Chapter 89

Upon hearing Ryan's calling his name, Kakashi and the others were taken aback. However, as they observed the Wood Style of the First Hokage, the techniques of the Second Hokage, and the Flying Thunder God of the Fourth Hokage, they confirmed in their hearts that these were indeed the previous Hokages of the village.

Kakashi hesitated for a moment before approaching Ryan, noticing that Ryan was also wearing the Fourth Hokage's royal robe. Kakashi struggled to find the right words, but finally managed to say, "Fourth Hokage."

"Kakashi, these two old guys are now your responsibility," Ryan commanded. "Bring them and the evidence with you and present it to the entire village!"

Faced with Ryan's order, Kakashi was torn between executing it and refusing. However, as he glanced at Obito standing nearby, Obito nodded in agreement. Encouraged by this, Kakashi swiftly escorted Utahane and Koharu away while collecting the evidence from the ground.

With Kakashi gone, the crowd once again gathered around Hiruzen and Danzo. Sarutobi Hiruzen, feeling the weight of the crowd's gaze, began to sweat nervously.

The thought of being tortured and killed crossed his mind, prompting him to hastily speak out, "Hokages and esteemed teacher, I, Sarutobi Hiruzen, vouch for myself! While I may not have achieved great accomplishments for Konoha, I have tirelessly worked to develop our village into the greatest ninja force in the world. Please do not dismiss everything I have done because of my past mistakes."

As Hiruzen spoke, wiping away tears of remorse, he portrayed himself as someone genuinely dedicated to the well-being of Konoha. Ryan and the others observed quietly, curious to see what other surprising revelations Hiruzen might offer.

Realizing that Ryan and the others had no immediate intention to take action, Hiruzen believed it would be beneficial to further display his desperation. He intensified his words, saying, "First Hokage, teacher, and Tsunade, I initially conducted experiments on the members of the Senju clan, hoping to cultivate powerful ninjas with Wood Style for the glory of Konoha."

"I wanted to restore the Senju clan to its former grandeur, following the legacy of the First Hokage. Although my efforts ultimately failed, I couldn't bring myself to exterminate your family, teacher. I halted the experiments in due time. I genuinely acted in the best interest of Konoha!"

Listening to Sarutobi Hiruzen's audacious explanation, despite his mistakes, his devotion to Konoha seemed genuine. The veins on the foreheads of the First Hokage Hashirama and the Second Hokage Tobirama visibly bulged, revealing their anger. This revelation felt like a betrayal, opening everyone's eyes to the truth.

Before Sarutobi Hiruzen could continue, Tobirama swiftly performed hand seals and unleashed a torrent of water toward him.

"Water Style: Water Severing Wave!"

The high-pressure water struck Hiruzen's arm, slicing through it effortlessly. Witnessing this, Hashirama wasted no time. He clapped his hands together and summoned a small red torii gate from the sky. Roshomon's ability exerted intense pressure, sealing Sarutobi Hiruzen's chakra and rendering him unable to use the Body Replacement Technique to escape.

Helpless and pinned to the ground, Sarutobi Hiruzen struggled for breath. Tobirama, after taking a deep look at the aging Hiruzen, remained silent.

In an instant, he unleashed another high-pressure water column that pierced Hiruzen's head, ending his life. It could be seen as a final act of mercy from the teacher to his disciple.

With Hiruzen dealt with, only Danzo remained. Compared to Hiruzen, Danzo displayed more resilience. Without hesitation, he removed the seal on his right hand, revealing Hashirama's cell arm and a Sharingan arm.

The sight of Hashirama's face on Danzo's arm ignited Madara's rage. Hashirama was someone dear to Madara, and the idea of him being studied and incorporated into Danzo's body was unacceptable.

In an instant, Madara's Sharingan transformed into Mangekyou Sharingan. He materialized in front of Danzo, seizing his neck, and fixed his scarlet eyes on Danzo's arm. With a threatening tone, Madara asked, "How do you wish to die?"

Caught off guard, Danzo hadn't even had a chance to react yet.

Just as Madara caught him like a helpless insect, Danzo found himself facing Madara's furious inquiry. However, Danzo was far from polite in return.

In an instant, he unleashed a stream of vacuum blades from his mouth. "Snort!" In response, Madara threw Danzo into the air, summoning two Susano swords—one on the left and the other on the right. With Danzo suspended in the air, Madara aimed the swords at him, ready to strike.

"Pfft!" The speed was so astonishingly fast that Danzo had no chance to resist. With a swift motion of the swords, Danzo was sliced in half.

But Madara didn't stop there. He commanded Susano to slash at another location. "Pfft!" The blades flashed, accompanied by a burst of illusion, revealing Danzo's astonished figure. "Snort! The abilities of the Uchiha clan are not something a foreigner like you can use!"

After uttering those words, Madara slashed in another direction again. With one swing of his knife, both swords struck Danzo as he reappeared, having cheated death again.

As Shisui's eyes also lost their light, Danzo gazed at the chakra light blade piercing his body. In the end, he took his last breath. Madara's anger still raged, and he set Danzo's upper body ablaze to prevent anyone from meddling further with Hashirama's cells.

After completing these actions, Kakashi finally comprehended everything that Obito had explained.

On the side, Guy and the others couldn't help but marvel at the spectacle. "Obito, congratulations on becoming a Hokage in your world! Your dream has come true!" Kakashi congratulated.

In response, Obito smiled and teasingly replied, "You're welcome; in my world, you nag me every day!"

Laughter filled the air. "Hahaha, let's go; everything is settled, and it's time for the final decision," Obito declared.

With that, he led Kakashi and the other Jōnnin to join Ryan and the rest. "So, everyone, what are your thoughts on the candidates for Hokage in this world?" Ryan asked, prompting deep contemplation within the crowd. The main issue was that most of the strong individuals in this world had either been killed or had left the village, leaving a significant void in strength.

Ryan's gaze fell upon Kakashi in response. "I propose that Kakashi becomes the Fifth Hokage in this world. Does anyone have any objections?"

All eyes turned to Kakashi of this world. Naturally, Obito was the first to agree with Ryan's proposal.

Ryan also noted the presence of two Tsunades in the chat group, making it difficult to distinguish between them.

Additionally, Kakashi's talent was undoubtedly top-tier. If not for the successive blows he had suffered—the death of his father, Rin, Obito, and the Fourth Hokage—leading him to enter a state of depression, Kakashi's strength would undoubtedly be exceptional, surpassing the majority of others.

"Very well then!" Ryan exclaimed. "I agree with Kakashi becoming the Fifth Hokage. Please raise your hand if you support this!"

As Ryan spoke, the First Hokage and others couldn't help but exchange glances. They looked at Kakashi, then at the other individuals in Konoha Village, realizing that no one was more suitable than Kakashi at present. Everyone raised their hands in agreement, resulting in a unanimous vote.

"Good! It is decided. Kakashi will be the new Hokage of this world!" Ryan announced. Soon, everyone reached a decision. Although Kakashi couldn't refute it, he was thrust directly into the position of Hokage. As for any objections in the village, they were likely silenced and sent to the death forest as sustenance.

With all the Hokages serving as witnesses, Kakashi officially became the Fifth Hokage of Konoha Village. Furthermore, with Obito's guidance by his side, Kakashi swiftly reignited his fighting spirit. Observing this, Obito smiled with relief. "Then, Kakashi, work hard to develop Konoha in this world. Don't let me surpass you," he said, bidding farewell to Kakashi and returning to the chat group with Ryan and the others.

Shortly after everyone left, Kakashi heard a prompt sound in his mind.

[Ding! You have joined the Konoha Hokage chat group. Please continue to participate in the Hokage meeting on behalf of the world!]

Upon hearing the beep, Kakashi realized that it was the Hokage chat group Obito had mentioned. Without hesitation, Kakashi opted in, and instantly, colorful rays of light enveloped him.