employed iron and blood methods to suppress it forcefully. All rebels were executed, ensuring the land of Grass would not dare to rebel again."

Hashirama couldn't help but be taken aback by the merciless tactics displayed by Tobirama. It was a stark contrast to Ryan's approach, and the severity of Tobirama's methods was hard for Hashirama to accept. However, Uchiha Madara, on the other hand, recognized the effectiveness of Tobirama's approach.

"Hashirama, you need to understand that only by instilling complete fear in these people can we stabilize the territories we have just won. If Tobirama wishes to continue the fight, he must employ these methods; otherwise, he may be delayed for a long time while dealing with the affairs of the Country of Grass."

This is how the law works. The morally higher ground can judge and sentence you to the afterlife.

Upon hearing Uchiha Madara's words, Hashirama nodded reluctantly. Seeing this, Tobirama let out a long sigh of relief. Ryan, standing nearby, also observed the interaction between Hashirama and Madara with keen interest. It seems Ashura will always listen to Indra somehow.

"In the third month," the display continued, "you led an army from the Country of Grass and successfully conquered the Country of Taki. You used the same methods to temporarily stabilize the rule of the Country of Hot Springs."

"In the fourth month, you dispatched troops to the Land of Uzumaki and the Land of Bear. Bear faced Konoha's army and was captured without any resistance. Uzumaki agreed to the merger when you told them about your plan."

"In the fifth month, you sent Uchiha Kagami to lead the army to the Country of Birds, while you personally led the army to the Country of Rain."

"In the sixth month, after a month of intense battles, the strongest country of the rain was completely defeated under your leadership. Uchiha Kagami also brought good news from the other side."

As the scene slowly faded, everyone snapped back to reality. Nobody had expected Tobirama to be so ruthless, employing brutal methods like Tandem paper bombs and Reanimation Jutsu to conquer the small countries bordering Konoha's lands. Almost all of the neighbouring territories had been occupied, with only a few small countries remaining to the north of the Kingdom of Fire.

It became clear to everyone why Tobirama had rushed to secure the second position. Such bloody methods were bound to yield results.

[Second Hokage Senju Tobirama's world national strength is displayed.]

[Comprehensive final national strength score: 717 points]

Upon seeing the final scores, Tobirama couldn't help but feel frustrated. If he had been a bit faster, he could have conquered several small countries to the north and secured second place. Regret filled Tobirama's thoughts for a moment.

The display moved on to reveal the remaining worlds. Fourth place was announced: "First Hokage Senju Hashirama World." Hashirama, seeing his placement in fourth, displayed a sense of helplessness.

"After returning to the world," the display continued, "you integrated the rewards issued by the chat group and began familiarizing yourself with the powers of Byakugan and Sharingan."

"The following day, you summoned Senju Tobirama to discuss the matter of attacking the surrounding small countries."

"Under your command, Konoha started sending troops to the neighbouring small countries."

"After six months, you successfully conquered the Land of River, the Land of Rain, the Land of Grass, and the Land of Hot Springs!"

"With Tobirama's assistance, Konoha's army began to recuperate, while Tobirama busied himself with absorbing the territories of the four countries."

As Hashirama's world was revealed, everyone realized that, just as they had observed Ryan's actions in the previous meeting, they had followed suit upon returning to their own worlds. Even the First Hokage was no exception. Soon, Hashirama's world score was displayed.

[First Hokage Senju Hashirama's world power is displayed.]

[Comprehensive final national strength score: 675 points.]

"Who would have expected such a significant difference?" Hashirama mused, his brows furrowing. Clearly, the small countries he had defeated had lost almost as much as those conquered by the Second Hokage Tobirama. Yet, there was a difference of nearly 50 points in their scores.

Hashirama's gaze eventually settled on the Marine Six Styles. A technique that could increase Konoha's national strength by nearly 50 points, or even more. He could only sigh helplessly, regretting not choosing this technique in the previous meeting. However, he hoped that the rewards from the chat group this time would be even better.

Amidst everyone's gaze, the fifth place appeared on the light curtain—Uchiha Obito, the Sixth Hokage. Obito decided to display his national strength without hesitation. Before doing so, his eyes lingered on Uchiha Madara. Experiencing the Hokage meeting for the first time and witnessing himself being transported from one place to another.

Obito the owner of Kamui couldn't come back in this space again. Obito fully learned the magic of the chat group.

[Having consumed the Senzu beans for the first time, the old wounds on your body and your disfigured face instantly healed, and even your Sharingan was restored.

Feeling exhilarated by this miraculous recovery, you began discussing with Kakashi the possibility of sending troops to the surrounding small countries. Before long, Kakashi was convinced by your arguments, and Konoha's army initiated an attack on the neighbouring nations.

Within the first month, you successfully conquered one of the countries.

In the second month, you personally led the charge and captured the Kingdom of Rain.

By the third month, after extensively using your Sharingan, you felt a slight depletion in your ocular power and promptly consumed another celestial bean.

You soon discovered that the Senzu beans not only healed injuries but also optimized the body's condition to its peak state.

Recalling the description of the Sharingan you had seen on the family clan's stone tablet, you realized that above the Mangekyo, there was an eye that could perceive all without fail—the Sharingan that never lost its sight.]

[Observing the Senzu beans in your hand, a daring idea struck you.

As Obito stared in astonishment at the sight of himself on the screen, it became evident that he can't hide anything from chat group.

Even those present in the room understood what was going through Obito's mind.

At that moment, furrowed brows were shared by everyone in attendance.

Before anyone could voice their thoughts, a scene unfolded that would forever be etched in their memories.

"Damn, this kid is a monster!"