Chapter 114

[Ding! The number of members in the chat group has exceeded 10 members.]

[Activating the Multiversal Travel Function!]

At the sound of this familiar Ding sound of notification. A wave of wonder washed over those present, followed instantly by a surge of excitement.

"Has the Multiversal Travel function been activated?"

"So now, we can travel to other worlds?"

At this very moment, a group of battle-hungry people like Madara and Sasuke, known for their combat prowess, felt a sudden rush of thrill.

As thoughts of encountering powerful beings from alternate worlds filled their minds, they struggled to contain their enthusiasm.

"Let's not get too carried away."

"Activating the Multiverse travel function brings not only adventure and rewards but also a lot of dangers."

"What if the world we stumble upon is too powerful?"

Ryan's deliberate words quelled their excitement, and a sense of sobriety swiftly took hold. In an instant, the stakes became crystal clear, fortifying their initial joy.

Yet, their happiness remained, a gnawing anticipation of diving headlong into the unknown and facing worlds beyond imagination.

Just as the group settled into a contemplative silence, the chat group's notification tone chimed once more.

[Each meeting will unlock a new world.

[And unveil the world's mission; once the mission is fully accomplished, bountiful new items and new knowledge await you.]

[Items acquired in otherworlds can also be traded for points ]

[Throughout your missions, your worlds will remain static in time. Patiently awaiting your return upon mission completion.]

[Note: In the event of death Hokage during a multiverse mission, not only will the world be lost and will be irreplaceably destroyed! The Multiverse function will be permanently lost if the first mission fails.]

As they absorbed the supplementary information provided by the chat group, a hush descended. The actuality of the Multiversal travel functions and potential risks held everyone spellbound.

Most notably, the gravity of death loomed large over them. The world's irreplaceable loss echoed, impacting even further.

A world, one of only eleven in the chat group. A mere two deaths would forever thwart the reactivation of Multiversal Travel.

At this juncture, an intangible pressure settled upon each individual, stifling their excitement instantly. Even Madara, previously jubilant about Otherworld exploration was now shrouded in silence.

Amid this palpable tension, Ryan broke the silence, "So, what are your thoughts?" Confronted with this weighty predicament, the group found themselves entwined in introspection.

An expectant pause ensued and a heavy silence reigned supreme.

Eventually, a smile graced Ryan's face, and with fervent eyes, he spoke, "My friends, isn't the ninja world too limited? Ponder this—why have we gathered here?"

"With our current prowess, can the ninja realm truly encompass our ambitions? Moreover, crises beyond our world looming on the horizon, threats from extraterrestrial entities who can absorb chakra!"

"Should we persist down the path of Shinobi, our growth will scarcely surpass the rewards of a second-tier world!"

"Remember this vital truth, marking our battles into the Multiverse. The chat group will not allow us to meet our demise so easily!"

Ryan's words resonated through the room, prompting each individual to return to their senses, one after another gradually.

Recollections of Ryan's speech upon my induction into the group surged forth, "The true peril in the ninja world emanates from outsiders beyond the stars in the night sky – namely, the Otsutsuki clan. The members of Chat Group are who could ascend to the mantle of Hokage are we devoid of unwavering fortitude?"

At that precise juncture, Second Generation Tobirama interjected abruptly, "We are shinobi we walk on the edge of death for the people we protect."

A momentary hush fell upon the assembly. A spark of enlightenment kindled within each pair of eyes. Indeed, Is not the ninja's profession synonymous with walking with Death?

A daily tryst with danger. And yet they transcend mere practitioners of ninjutsu! They are now Konoha's Hokage!

As the Hokage, The flame of the "Will of Fire" was indelibly etched into the collective mentality.

"When the tree leaves dance, One shall find flames.

The fire's shadow will illuminate the village,

And once again, tree leaves shall bud anew."

In that very instant, unanimity birthed a swift decision.

As a harmonious chorus filled the air. "Initiate the mission!" 

Once again, the distinct chime of the notification echoed within the conference space.

[Ding! The Multiversal Travel Mission is selected!]

[Selecting a new world and new missions!]

At this critical moment. All lingering hesitation dissipated. And in the face of the dangers of otherworlds? Eleven Hokages stood united here!

Given the activation of this functionality within the chat group. A rational refusal became untenable. While the Otherworld might harbour impending danger. Yet within perils lie vast opportunities!

Before long, the first Otherworld awaited their exploration.

*[Ding! The world selection process is complete!]*

*[Otherworld: The world of One Piece]*

"One Piece?"

"What kind of world is this?"

"It holds a certain familiarity!"

As they gazed upon the designated Otherworld, a perplexed expression crossed the faces of everyone present. Yet, an undercurrent of recognition lingered.

Ryan stepped forward to provide elucidation: "The Devil Fruits you ate and the training method of the Marine Six Styles. All these rewards were from this world!"

"We are quite lucky; our strength is more than sufficient to complete any mission!"

Upon hearing this, a collective sigh of relief swept through the group.

At that very moment, the distinctive notification tone resonated once more within the chat group.

*[Missions in the one piece world!]*

*[Objective 1: Defeat the straw hat pirates]*

*[Objective 2: Journey to Raftel to seize the luck of the Pirate World]*

*[Objective 3: Obliterate Pangea castle and plunder its wealth accumulated over 800 years]*

As the group perused the posted objectives. Ryan's countenance subtly shifted.

Indeed, these tasks were nothing short of fearless. Each one is more formidable than the last.

The initial directive to defeat the Straw Hat Pirates already stood as a remarkable challenge. Especially considering their unforeseen alignment as antagonists this time. 

The second task demanded a confrontation with the very embodiment of fortune in this world. An endeavour akin to seeking the pinnacle of the one piece and akin to aspiring to become the Pirate King.

And as for the third, a feat of even greater complexity. Featuring an ancient behemoth. And the veiled might of the World Government. Who could know the number of enemies lurking within Pangea Castle?

Surveying these three formidable missions. Ryan understood the gravity of their problem. Realizing that by entering this world, they had inadvertently cast themselves as adversaries of the entire world.

Such a mission was not entrusted lightly.

"Before embarking on this mission. Let us first familiarize ourselves with the information we have on the Pirate World!"

As Ryan spoke, a hush descended upon the gathered crowd.

Every word he uttered was absorbed with rapt attention. They were gradually disclosed to the historical tapestry of this otherworld. Hashirama and other members exchanged concerned glances, "The worldview of this world is somewhat distorted even more extreme than ours. Few people who are submerged in all of the luxuries of the world and do the most crimes are viewed as gods."

"A disheartening reality indeed!"

An eagerness to set sail and embrace piracy seemed rampant. The Marines had become pawns of the World Government. And the World Government, in turn, was subservient to the Celestial Dragons.

The world's humans and all other races were subject to exploitation.

Powerless people were pillaged, murdered, and plundered by stronger ones. As the comprehension of this world unfolded before them. Ryan rose from his seat.

"And now, my friends, let us set forth!"